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Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
I went from the Xs Max back to the original SE, and now with the new SE.

After getting my iPad mini 5, I spent more time using it than I did my Xs Max. I had been getting tired of big size and cost of the large phones and use of the iPad mini 5 made that feeling stronger.

The smaller phone size is much easier to use and transport. I don’t consume a lot of media on my phone or work a lot on my phone. That is what the iPad mini 5 is for, and it does it so much better than the iPhone.

I also liked my iPhone 4s and I missed that form factor, usability and price. I don’t regret for a moment leaving the large phone and price tag behind, even though I can easily afford them. I would rather spend money on the Apple Watch and upgrading the mini down the line, than spending money on a big brick of a phone with a lot of features I don’t really need.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 25, 2020
Currently, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S10, however, I'm planning to return back to IOS ecosystem since I hold Macbook and Ipad. Given the fact that I have Apple devices, it makes sense for me to complete the triangle with an Apple phone combined with Airpods Pro in the future.

The reasons that I'm considering to replace S10 with SE 2020:
1- Returning to the IOS ecosystem, greater integration of devices.
2- Compact form factor of new SE
3- Better camera, albeit not having the wide-angle lens.

Nonetheless, in where I'm living ah the moment, the prices of SE and XS are almost identical. Therefore it is a tough pick for me to decided between the two because at the end of the day XS is a compact device as well and I do not believe it will have any performance issues whatsoever in a foreseeable future.


Apr 17, 2020
I went from iPhone 11 Pro to the new SE.

To me, it feels like an upgrade. I don’t miss the extra bulkiness and size. Sure, the screen on the 11 Pro was bigger and better overall, but I honestly got used to my SE screen in less than a day. I never liked Face ID. I didn’t mind it, but I prefer the comfort and speed of Touch ID. Half the time, the phone is laying flat on a table at work. With Face ID, I always had to pick it up in order to aim at my face. Otherwise, it wouldn’t unlock, which was truly annoying. With Touch ID, I unlock the phone from any angle.

Oh, and about the extra cameras on the 11 Pro - total gimmick. You know how many times I used the wide angle lens or the zoom? - Once! Literally once. And that was to see how it works. The photos in wide angle and zoom came out rather grainy. So I didn’t care for it and never used it.

But for me it ultimately came down to size. While many will argue that they can use their iPhone 11 Pro one-handed, I feel that the new SE is the only phone I can comfortably grip and use with one hand. It’s simply the most practical modern iPhone in that regard.

Speed-wise, I find the SE snappier than my iPhone 11 Pro. Could be because of the smaller screen. Navigating through menus feels faster.

One thing I learned is that you can never convince people which device works best for them. Many people simply don’t understand that newer tech and bigger doesn’t mean better.


macrumors member
May 22, 2017
I went from iPhone 11 Pro to the new SE.

To me, it feels like an upgrade. I don’t miss the extra bulkiness and size. Sure, the screen on the 11 Pro was bigger and better overall, but I honestly got used to my SE screen in less than a day. I never liked Face ID. I didn’t mind it, but I prefer the comfort and speed of Touch ID. Half the time, the phone is laying flat on a table at work. With Face ID, I always had to pick it up in order to aim at my face. Otherwise, it wouldn’t unlock, which was truly annoying. With Touch ID, I unlock the phone from any angle.

Oh, and about the extra cameras on the 11 Pro - total gimmick. You know how many times I used the wide angle lens or the zoom? - Once! Literally once. And that was to see how it works. The photos in wide angle and zoom came out rather grainy. So I didn’t care for it and never used it.

But for me it ultimately came down to size. While many will argue that they can use their iPhone 11 Pro one-handed, I feel that the new SE is the only phone I can comfortably grip and use with one hand. It’s simply the most practical modern iPhone in that regard.

Speed-wise, I find the SE snappier than my iPhone 11 Pro. Could be because of the smaller screen. Navigating through menus feels faster.

One thing I learned is that you can never convince people which device works best for them. Many people simply don’t understand that newer tech and bigger doesn’t mean better.
Are you able to use a long press on lock screen to quick reply or preview a message?


macrumors member
May 22, 2017
It’s a software bug. 13.4.5 will come out soon. Prolly Monday
Thanks, I was getting ready to send phone back since Apple Support didn't know what the issue would be. They escalated it to upper support but have not heard back. Unfortunately, the support person was not familiar with the features of the new phone.
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macrumors member
Aug 20, 2015
Atlanta, GA
Just curious for those who are going from larger, newer, pro devices to the SE, what device are you coming from, and what made you want to switch to the SE?

If you have your SE, how are you feeling about your decision thus far?

I just sold my iPhone 11 a few days ago and ordered the new iPhone SE 128gb in white. The iPhone 11 is arguably one of the best phones on the market, but I miss the size and fingerprint scanner of the new iPhone SE/IP8 form factor. I don't like the "swiping" as much as the fingerprint scanner. The one thing I will miss about the IP11 is the incredible battery. I am looking forward to the smaller, lighter IPSE for everyday use.
(I am using my old iPhone SE1 and enjoying it very much while I wait for my new phone.)


