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macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
mkrishnan said:
Huh. I noticed earlier today that they redid a lot of the Tiger preview pages. Here's an interesting tidbit...any link to the document identifying coreimage compliant video cards is GONE. And I could not find it in search anymore either.

Does that mean anything in relation to the choice in video chipset for the mini? Who knows... ;)

Funny, I was just looking for that info 10 minutes ago to decide if I should buy a mini.

Hopefully, the final version of Tiger will support more video cards, especially those shipping today.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
whooleytoo said:
Spotlight is a very useful tool, but I don't believe it's quite as earth shattering as it's made out to be. Will most people pay $130 to search faster? Some certainly will, others will require more.

I think you'll find that Spotlight will become something that is that important.

Spotlight is more than a "faster search", it's a new way of organizing the information on your computer.

I have noticed that I don't organize things into folders anymore. With the speed of the searches in Mail, iPhoto, iTunes, Finder, and quicksilver that it is faster to search for things than it is to go through a folder hierarchy, and I no longer have the pain of deciding what category to put items that match multiple categories.

With spotlight building on this, integrating into everything, and allowing me to save searches it will change the way I currently work with my computer. It will take a while, but it's going to have a long-term effect on everyone.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
whooleytoo said:
Spotlight is a very useful tool, but I don't believe it's quite as earth shattering as it's made out to be. Will most people pay $130 to search faster? Some certainly will, others will require more.

I have to agree - how much stuff do the rest of you have on your computers that you can't find what you need? I rarely use the 'Find' facility now, and I don't think I've ever thought to myself:

"Now, where did I put that file? Can't remember whether it was a pic or a pdf, but I think it had the word yosemite in it somewhere..."

What's the big deal? Am I missing something?


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
munkle said:
Tiger has the best both of worlds. For the user, you have new features like dashboard, spotlight, automator, an improved UI, smart folders etc, etc.

And for the developers you have spotlight again, core image, core data, 64 bit developement, H.264, XCode 2 etc, etc.

Tiger is definitely not just about faster searching!

No, but Spotlight is the 'flagship' feature that gets the first and most demo time at the keynotes, implying indirectly it's the most important feature. Dashboard certainly looks nice, but only time will tell if the widgets are actually useful and it becomes an important feature. I fear Automator will either be overlooked or too complex for newbies, and too inflexible for power users (though I'd love to be proved wrong).

As for the improved UI, I actually don't care much for the Panther Finder, or the Tiger additions. (Especially the search additions which are too cluttered for my liking). But perhaps that's subjective.

The developer additions certainly are very interesting. I can't wait to see how they take advantage of them in 10.5! ;)


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
stcanard said:
Do you use smart playlists in iTunes?

If so, you are using find constantly... that's all a smart playlist is.

Actually, no I don't. I admit they're reasonably cool, and could be useful occassionally, but not on a daily basis.

I think spotlight will be a nice feature, and there must be something in it because microsoft and google are also at it, I just don't think it's earth shattering.


macrumors 68020
Aug 5, 2003
maya said:
Tiger is old news lets move onto Lion. ;) :p :) :D

My thoughts exactly, an other keynote / Preview about tiger and it will smell "Longhorny" ... just bring it on.

I've noticed that I do need the smart folders in mail and finder, have had to do a lot of work organizing files from work. by now, I had to move my workmail to Thunderbird because of the smart folders... Waiting for Tiger and looking forward to Lion or whatever cat comes after... but for sure it will be before "longhorn service pack 1" :p...


macrumors 68020
Aug 5, 2003
Gee said:
Actually, no I don't. I admit they're reasonably cool, and could be useful occassionally, but not on a daily basis.

I think spotlight will be a nice feature, and there must be something in it because microsoft and google are also at it, I just don't think it's earth shattering.

Man, Spotlight will save a lot of people working on datasheets, customer emails attachments, as I posted before, now I see that I do need it , maybe you don't, by now, but isn't that the reaction to whatever apple release, (iPod, iPod mini, Exposé...) J/K ;) , I hope that if you will need it someday, it will save you a lot of time, I should be right now thinking on my date for tonight ;) but work is work ...


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
Gee said:
Actually, no I don't. I admit they're reasonably cool, and could be useful occassionally, but not on a daily basis.

Then you're right, you probably won't get any use out of spotlight, and I can see why you don't see the point.

In iTunes and iPhoto I have nothing except smart folders. My philosophy is to get the metadata right, then let the files organize themselves.

I'm definitely a target market for spotlight, maybe it's because I spend too much of my day working in databases...


macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
Ok, so we all resist change. And Panther will look outdated as soon as Tiger ships. I admit that I could never go back to the Jaguar look now.

That said, Panther's pinstripes are much more subtle. My main problem right now is the toolbar icons as seen in Mail. I noticed that Preview's icons have yet to change (although the pinstripes have been removed) and so everything is still subject to change. But those new icons look very amateur-like, they don't fill the space very well and are more confusing to look at (without conveying any extra style or function) and it's yet another layer of inconsistency in the OS that we don't need. (For example, can anyone explain why the iPhoto 5 edit palette is black and translucent, not the standard OS X palette type?)

