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macrumors newbie
Mar 20, 2022
I made the decision to install OpenBSD 6.9, using a 16GB USB (2.0) flash drive, on my iMac G3/600 (slot-loader). Mostly disappointed by the lack of detailed instructions around the web, for how iMac G3 owners (specifically) can boot off of a USB flash drive, especially when I know that any Mac user with a busted optical drive would probably just get rid of their old slot-loading Mac, I just thought I'd share the process I used, which also includes instructions on how to upgrade to OpenBSD 7.0, and then to OpenBSD 7.1, in that order, without the need to burn additional installation images separately to USB flash drives.

Action Retro, on YouTube, uploaded a video a while back, showing his own installation process for installing OpenBSD. But I just think he skipped some otherwise useful details that I would've preferred he'd left in. Additionally, he was lucky enough to still have a functioning optical drive and burned the .iso to CD. Unfortunately for me, and I'm just as sure as for many/any other slot-loading Mac owners out there, I don't have that luxury.

I used 'dd' on my Linux machine to actually burn the .iso image ('install69.iso'), because the iMac's optical drive is dead. I can't explain why 'dd' on Linux results in a USB flash drive that is actually bootable... but, when i tried creating the flash drive on my Windows machine, using either RUFUS or Balena Etcher, using the same OpenBSD .iso image, it didn't work. That is to say that my iMac's Open Firmware can't seem to recognize the resulting flash drive. I'm guessing that this has something to do with the file system in which the .iso image was originally created. This is very strange to me, since I was actually able to use those Windows programs to successfully burn a bootable Debian Sid .iso image. But I digress.

Bottom line: However you choose to burn your downloaded .iso installation image to USB, may still involve multiple tries in getting it to boot, even if you know you've burned it correctly. More on that, later.


First, i inserted the USB flash drive into my Linux machine, then made sure it was unmounted
sudo umount /dev/sd*
... where "*" is where the USB flash drive is actually located.

Then to actually burn the .iso image:
sudo dd if=/path/to/install##.iso of=/dev/sd* bs=1M
...where "##" is the version number of the OpenBSD install image.

To boot off the flash drive on my iMac G3, I had to boot into Open Firmware:
  1. While powering-on, hold: Command+Option+O+F.
  2. Continue holding until reaching the white screen that contains the message, saying that it is okay to let go of those keys.
  3. Insert the freshly-burned USB flash drive directly into the bottom USB port. In my case, my iMac G3 has only 2 USB ports. Normally, this would be one USB port for the keyboard and one USB port for the mouse (if the USB keyboard didn't have a USB pass-through port included). To make my life simple, what I ended up doing was to get a separate, cheap, external USB hub to connect my mouse and keyboard to the top USB port.
  4. In Open Firmware, i found that the bottom USB port is designated by the system as 'usb0', while the top USB port was designated as 'usb1'.
Once the USB flash drive was inserted in the bottom USB port, i typed the following commands:
setenv boot-device hd:,ofwboot
boot usb0/disk:,ofwboot /6.9/macppc/bsd.rd

One thing I should mention is that, if for whatever reason the attempt to boot off the flash drive fails, at least on my iMac G3, I found that I actually have to RESTART the whole computer and reboot back into Open Firmware to try again. It is very annoying, to say the least, but it works. But this is ONLY if I know for a fact that the .ISO image was first verified (via 'signify') and, of course, burned properly.

Once I got to the part of the installation process that says that it was time to 'install the sets'. I had to specify that I wanted to install from the 'disk', rather than 'cd0'. When it asked me if the disk was mounted, i input 'n' for 'no'. This allowed me to specify the flash drive ('sd0') as the device location where the 'sets' for installation were actually located, and thereby continue with the installation. Note that, after specifying the USB flash drive's device location, the path ultimately still ended in '/6.9/macppc/'.

Immediately after post-install, I actually had to reboot, back into the Open Firmware prompt, and tell the system to set the hard drive as the startup device:

setenv boot-device hd:,ofwboot

Once I powered-on again, I installed the 'nano' text editor, because that's what I'm most familiar with, and I don't really like 'pico'. And then I also added 'wget', just in case I needed to download something off the web, using a direct download link, later on.

pkg_add nano wget

Then, I used 'nano' to edit the 'doas' configuration file to let me actually use 'doas'.
nano /etc/doas.conf

Added the line:
permit: wheel
... then CTRL+X to exit, and then SAVE.

