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macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
chameeeleon said:
Here to Stay:
- the new light grey bars seen in the iApps (currently one's replaced the old Party Shuffle controls in iTunes 4.7.1 and one also houses the action buttons in iPhoto 5 now) will be migrated into Safari, Address Book, etc. Not only do they look very clean, but the grey colour has close ties to the background being used for Spotlight, adding SOME consistency
I've only just noticed those in iTunes 4.7.1. I have to say, the OS is heading back towards the creaky Mac OS 9 look - toned down from the earlier wonders of Aqua. (My opinion, of course ;) ). I think, with further development in the next few months and more interface changes, Tiger's launch will be accompanied by Steve Jobs grabbing a big blue blob of aqua and putting it into a coffin. That's it folks.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2003
johnnyjibbs said:
I've only just noticed those in iTunes 4.7.1. I have to say, the OS is heading back towards the creaky Mac OS 9 look - toned down from the earlier wonders of Aqua. (My opinion, of course ;) ). I think, with further development in the next few months and more interface changes, Tiger's launch will be accompanied by Steve Jobs grabbing a big blue blob of aqua and putting it into a coffin. That's it folks.

Maybe for you seasoned old Mac users who came from OS 9 the aqua seems horrible. But when I first started looking a Mac OS X, the interface was something I immidiately fell in love with. The beautiful colors and textures where a welcome enhancement to the slop and blah of windows. I think they are loosing that by moving to a generic, less accentuate look.

You see, I came on board with Apple when OS X was in full swing. So seeing them demolish the interface that brought me in is very dissapointing. While windows seems to be stuborn with it's styles and appearances from the 90s, Apple was moving on to more bold, modern styles. It was really ostentatious of OS X's superior technology to have an advanced, more modern look to match the technology in the OS.


macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
TigerPRO said:
Maybe for you seasoned old Mac users who came from OS 9 the aqua seems horrible. But when I first started looking a Mac OS X, the interface was something I immidiately fell in love with. The beautiful colors and textures where a welcome enhancement to the slop and blah of windows. I think they are loosing that by moving to a generic, less accentuate look.

You see, I came on board with Apple when OS X was in full swing. So seeing them demolish the interface that brought me in is very dissapointing. While windows seems to be stuborn with it's styles and appearances from the 90s, Apple was moving on to more bold, modern styles. It was really ostentatious of OS X's superior technology to have an advanced, more modern look to match the technology in the OS.
Actually, I agree with you entirely. Like you, my first Mac was running Jaguar, and then I upgraded to Panther. I've never used Mac OS 9 and hated that look. I too loved the stripes, textures and colours of OS X that were also, in my opinion, more stylish than Windows XP's Fisher Price look (which incidentally must have been hastily added to Windows before the launch of XP, as this came out about 6 months after Mac OS X 10.0.)

I know that Mac OS X is evolving, and now I much prefer Panther's look to Jaguars. But Tiger seems like a massive leap towards flatter, greyer, more untextured looks. It's like Mac OS 9 and Windows 95 all over again... :(

Not to mention, we're getting all inconsistent again. The iTunes shot in question below just highlights one such inconsistency in the OS. We have two types of drop-down menu styles in the same window! (Admittedly, this was also the case when they were the old Aqua style party shuffle mixes, but it still illustrates the inconsistencies!)


  • iTunes.jpg
    21.4 KB · Views: 290


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2003
johnnyjibbs said:
I know that Mac OS X is evolving, and now I much prefer Panther's look to Jaguars. But Tiger seems like a massive leap towards flatter, greyer, more untextured looks. It's like Mac OS 9 and Windows 95 all over again... :(

Yeah, oh well. Let's just hope it is IN FACT "evolving" as you said. I do have some confidence in Apple on interface design. They can't all have absolutely no taste or intelligence on what looks cool. A couple of more months of Tiger development is plenty of time for another couple overhauls. Let's hope they are really just playing around, and that it will all resolve to something beautiful. After all, as far I know, the same people that worked on the interface in Jaguar and Panther, are working on Tiger. And it's my guess that the interface designer at Apple probably care more about Tiger than we do; as they are responsible for A LOT!


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2005
apple is using the look that outs there now as a generic show so that when they release Tiger, it will be yet another case of "wow, i love that. apple got it right... again" when is the last time you ever hated something apple made? *waits for that one pessimist*
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