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2013
I have an 11 pro and like it, but I’ve developed a problem with my left thumb joint which is probably from texting and from reaching across the screen, which isn’t as big as a Max, but for my small hands still pretty large. I also didn’t like the fact that I had to have it positioned just right for the Face ID to work if I wanted to check my phone at night. The button is much easier on my hands to make the screen drop down too. Yea, I know I’m giving up a better camera, but I‘ver never used the camera much anyway. I guess I missed the button and since I gave my 8plus to my husband, at this price point (I got the cheapest model) it was a good time to revisit the button.


Apr 17, 2020
Are you able to use a long press on lock screen to quick reply or preview a message?

I’m not sure because I have all my message notifications turned off with locked screen.

Had it this way for years. It’s anti-problem and girlfriend-proof. She had a tendency to snoop around and that escalated quickly, especially when other girls texted.

So yeah, never again. I don’t even want to test it, in case I forget to turn it off and have to explain why “Chris” is sexting me in the middle of the night.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Thanks, I was getting ready to send phone back since Apple Support didn't know what the issue would be. They escalated it to upper support but have not heard back. Unfortunately, the support person was not familiar with the features of the new phone.

I have the 13.4.5 beta and I can swipe the message and choose view to see it on the lock screen, but long press doesn’t work.

I went from the X to the new SE. I’ve always been a huge fan of smaller phones, so light and compact are very important. I had the original SE, and it’s my favorite iPhone to date. I really only use my phone for surfing the web (forums), bank apps, and actual phone task (calls/text/email). If the rumored 5.4” 12 is real and has an even smaller form factor I’ll jump to that. It’s never been a price thing, but I won’t complain about these smaller phones being cheaper.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
I went from iPhone 11 Pro to the new SE.

To me, it feels like an upgrade. I don’t miss the extra bulkiness and size. Sure, the screen on the 11 Pro was bigger and better overall, but I honestly got used to my SE screen in less than a day. I never liked Face ID. I didn’t mind it, but I prefer the comfort and speed of Touch ID. Half the time, the phone is laying flat on a table at work. With Face ID, I always had to pick it up in order to aim at my face. Otherwise, it wouldn’t unlock, which was truly annoying. With Touch ID, I unlock the phone from any angle.

Oh, and about the extra cameras on the 11 Pro - total gimmick. You know how many times I used the wide angle lens or the zoom? - Once! Literally once. And that was to see how it works. The photos in wide angle and zoom came out rather grainy. So I didn’t care for it and never used it.

But for me it ultimately came down to size. While many will argue that they can use their iPhone 11 Pro one-handed, I feel that the new SE is the only phone I can comfortably grip and use with one hand. It’s simply the most practical modern iPhone in that regard.

Speed-wise, I find the SE snappier than my iPhone 11 Pro. Could be because of the smaller screen. Navigating through menus feels faster.

One thing I learned is that you can never convince people which device works best for them. Many people simply don’t understand that newer tech and bigger doesn’t mean better.

Great info.

I do love my 11, but I've been toying with the idea of a smaller phone for a while - haven't had one since the 6, which I upgraded to the 6+ within a few months.

I honestly really like Touch ID also. I've grown accustomed to Face ID on the phone, but I have always been a fan of the Touch ID.

The camera on the 11 is great, but truthfully, I have no clue how to use a lot of the settings. The majority of photos I take are of my grandkids, so I should have no trouble still getting really good pics with the SE.

I'm really excited to have something to easily use one-handed, although I can use my 11 one-handed most of the time with my Loopy case - it's a stretch to reach that upper left corner though.

I'm anxious to see if it feels snappier, or maybe has better cellular reception than my 11. Not likely, but one can hope. Our cellular service is awful.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Great info.

I do love my 11, but I've been toying with the idea of a smaller phone for a while - haven't had one since the 6, which I upgraded to the 6+ within a few months.

I honestly really like Touch ID also. I've grown accustomed to Face ID on the phone, but I have always been a fan of the Touch ID.

The camera on the 11 is great, but truthfully, I have no clue how to use a lot of the settings. The majority of photos I take are of my grandkids, so I should have no trouble still getting really good pics with the SE.

I'm really excited to have something to easily use one-handed, although I can use my 11 one-handed most of the time with my Loopy case - it's a stretch to reach that upper left corner though.

I'm anxious to see if it feels snappier, or maybe has better cellular reception than my 11. Not likely, but one can hope. Our cellular service is awful.

biggest thing I miss about faceID isn’t even a faceID thing really. Swiping up from the bottom to go home and launching the multitask screen. It feels really odd Double tapping and press the home button to go home.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Just to the people who are complaining about the wide angle camera on the 11 Pro. It’s not a gimmick. You clearly don’t know where / how to use it but that doesn’t make it a gimmick.

Having said that I’m not going to sit here and argue about their personal choice. Just didn’t want people to spread misinformation.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
I went from a 11 pro max to the SE. as one other person already said. I found I was using my iPad mini 5 all the time and taking it everywhere. So for me going to a more pocketable phone that’s easier to hold was a easy decision for me to make.

So far it is working out just as I wanted. That and after using Touch ID again on my iPad I forgot how much I missed it. While Face ID is excellent. I find I prefer Touch ID.