From this point, I was able to upgrade to OpenBSD 7.0 and then subsequently to 7.1, without having to burn any .iso image for either of them. All I had to do was:
doas su

The above command automatically downloaded everything needed, for upgrading the installation of OpenBSD 6.9 to 7.0. After it restarted (also automatically), I was brought to the log-in prompt. I then repeated the process, one final time, to upgrade to OpenBSD 7.1:
doas su

And that is where I am, at the moment.

I have not installed an xorg.conf file just yet, but I already know that I will eventually need to either create one from scratch, or download it from a website. That's why I chose to install the 'wget' program, earlier on. Once I have the default GUI working (ie. 'xenodm'), I can then try fooling around with another environment like 'XFCE' (hopefully) or at the very least, 'LXQT'.

A parting note about Debian Sid, MintPPC, Linux Adelie, and MESA drivers

I have mostly abandoned my efforts to get any sort of GUI working in Debian Sid, MintPPC (which is essentially Debian Sid, plus custom-ported Linux Mint packages), and even Linux Adelie. The Rage 128 ('r128') driver (at least in those operating systems) seems to require an older version of 'MESA' to be installed (and 'pinned'), and I can't be bothered to fool around with that, let alone look for where to download it. I just really wish that a working version of MESA could be created ('forked'), specifically to retain existing functionality of the Rage 128, and I suppose for other drivers that had their support similarly-dropped. I KNOW that I saw a Google search result that showed, someone else actually recommended doing just that (ie. forking MESA for older GPUs), but I can't find the link for it anymore.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 20, 2022
^ TO MODERATOR: I'm sorry -- i tried to edit my post, above, to remove the 'indent' tags, but it won't let me.

Edit: Okay, I was able to fix my post.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 20, 2022
Being completely new to OpenBSD, this is kind of embarrassing, but is there a primer on how to get Arctic Fox installed on OpenBSD, after cloning the GitHub Repository? The section on the GitHub repo ( that appears to tell you, at least on first glance, how to build that browser on OpenBSD... well, it literally says:

  • To Build on OpenBSD
    • latest clang tried (8.0) needs -O0 or it will generate a crashing binary (x86-64 only)
    • x86 does not hang on sputnik javascript tests while on all other systems it does!
    • add LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,wxneeded" to relax memory checks
    • add TAR=gtar

.... but those are tips -- not actual instructions that I can use, nor even pretend to know how to use. And so, that's where I am right now, and I'm just taking a break from going in circles. I see that the above repo is owned by @wicknix. But if anyone else has something a bit more concrete and digestible that I can go on, I'd absolutely appreciate it.

That aside, I FINALLY managed to get a GUI going, ie. the default 'xenodm', and all I really want to do is just share my xorg.conf file on here (without having to re-type the whole thing), you know.... just to help other people who may own an iMac G3 slot-loader, and who may want to give OpenBSD a proper spin. Unfortunately, I'm just realizing now that the only two browsers I know of that run, ie. 'dillo' and 'netsurf', don't actually work with MacRumors. More precisely, 'dillo' just refuses to render the site, while 'netsurf' is just not able to render the 'reply' box on this forum thread, for me to actually type up my reply... and that's even after enabling JavaScript and refreshing the page. Anyone else have any ideas?


macrumors newbie
Mar 20, 2022
Okay, I managed to use my Windows machine to 'SSH' into my iMac.

From the Windows PC, click on the Start menu (ie. the one with the Windows icon). Type 'cmd' and press 'Enter'.
ssh yourusernameontheimac@192.168.XX.XX
...where you use the name of the account you set up on your local Mac/iMac. And the 'XX.XX', are the last digits of your Mac/iMac's IP address, on your local network. Then simply agree to any alert messages that pop up.

Once connected and logged in, I used 'nano' (which I installed previously) to open up my xorg.conf, and used my mouse to select all the lines I wanted and copy-pasted them directly into this reply box, bit by bit.

Less than ideal, but it works.

#Action Retro's working xorg.conf for r128 based Macs (at least for OpenBSD 7.0)
#modified by rkmugen, for r128 based SLOT-loader iMac G3's.  Confirmed to work for OpenBSD 7.1.

