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macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
So this seems less a tiktok specific issue and an issue of parenting. Basically the parents that choose not to be involved in moderating and managing the kids social platforms are now turning to the government to do their job for them.

Again, I'm not for or against tiktok. I'm on the outside looking in, and wondering what's people's opinions.

I don't see too much difference in this over other social platforms and to blame one saying how evil it is, because a Chinese company owns it but giving other platforms a pass (or at least a blind eye) seems hypercritical.
Oof! You’re opening this WIDE open for political discourse 🤣

I think it comes down to what a person thinks the role of government is, and how vast its protection of the vulnerable should be?

Hypocrisy seemingly abounds everywhere, but in this specific case, how much can parents really do against a monster of a social epidemic? Sure, you can limit your child’s exposure and use of social media, but it’s going to be at the cost of being ostracized and being “left out” of the cultural trends: of which tiktok is a beast that promotes unhealthy habits and ideas (some of which have been stated earlier, and some are going to be personal beliefs.)
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Sep 13, 2014
I find it interesting that China has been banning Facebook and similar western based SoMe for years. Not because they were afraid of western surveillance, but because they’re afraid of their own population.

Whereas the west is considering banning Chinese SoMe (and more) because we’re afraid of China.

I’m not exactly sure why we’re afraid of China. Of course they’re gonna try out every trick in the book to spy on us, but we’re doing the same anyway. That’s what superpowers do to each other. That’s the name of the game. Like it’s perfectly alright to have drones flying all over the Middle East and right up to Russian borders.

Afraid of their own population? Laughable. The CPC and Xi Jinping have a record high approval rate in China. The CIA publicly confessed that China is essentially bulletproof against Western propaganda schemes to turn the Chinese people against the government because the trust in the CPC over there is so strong. The fairy tale narrative that the Chinese people are under the boot of the CPC is pure Western LARP projection because that's literally how over half the population of the USA currently feel about their own government.

Also flying drones right up against each other's borders is not "what superpowers do to each other" because China have never done such a thing to us, nor have post-Soviet Russia. Only we do stupid things like that. We are constantly pushing the limits of China's patience because we have no solution to counter the multipolar shift besides nuking them.

You're right about one thing, we are indeed afraid of China. We're afraid of them because their economy is growing faster than ours thanks to real industrial development whereas ours is on the verge of collapse because of QE and other post 2008 bandaid fixes.

We're all being lied to about China. Big time.
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Sep 13, 2014
Is that supposed to mean anything or have any relevance?

It's like saying the USA is a massive coast to coast continental country and someone replying, not true, look at Hawaii.

It means that, contrary to popular belief, China aren't actually an authoritarian regime forcing the policies of the mainland onto the other territories it owns.


Sep 13, 2014
Just because the USA does it, does not mean China doesn't.

"Since 2019, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube no longer refrain from identifying coordinated campaigns originating in China. Hence, tens of thousands of fake accounts have been suspended: some had long been “dormant,” others had been bought or stolen, most of them amplifying Chinese propaganda and attacking the United States (in Chinese and in English). Some accounts have profile pictures generated by artificial intelligence – a now regularly-observed practice in Chinese operations on social networks. Additionally, an important aspect of these campaigns is that they do not simply defend China: the promotion of the Chinese model goes hand in hand with the debasement of other models, especially liberal democracies, as Russian influence operations have done for years. The PLA is at the heart of these maneuvers, using social networks to conduct “open” influence operations and circulating propaganda on the one hand, often aiming at deterrence and psychological warfare; and to conduct clandestine and hostile operations against foreign targets on the other hand."

If the French government are saying it, the same government currently being directed by an investment banker, then it must be true! 👍

The French government and European business interests at large have absolutely zero reason to vilify China :^)


Sep 13, 2014
Is that some sort of joke?

Are you even aware how mainland China has authoritarian has been forcing its policies on both Hong Kong and Macau against the deals itself signed?

Supported by most people in Hong Kong outside of the extraordinarily rich people connected to British finance. Sorry the media lied to you with more LARP about college kids fighting back against the evil CPC police or whatever. Notice how we don't talk about HK in the media anymore, we already lost that propaganda fight.


Sep 13, 2014
Not to mention their behaviour towards Taiwan last year.

Towards their own territory? Sorry to inform you but the American government officially recognizes Taiwan as the territory of China, so do most countries globally, and the Taiwanese people just elected a government that is pro One China principle so I guess all the US posturing about supporting Taiwanese people against the CPC was all for nothing. Whoops.


macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2006
Supported by most people in Hong Kong outside of the extraordinarily rich people connected to British finance. Sorry the media lied to you with more LARP about college kids fighting back against the evil CPC police.
Even if we accept that is true (which I am not doing) the conclusion is that you agree that suppressing human rights is acceptable if at a given time that is a popular action.


Oct 19, 2007
How many Western social networks are allowed in China?


I've always wondered why Western countries allow China to play by completely different rules.

It was high time for something like this.
This is a facile analogy. Both countries play by very different rules in different sectors, yet still do business with each other.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2019
New York
Why is it terrible?

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but please tell me why its terrible?
Probably because its melting children's brains and anyone who uses the app and apps like it.

It's no secret that all these social media apps are designed with the same strategy casino slot machines use to keep people engaged any paging. Those are highly regulated, these apps have no regulation. The model of stealing our time, which is more important than money, is the same.

Even China knows this. That's why the social media apps their citizens are allowed to use are regulated with how they provide content and how long they can use them.

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
Towards their own territory? Sorry to inform you but the American government officially recognizes Taiwan as the territory of China, so do most countries globally, and the Taiwanese people just elected a government that is pro One China principle so I guess all the US posturing about supporting Taiwanese people against the CPC was all for nothing. Whoops.
Yeah, their claimed territory. Last time I checked, virtually all aspects of Taiwan from their government, passports down to postage stamps show that they are pretty much operationally independent from China.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
TikTok as an app isn't the issue, I don't even think Bytedance not being a shareholder is a resolution, the aggressive data harvesting and storage at rest for analysis by the Chinese government is the real issue. Just imagine the picture one can build from all that footage within a variety of locations. It is an absolute intelligence gold mine. There is a state actor behind it, there are no legal controls and frameworks around the usage of the data. This is the big problem with TikTok, it has been for a long time, but now the older generations and people in more sensitive locations are using it as well it just can't continue.

Personally, I think all social media has no place on work devices, government, or other. When using social media platforms in a professional capacity, that shouldn't be published through an individual's end user device. That is very silly, uncontrolled and risky for any business.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
If tiktok was strictly educational and not some stupid twerking dance moves maybe it would be more acceptable.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Aren't you old enough to have seen all the effects of social media?
I'm asking him on why he thinks its terrible. I have my on opinions regarding social media, and he made a blankeet statement, so I wanted to know what was behind that
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