My wife last night was playing around with my SE and now is debating selling her pro max for the SE. She is not a huge fan of Face ID and loves Touch ID. For her though she is trying to decide if she wants to give up the screen space.


Apr 17, 2020
Just to the people who are complaining about the wide angle camera on the 11 Pro. It’s not a gimmick. You clearly don’t know where / how to use it but that doesn’t make it a gimmick.

Having said that I’m not going to sit here and argue about their personal choice. Just didn’t want people to spread misinformation.

That’s exactly the problem. I shouldn’t have to know “where” or “how” to use it.

I open camera. I take photo. That’s it.


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2017
No one would ever say I have big hands for a guy, but I don’t see how anyone can reliably type on a phone that’s the size of the new se. I know up until the iPhone 6+, hundreds of millions of us did it. I just don’t know how I could go back to that feeling, when even the iPhone 11 felt more narrow than the 8+ I’m used to. The feeling in hand is definitely awesome on the se, but I just type way too much to ever be able to reliably use it.
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macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Just to the people who are complaining about the wide angle camera on the 11 Pro. It’s not a gimmick. You clearly don’t know where / how to use it but that doesn’t make it a gimmick.

Having said that I’m not going to sit here and argue about their personal choice. Just didn’t want people to spread misinformation.

agreed, definitely not a gimmick. All of the double cameras serve a purpose if you know how to use them.
No one would ever say I have big hands for a guy, but I don’t see how anyone can reliably type on a phone that’s the size of the new se. I know up until the iPhone 6+, hundreds of millions of us did it. I just don’t know how I could go back to that feeling, when even the iPhone 11 felt more narrow than the 8+ I’m used to. The feeling in hand is definitely awesome on the se, but I just type way too much to ever be able to reliably use it.

I actually type much faster on the smaller screens. I can practically no look type like I do with a real keyboard. It probably has a lot to do with everything being in my field of view.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
That’s exactly the problem. I shouldn’t have to know “where” or “how” to use it.

I open camera. I take photo. That’s it.

I completely understand your point. You made the right choice if you’re not using the cameras to their full potential.

agreed, definitely not a gimmick. All of the double cameras serve a purpose if you know how to use them.

I actually type much faster on the smaller screens. I can practically no look type like I do with a real keyboard. It probably has a lot to do with everything being in my field of view.

Yep same for me. Although my typing speed kind of get adjusted based on the device I’m using. I was pretty fast on my 8 plus and Xs Max but also as fast on the 11 Pro. Although long spell of typing on the bigger devices used to be a painful affair because my pinky started to hurt.
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
Thinking I would like the larger size, I went from a iPhone 5s to an iPhone 6s Plus during its launch. It was a huge mistake.

I did enjoy the larger sized 6s Plus, but only when I could get two hands on it. One handed use was almost impossible, especially one-handed photos. I am average height and have large hands, but I could never comfortably use the iPhone one handed.

I also didn't like the rounded edges, the 6s Plus would sometimes "pop" out of my handed, especially when my hands were really dry. It almost felt like holding a wet bar of soap.

It wasn't just holding it which was a problem, but finding places to store the phone, such as pockets and while driving. I usually ended up putting the large phone on the passenger side seat, which was fine until I took a left turn too sharp, and then the phone went flying.

I really knew I had an issue when I started shopping for clothing and jackets, and pocket size ended up being a deciding factor.

I gave my old 5s to my wife to replace an iPhone that she broke the screen on, so I couldn't go back. I asked my wife if she wanted to swap, but she didn't even like holding my 6s Plus due to the size. It was kind of understandable for her, as she has tiny, child-like hands. So, I just put up with the 6s Plus.

After my wife cracked the screen of my old 5s, I got my wife the 2016 iPhone SE (and a defender case), but was a little envious of the size of her phone when handling it to put he case on. I considered getting one for myself, but at the time they had a max storage of 64GB, and I didn't want to half my storage.

As soon as the 128GB SE launched, I got it and sold my 6s Plus to a friend that really wanted an iPhone, but he didn't want to pay retail and didn't want a used phone from a stranger. He was very excited to get the iPhone 6s Plus, at least in the beginning.

He has the build of a basketball player, 6'6", very large hands, I figure holding it shouldn't be an issue for him, but shortly after he got it he started to complain about the size.

He ended up having many of the same complaints I had, although he really liked the design of the phone, while I always preferred squared edges.

He told me a few days ago that he preordered the 2020 SE.
Oh yeah, going from the large iPhone 6s Plus to the SE did take some getting used to, especially for typing.

But I was never comfortable one handed typing on the 6s Plus anyways, so it wasn't to hard to adjust.

I still miss the two-handed use with the Plus size. I have a iPad Mini for when I want a bigger device.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2006
biggest thing I miss about faceID isn’t even a faceID thing really. Swiping up from the bottom to go home and launching the multitask screen. It feels really odd Double tapping and press the home button to go home.

Is it true that you can't use multitasking gestures on the iPhones with home buttons? I was seriously thinking about trading in my X for the new SE but I'd really miss those gestures.
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