Section "Files"
 ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
 Load  "dbe"
 Load  "dri"
 Load  "extmod"
 Load  "glx"
 Load  "freetype"

###  rkmugen:  I added the BusID, changed the driver to 'r128',
###  set NoAccel to 'false', set UseFBDev to 'off',
###  and set ForcePCImode to 'true'.
Section "Device"
    Identifier    "Configured Video Device"
        BusID   "PCI:0:16:0"
    Driver        "r128"
    Option      "NoAccel"       "false"
    Option      "UseFBDev"      "off"
    Option        "ForcePCIMode"    "True"
    Option      "Display"       "CRT"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier    "Configured Monitor"
    HorizSync    58-62
    VertRefresh    75-117

###  rkmugen:  I changed the Depth to 24 because who wants to
###  work in 16-bit color, i mean come on.
Section "Screen"
    Identifier    "Default Screen"
    Monitor        "Configured Monitor"
    Device        "Configured Video Device"
#    DefaultDepth    16
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 24
                Modes "1024x768"
    Option      "DPMS"

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier "Default Layout"
        Screen "Default Screen"

Section "DRI"
    Mode 0666

And then, like an hour and a pizza later, it hit me -- I figured out that I could use 'scp' on my Windows 11 machine to copy over the snapshot I took using the 'xwd' command on my iMac. Fyi, I installed GIMP 2.10 on my iMac and converted the snapshot to .JPG beforehand.

As you can see below, I installed 'neofetch' to display the specs of my setup and installed 'feh' to get a decent background image/wallpaper going. I'm not gonna lie... this was more trouble than I think should be required to get even the most basic GUI running. You really are building EVERYTHING from the ground, up -- anything below the 'ground' is practically 'developer' territory. But at the end of it, at least I can get SOME worthwhile functionality working again on this old iMac.


Someday, I hope to get Arctic Fox installed on this thing. Maybe I'm just being naiive, but I can't understand why it simply can't be hosted on the OpenBSD's own repository.

Project Alice

macrumors 68020
Jul 13, 2008
Post Falls, ID
I can’t get it to boot on my 17” AlBook (1.5GHz)
I set auto-boot and boot-device which open firmware says ‘ok’. Upon rebooting I’m greeted with a flashing ? Folder.

manually attempting to boot ‘boot hd:,ofwboot’ returns in can’t open.

Obviously the CD boots fine and the install completes successfully. I’ve also read through some of this which doesn’t have anything useful to fixing this… Any ideas?


  • B14A9EA3-0EBC-40D5-8858-B70D2D9B6B93.jpeg
    721.8 KB · Views: 109
  • B14A9EA3-0EBC-40D5-8858-B70D2D9B6B93.jpeg
    721.8 KB · Views: 96

Yumiko Noua

macrumors regular
May 24, 2022
Okay, I managed to use my Windows machine to 'SSH' into my iMac.

From the Windows PC, click on the Start menu (ie. the one with the Windows icon). Type 'cmd' and press 'Enter'.
ssh yourusernameontheimac@192.168.XX.XX
...where you use the name of the account you set up on your local Mac/iMac. And the 'XX.XX', are the last digits of your Mac/iMac's IP address, on your local network. Then simply agree to any alert messages that pop up.

Once connected and logged in, I used 'nano' (which I installed previously) to open up my xorg.conf, and used my mouse to select all the lines I wanted and copy-pasted them directly into this reply box, bit by bit.

Less than ideal, but it works.

#Action Retro's working xorg.conf for r128 based Macs (at least for OpenBSD 7.0)
#modified by rkmugen, for r128 based SLOT-loader iMac G3's.  Confirmed to work for OpenBSD 7.1.

Section "Files"
 ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
 FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
 Load  "dbe"
 Load  "dri"
 Load  "extmod"
 Load  "glx"
 Load  "freetype"

###  rkmugen:  I added the BusID, changed the driver to 'r128',
###  set NoAccel to 'false', set UseFBDev to 'off',
###  and set ForcePCImode to 'true'.
Section "Device"
    Identifier    "Configured Video Device"
        BusID   "PCI:0:16:0"
    Driver        "r128"
    Option      "NoAccel"       "false"
    Option      "UseFBDev"      "off"
    Option        "ForcePCIMode"    "True"
    Option      "Display"       "CRT"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier    "Configured Monitor"
    HorizSync    58-62
    VertRefresh    75-117

###  rkmugen:  I changed the Depth to 24 because who wants to
###  work in 16-bit color, i mean come on.
Section "Screen"
    Identifier    "Default Screen"
    Monitor        "Configured Monitor"
    Device        "Configured Video Device"
#    DefaultDepth    16
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 24
                Modes "1024x768"
    Option      "DPMS"

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier "Default Layout"
        Screen "Default Screen"

Section "DRI"
    Mode 0666

And then, like an hour and a pizza later, it hit me -- I figured out that I could use 'scp' on my Windows 11 machine to copy over the snapshot I took using the 'xwd' command on my iMac. Fyi, I installed GIMP 2.10 on my iMac and converted the snapshot to .JPG beforehand.

