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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2003
Santa Cruz, CA
You also get beatdowns from the Polezi for regular traffic stops. You darn near live in a police state.

Been there and watched it happen. You have low crime there because your populace is scared of their government. Step out of line a bit and the punishment is severe.

You clearly have not been paying attention to what is happening in US cities, or the 4th amendment bending TSA check points. Perhaps you should spend a little time reviewing the YouTube videos of excessive force, police brutality and illegal search before you imply others live in a police state. Because if you live in Chicago, New York or LA you can witness America's own proximity to a police state on a daily basis, other major metropolitan areas you just see it less frequently.
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macrumors 603
Oct 22, 2007
An Island in the Salish Sea
...I think the world needs more people who are self reliant and not people who get on the phone and call someone else to take care of them at the first sign of adversity.
Um, isn't the whole point of human society to pool resources and to ensure that as many as people as possible have as good a life as possible? It's one thing to live on your own or in a small community in a rural or wilderness setting where being self-reliant is required. But when you start massing people into larger communities some personal freedoms are generally given up for the advantages of living in a sizeable community. At least they are in the large communities that work well.

That is one of the advantages of nations with highly dense urban communities as well as lots of rural and wilderness areas. People then have freedom choose the balance of self-reliance vs communal living.

Bubba Satori

Feb 15, 2008
Wow!, conflate much?

Last time I checked Germany has not been at war or committing genocide for over sixty years. Their current economy, fourth largest GDP in the world, and relative political stability really hammers home the inanity of your comment.

Easy does it, mein herr. I'm just the forum jester engaging in some witicism.
I've got family in Hanover. Big fan of Rammstein. Love Germany and especially Bavaria.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2011
You'll get a lead sandwich if you attack me with bear spray, pending it's legal for me to carry at the location.

If you're attacked with bear mace you'll be incapacitated and hospitalized, your gun will not help you.


Bear mace that guy!



Sep 19, 2011
Ohio, United States
Wow!, conflate much?

Last time I checked Germany has not been at war or committing genocide for over sixty years. Their current economy, fourth largest GDP in the world, and relative political stability really hammers home the inanity of your comment.

I bet it's all because you guys don't like guns too


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
On the face of it, the scenario might seem absurd but I guess the crooks can't be charged with armed robbery if they're caught. As it stands, their gambit seems to have paid off.
Actually not quite true, pepper spray is classified as a prohibited weapon in Canada. While "bear spray" is sold legally it carries the same legal penalties if used on people. said:
In Canada all products with a label containing the words pepper spray, mace, etc., or otherwise originally produced for use on humans are classified as a prohibited weapon.[41] Only law enforcement officers may legally carry or possess pepper spray. Any similar canister with the labels reading "dog spray" and/or "bear spray" is regulated under the Pest Control Products Act - while legal to be carried by anyone, it is against the law if its use causes 'a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another person' or harming the environment and carries a penalty up to a fine of $500,000 and jail time of maximum 3 years.[42]

I live in Ontario. The most danger we face here are from pointed sticks. And they will most likely ban those here soon too!
Yeah, right :rolleyes:
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2012
Please tell me you've got a moat with crocodiles.

yes. 54 adult male crocs with tattoos of death on each tooth. I have 10 floating boxing bags for them to practise on. Just before every entrance is a camera that alerts me of movement. My iPhone blinks on and shows me the person(s) in proximity and brings up a big fat button on the screen. If I push the button poison ivy plants drop from the ceiling and/or launch from the walls entangling the victim and carefully pull there teeth in different directions (even if braces are on) while dripping poison into their ears and tickling their tail bone.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2013
Doubt it, I have other defences besides guns

Okay, imagine you get a knock at the door at 8:45 in the evening while you're watching TV or making dinner. Now when you go to answer the door, you decide to undo the dead bolt, and pull the door open and maybe you only intend on opening just a few inches to SEE who's outside. But the moment you undo the dead bolt and turn the knob and crack the door open a centimeter, someone shoves their entire body weight behind the door to open it, possibly sending you off balance or catching you by surprise...and suddenly there is a man in your home with a knife. Even owning a gun, and it sitting in its holster, you are at a disadvantage. Now if you had a baseball bat/knife/baton/sword, you would be at an even greater disadvantage. There are other defenses, but there is NOTHING wrong with LAW-ABIDING citizens owning firearms for their own defense and their home and country.


macrumors 603
Oct 22, 2007
An Island in the Salish Sea
Okay, imagine you get a knock at the door at 8:45 in the evening while you're watching TV or making dinner. Now when you go to answer the door, you decide to undo the dead bolt, and pull the door open and maybe you only intend on opening just a few inches to SEE who's outside. But the moment you undo the dead bolt and turn the knob and crack the door open a centimeter, someone shoves their entire body weight behind the door to open it, possibly sending you off balance or catching you by surprise...and suddenly there is a man in your home with a knife. Even owning a gun, and it sitting in its holster, you are at a disadvantage. Now if you had a baseball bat/knife/baton/sword, you would be at an even greater disadvantage.
I agree with you up to this point. There really isn't any point in owning a gun for self-defence against home invasions since you aren't going to be able to use. Heck, even illegal drug labs - which have firepower at their disposal that no law-abiding citizen has access to, and are paranoid suspicious of anyone coming to the door, get 'invaded' all the time.
There are other defenses, but there is NOTHING wrong with LAW-ABIDING citizens owning firearms for their own defense and their home and country.
But then this, I don't agree with.
A society could make a serious effort to even out the income disparities between the richest and poorest segments of population? Which has been shown to be the biggest contributor to lower crime rates.

Oh, and most guns actually fired in a home are used during a domestic dispute and not to deter crime. So many people get shot in the US during a domestic dispute it isn't even reported anymore in the media. Google something like "shootings since Sandy Hook" for real eye opener. Once source lists 2500. People dead due to guns. Most were not criminals. People may buy handguns for self defence but they use them on their family and friends.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2013
I agree with you up to this point. There really isn't any point in owning a gun for self-defence against home invasions since you aren't going to be able to use. Heck, even illegal drug labs - which have firepower at their disposal that no law-abiding citizen has access to, and are paranoid suspicious of anyone coming to the door, get 'invaded' all the time.

But then this, I don't agree with.
A society could make a serious effort to even out the income disparities between the richest and poorest segments of population? Which has been shown to be the biggest contributor to lower crime rates.

Oh, and most guns actually fired in a home are used during a domestic dispute and not to deter crime. So many people get shot in the US during a domestic dispute it isn't even reported anymore in the media. Google something like "shootings since Sandy Hook" for real eye opener. Once source lists 2500. People dead due to guns. Most were not criminals. People may buy handguns for self defence but they use them on their family and friends.

Yeah and did you see the article about the teacher who went to his car, grabbed his firearm and stopped a school shooting? No? That's because the public media tailors what stories they bring you. All you will see is doom/gloom. If you have a problem with the second amendment perhaps you should move to a different country. After all, if someone were attacking your first amendment rights you would be up in arms. The fact is disarming law-abiding citizens is quite literally a stupid action. Mexico banned firearms from personal use of citizens back in the 1970's and since then the cartels have taken over the country with over 30,000 fatalities a year. What you propose is to disarm citizens, and the criminals who DON'T CARE about the law will still obtain guns illegally and break into your house, your neighbors house or some guy you don't know... and kill, rob, or rape you, your family, or the stranger.


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
MOD NOTE: Thread has long stopped being about "Thieves Use Bear Spray in Robbery of Vancouver's Oakridge Centre Apple Store." I suggest you use one of the countless other threads about the other topics you wish to discuss.

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