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Sep 19, 2011
Ohio, United States
Yeah, ok. Next time I go for a hike and see a bear coming at me, I'll get on my cell and call the local authorities. That'll show'm! :rolleyes:

Well you can play dead or something. No need for you to try fight a bear. You're not trained. You'd (not you specifically, but in general) probably just miss with the spray anyway.


macrumors 6502a
Yeah, ok. Next time I go for a hike and see a bear coming at me, I'll get on my cell and call the local authorities. That'll show'm! :rolleyes:

You do realize that eric/ is trolling, right? He's superimposing a theoretical argument over banning bear spray on top of gun control arguments. It's best to be ignore him, lest he thinks he's actually making some semblance of a point.

Artful Dodger

macrumors 68020
Well you could still ban it though. If you have a problem with bears, the government can keep bear spray with local or national wildlife and pest control services.

No need for private citizens to be engaging in such dangerous activity. If you want to hunt, go bow hunt a deer I say.

Like you're going to be able to react fast enough to spray a bear with bear spray. If you're in that situation at all than you're already in trouble.

Pretty ignorant since you are in Ohio, PA forrest to the right of you, forrest to the South which is different than say NYC or any big city where the chance of walking into an area where a bear is would be slim. I've sat on a park bench in a small town where a 300lb black bear walked on by about 40 ft from me. Do you think a 911 call would have helped me in that situation posing your thought process? This bear walked right through this town at dusk and even if it wasn't suppose to be there my hand on spray could make a difference though I will say I highly doubt you have been in a situation where any such instance could be in question of sever harm.

Sprays are to defend from not attack but I'm guessing from your statements you don't venture into the woods much :rolleyes:

I could use wasp spray on a person with terrible effects but it works better on wasps so should we ban that spray? What about a Fire Extinguisher then or window cleaner spray? It is endless isn't it :cool:


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Yeah, ok. Next time I go for a hike and see a bear coming at me, I'll get on my cell and call the local authorities. That'll show'm! :rolleyes:

You're wasting your time replying to eric/. He's just playing games and arguing against bear spray using the same arguments others use for gun control.

Artful Dodger

macrumors 68020
Well you can play dead or something. No need for you to try fight a bear. You're not trained. You'd (not you specifically, but in general) probably just miss with the spray anyway.

Wrong, playing dead with a black bear will only make it gnaw on you until it gets movement or delivers a killing blow, the bigger bears will keep attacking you. Climbing up a tree is also useless but I'm sure your theories will also work on a person doing the same thing to another human, just insert a human for a bear and you get the idea…


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2007
People were injured. Preventing pain is right along with preventing death.

And the local government can just handle it. No need for private citizens, who will end up letting this stuff get in criminal hands, try to take matters into their own hands. They aren't trained bear experts.
LOL Wait, are you serious? Do you expect people to call a cop when they are at a camp ground in the middle of nowhere? Do you expect people living in areas like North Van to call the police when they are being attacked by a bear?


macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
And wouldn't you end up facing charges for shooting someone who didn't have a lethal weapon?

Not in Texas. The crime is assault and robbery. You are robbing a place and assaulting people by spraying them to incapacitate them. Now if we're just verbally arguing and I don't like where it's verbally headed, I can't do a thing.

macrumors 6502
Aug 29, 2011
You do realize that eric/ is trolling, right? He's superimposing a theoretical argument over banning bear spray on top of gun control arguments. It's best to be ignore him, lest he thinks he's actually making some semblance of a point.

DAMN IT!! I usually pick up on that stuff! Thanks!


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
Not that I condone the thieves' actions at all, but I'm sure they didn't want to have to think about dealing with the cops and bears at the same time!


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2003
Santa Cruz, CA
I've defended myself before with force, so there is no reason why I can't again. Granted it was at home with less chance of hurting bystanders....

You have acknowledged the danger of harming bystanders, but you would still go ahead and risk bodily harm and potential loss of life for those around you to stop a couple of guys from stealing a few thousand dollars of theft insured electronic gadgets.

The shoppers of Vancover can rest easier knowing ghostface147 is not patrolling their streets.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
Well you can play dead or something. No need for you to try fight a bear. You're not trained. You'd (not you specifically, but in general) probably just miss with the spray anyway.

Like it takes schooling and certification to defend yourself with a spray device. A bit of common sense is all it takes. Watch wind direction if relevant (strong winds). Test the thing out when you buy it. Maybe buy two, one to test and one to carry so that you know how far the stream goes. Stream spray devices are easy to use because the stream itself allows you adjust your aim onto target. Just like those balloon pop games at carnivals.

What you are promoting is how to be a helpless victim that gets steamrolled by life and calls others to take care of them. It's just silly that you have the point of view that you do. How about we promote self reliance? I think the world needs more people who are self reliant and not people who get on the phone and call someone else to take care of them at the first sign of adversity.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2003
Santa Cruz, CA
That was true in the 30s, too.
Plus the trains ran on time.
Are bears a problem in Bavaria?

Wow!, conflate much?

Last time I checked Germany has not been at war or committing genocide for over sixty years. Their current economy, fourth largest GDP in the world, and relative political stability really hammers home the inanity of your comment.


You do realize that eric/ is trolling, right? He's superimposing a theoretical argument over banning bear spray on top of gun control arguments. It's best to be ignore him, lest he thinks he's actually making some semblance of a point.

psst, don't feed the bears. :D


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
I live in Munich. We have very low firearm ownership, but also very low crime. It is awesome.

You also get beatdowns from the Polezi for regular traffic stops. You darn near live in a police state.

Been there and watched it happen. You have low crime there because your populace is scared of their government. Step out of line a bit and the punishment is severe.
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