As you can see below, I installed 'neofetch' to display the specs of my setup and installed 'feh' to get a decent background image/wallpaper going. I'm not gonna lie... this was more trouble than I think should be required to get even the most basic GUI running. You really are building EVERYTHING from the ground, up -- anything below the 'ground' is practically 'developer' territory. But at the end of it, at least I can get SOME worthwhile functionality working again on this old iMac.

View attachment 2007643

Someday, I hope to get Arctic Fox installed on this thing. Maybe I'm just being naiive, but I can't understand why it simply can't be hosted on the OpenBSD's own repository.
should i do a downgrade for work this xorg.conf? i'm on openbsd 7.2 so...

Yumiko Noua

macrumors regular
May 24, 2022
a xorg.conf configuration for imac g3 2001? has the ATI Radeon 128 pro, i try everything but nothing work.. help please.
  • Like
Reactions: lepidotós


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
OP was last edited nearly three years ago, does anyone know if GeForce cards (especially the 7800 GS) are better supported these days? I'd love to have an OpenGL 2.0 accelerated desktop if possible.​


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021

ATi Rage 128

ATi Radeon 7500

ATi Radeon 9000

ATi Radeon 9200

ATi Radeon 9600

ATi Radeon 9700

ATi Radeon 9800

nVidia GeForce FX 5200


nVidia GeForce 6600

Wait, so no GUI on Late 2005 PowerMacs?

And with better GPUs not even CLI??

UPD. GUI is supported, though on a PowerPC OpenBSD seems to be very unstable if not unusable. At least 7.4 release.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
MESA drivers

I have mostly abandoned my efforts to get any sort of GUI working in Debian Sid, MintPPC (which is essentially Debian Sid, plus custom-ported Linux Mint packages), and even Linux Adelie. The Rage 128 ('r128') driver (at least in those operating systems) seems to require an older version of 'MESA' to be installed (and 'pinned'), and I can't be bothered to fool around with that, let alone look for where to download it. I just really wish that a working version of MESA could be created ('forked'), specifically to retain existing functionality of the Rage 128, and I suppose for other drivers that had their support similarly-dropped. I KNOW that I saw a Google search result that showed, someone else actually recommended doing just that (ie. forking MESA for older GPUs), but I can't find the link for it anymore.

The best thing would be to submit a PR to restore the support in Mesa upstream. If upstream does not care to fix anything, then do the same for the package manager of your preference.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
I can’t get it to boot on my 17” AlBook (1.5GHz)
I set auto-boot and boot-device which open firmware says ‘ok’. Upon rebooting I’m greeted with a flashing ? Folder.

manually attempting to boot ‘boot hd:,ofwboot’ returns in can’t open.
View attachment 2026964

Obviously the CD boots fine and the install completes successfully. I’ve also read through some of this which doesn’t have anything useful to fixing this… Any ideas?

1. Unfortunately, the whole thing looks like it might work or might not depending on unknown factors.

2. I was able to get it working so far on a PowerBook, where ofwboot and bsd.rd were ditto-ed into macOS root on the 1st partition. And I use boot hd:,ofwboot /bsd from OF.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Install: pkg_add surf
Requirements: G3, 512mb RAM
Notes: Lightweight WebKit-based browser that is started from a terminal by entering 'surf' followed by the desired website. Consult 'man surf' for more details.

Qute Browser
Install: pkg_add qutebrowser
Requirements: G4, 512mb RAM
Notes: Qt-based browser. Works best with LXQt or KDE. Consult 'man qutebrowser' for more details.

Otter Browser
Install: pkg_add otter-browser
Requirements: G4, 512mb RAM
Opera derivative, not unlike Vivaldi. Utilizes WebKit rendering engine. Consult 'man otter-browser' for more details.

Hmm, neither of these are available now -_-
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