One thing that is quite strange is that, if you look at the drawer on Preview (Tiger Spotlight video) and the drop shadows and also the highlighted text items in the spotlight menu, etc., the pinstripes can still be seen! It's as if they've erased the pinstripes from everywhere else quickly by airbrushing them out but not bothered on the more difficult-to-do shadows, etc! How strange!


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
I'd assume iPhoto's palette is black and translucent because it allows the user to still see the picture they're manipulating. As Quicktime 7 also uses this kind of window for its fullscreen controls, I'd say its a good bet that this new design is specifically for palettes that don't block the content the user is... using, lol.


macrumors 65816
Dec 3, 2002
whooleytoo said:
Dashboard certainly looks nice, but only time will tell if the widgets are actually useful and it becomes an important feature.
I would use the dictionary, translator, and calculator on a daily basis. I think dashboard will quickly become as important as expose.

And best of all - pardon my Mac snobbery - Windows doesn't do it, and won't. Not until 2012, anyway. :D


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2003
chameeeleon said:
I'd assume iPhoto's palette is black and translucent because it allows the user to still see the picture they're manipulating. As Quicktime 7 also uses this kind of window for its fullscreen controls, I'd say its a good bet that this new design is specifically for palettes that don't block the content the user is... using, lol.

Apple is also using those same palette styles in Motion.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2003
dejo said:
Maybe it'll be Mac OS XII. I can dream, can't I?

Yeah, like he said it'll be like 2012, and Microsoft will be implementing crude betas of a not-so-cool immitation of exposé, while Apple is releasing some new technology allowing an integrraded AI to monitor and learn your activities so it can do your work for you while you're away from your Mac...


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
TigerPRO said:
Apple is also using those same palette styles in Motion.

Exactly! Because Motion is all about seeing the video you're working on while you manipulate it, further the reiterating the black translucent = overlay for work areas the user still wants to see while working in the pallette.

Overall predictions for Tiger Appearance:
Here to Stay:
- Brushed
- the new light grey bars seen in the iApps (currently one's replaced the old Party Shuffle controls in iTunes 4.7.1 and one also houses the action buttons in iPhoto 5 now) will be migrated into Safari, Address Book, etc. Not only do they look very clean, but the grey colour has close ties to the background being used for Spotlight, adding SOME consistency

- Black Translucent Palettes, which as mentioned, seem to be meant for situations where the user still has to see whatever the palette's floating over (hopefully DVD Player will also nab these cool controls when in fullscreen mode). I wonder who the first developer to totally screw this up and make their regular palettes black will be?

On the Fence:
- The "Ohmigod the Title Bar ate the Window!" look (ala Mail 2.0, Spotlight)
- Mail's new icons might signal that toolbars everywhere (Preview, iWork?) are on their way to becoming a very light shade of purple, forcing all developers to redo their app icons to match Tiger. I for one like the Mail icons, they look very Aqua-y to me and look official but still fun.
- The "Light Purpley Colour is the new Blue and light grey!" thing, also seen in Mail. Right now even the "Save" and "Slideshow" buttons in Mail 2 are a light purpley color, while the "Save" button in the Mail search bar above the results is the old light grey. I think this suggests Apple's just really throwing a lot of ideas around right now and seeing what sticks. But if they're really digging this purple colour (it's like they're rediscovering the colour wheel - what with the overly-green iPod shuffle campaign and now all this purple!) I wouldn't be surprised if scroll bars, etc. went default purpleygrey in Tiger.

On the Train out of Town:
- Pinstripes. Tiger seems to be all about smooth, and there is no room for backgrounds in smooth (unless it's brushed, in which case refer to "Here to Stay"). Besides, pinstripes kind of hurt my eyes in the menubar. A welcome change.
- The boxed Apple menu button seen in earlier Tiger builds. It went from in-your-face-blue to purpleygrey (which is now incorporated in Mail 2 - see the "seeing what works" method), to right out of the picture. Again, smooth move.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2003
Edmonds, WA
TigerPRO said:
That's really funny. lol. I have this odd syndrome where when I hop on an XP system, I'll find myself constantly bumping my mouse up to my normal screen corner for exposé and getting nothing. Then I proceed to drag windows here and there to find what I need. Either that I attempt to read and itentify the window by it's 5 character abbreviation (i.e. "intern...") among the other gazillion windows in the task bar. I know exactly what you mean about exposé, I really start to appreciate it when using a windows machine for more than a minute. It's become such a subconcious activity that it's seems as normal to me as being able to do something simple like minimizing window.

I have this same problem all the time. Expose has become second nature to me now, and any time I am on a windows or pre-panther computer I feel very deprived.


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2004
chameeeleon said:
I'm not really sure why the Dashboard has a dock icon, and hope it can be removed.
To a new Tiger user (who hasn't watched all the keynotes) there would otherwise not be any visual indication that the dashboard functionality is available. I suppose Apple could put (yet another) icon up in the menu bar, though. Or alternatively a "Desk Accessories" entry in the Apple menu ;)
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