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macrumors G3
Sep 8, 2002
The Netherlands
Steve Jobs barely got involved in anything remotely politics. Although he did go to the white house and tell Obama that manufacturing jobs were not coming back to the US because of labor laws, education and salaries.

Steve on the other hand spends almost as much time on political issues (especially gay rights) as he does running Apple. I like Tim, but please spend more time doing your job as CEO.
I agree. But Steve did have a friendly relationship with the Clintons.

But, same goes for musicians etc. I understand that you want to tell the world your visions on earthly matters, but it's not your job and you influence so many "followers" just because they like your music or products.

Politics is like religion: you believe one, or the other or neither. It's a personal thing.

Having a "large" public life sets you in the spotlight. A CEO of a major company showing his political preference is like Obama saying iPhone is best....
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macrumors 68040
Nov 10, 2007
Out of the Reach of the FBI
America would not exist if people had been turned away for whatever reason.

No reasonable person is asking that legitimate refugees be turned away. Only that they be vetted carefully, as was described by the OP. Let's not forget that Ellis Island was a clearing house for US immigrants for decades. Even after the Immigration Act of 1924 it was used to process war refugees.


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2008
Its always funny when people tend to forget that the United States is a nation of immigrants. No matter who you are, unless you are Native American, you can look through your family tree to find the person who's immigration here is cause for you to be an American.

We let in the good and the bad, and you could pause immigration from Syria today and it would not make American any safer. Unfortunately you can't end terrorist acts in American anymore than you can end murder, rape, theft, or any crime for that matter.

Should we do more to insure we are keeping out individuals who intended to harm us? Sure, and that should apply to every country, not just the regions that ISIS are in, however we must not forget that we have innocent people over there that are trying to flee for their lives. We can't just turn them away out of fear. Frankly thats just what ISIS isolate good Muslims to the point where they feel they have no other choice but to buy into their ideology and that will only result in more generations of hate and violence against innocent people.


Jun 20, 2010
No reasonable person is asking that legitimate refugees be turned away. Only that they be vetted carefully, as was described by the OP. Let's not forget that Ellis Island was a clearing house for US immigrants for decades. Even after the Immigration Act of 1924 it was used to process war refugees.

Notwithstanding, refugees processed prior to Ted Kennedy’s 1965 disastrous alteration of the practice, immigrants granted access to America had skills for America to utilize, were checked for health, were given lessons in English, learned a serviceable amount of American history, and most important, became Americans in every sense of the word. Many started their own businesses, others found work in a growing economy.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Steve Jobs barely got involved in anything remotely politics. Although he did go to the white house and tell Obama that manufacturing jobs were not coming back to the US because of labor laws, education and salaries.

Steve on the other hand spends almost as much time on political issues (especially gay rights) as he does running Apple. I like Tim, but please spend more time doing your job as CEO.

You have zero clue what Jobs and Cook do. Are you one of those people who post, 'This would have never happened when Jobs was running Apple"?


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2013
Steve Jobs barely got involved in anything remotely politics. Although he did go to the white house and tell Obama that manufacturing jobs were not coming back to the US because of labor laws, education and salaries.

Steve on the other hand spends almost as much time on political issues (especially gay rights) as he does running Apple. I like Tim, but please spend more time doing your job as CEO.

This ^^ (I assume you meant Tim as the first word in the 2nd paragraph)

Steve ran a company (brilliantly). That was it.
Tim USES the company as his own personal political soap box.

I can't wait till he is no longer CEO.

P.S. before @rdowns responds with a 'how do you know?' nonsense question. my reply is: perception is reality in this case.


macrumors 68040
Nov 10, 2007
Out of the Reach of the FBI
Here's a serious question. DO you even know how the vetting process works?

Ooh, ooh!! I know this one (raising hand and jumping up and down). They are vetted by numerous US agencies in a time and labor intensive process. About 2,200 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US since 2011. That's about 500 per year. The administration has publicly admitted that the process is slow, and they cannot really do a good job going any faster with the resources available. But the President wants to allow at least 10,000 refugees in during 2016. That's a 20-fold annual increase of the last 4 years.

Tell me how we do that without risking homeland security.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
Sorry Tim, I don't think there's any misunderstanding with Paris and San Bernardino. There's nothing wrong with turning away people that can't be properly vetted. That doesn't mean banning anyone of a certain religion but pausing immigration from countries where groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda have a foothold...absolutely.
Was Dylan Roof or the latest Planned Parenthood vetted as Christians? Reality check, since 9/11 there have been 3,380 deaths by terrorism and 404,496 deaths by guns at our own American hands. We can argue how much religion places a role in any of these cases but the hypocrisy is glaring, we do everything we can to not only enable this violence, but turn a blind eye UNLESS they're from a different country. We have some priority issues here.
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macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
You do realize while we "pause" taking in refugees from where ISIS has a foothold means more innocent dead people? ISIS and Al Qaeda kills more Muslims than westerners. These people are desperate and are literally running for their lives.
The point is that enough innocent Muslims get killed they will eventually stand up for themselves.


Feb 17, 2009
No reasonable person is asking that legitimate refugees be turned away. Only that they be vetted carefully, as was described by the OP. Let's not forget that Ellis Island was a clearing house for US immigrants for decades. Even after the Immigration Act of 1924 it was used to process war refugees.

Sorry, but I have to laugh. Do you seriously expect that terrorists would not pass any vetting and come in as legitimate?
While I have no idea of their countries citizen registration procedures I am absolutely sure terrorists can get REAL papers anytime they wish. (Passport with false name etc.) They have enough money and resources to do so.
Proven in San Bernadino.

By the time we vet the really innocent "carefully" there is a good chance they will not make it.

Nobody has a solution to this problem. What we are seeing now is the result of years and years of failed international politics.
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macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
So this is a "tough love" thing with you? Good lord there are some bad people in this world.
I'm saying there is nothing we can do. Shipping people off is not a solution to the problem. It just creates the potential for different problems somewhere else.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2008
The point is that enough innocent Muslims get killed they will eventually stand up for themselves.

So lets just let everyone fend for themselves then?

Its sad how concerned we can be with ourselves, while not giving a damn about others.


macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2012
Connecticut, USA
So lets just let everyone fend for themselves then?

Its sad how concerned we can be with ourselves, while not giving a damn about others.

How about caring about your fellow American citizens not getting blown up or shot by a radical terrorist who uses our porous refugee vetting system to gain access to our country? ISIS has boasted about this publically. As someone pointed out above, a pause in the process to identify the weaknesses and correct them makes total sense.


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2008
How about caring about your fellow American citizens not getting blown up or shot by a radical terrorist who uses our porous refugee vetting system to gain access to our country? ISIS has boasted about this publically. As someone pointed out above, a pause in the process to identify the weaknesses and correct them makes total sense.

I care about Humans. Murder is murder and at the end of the day I'm not putting one persons life over another.

The government does not need to pause immigration to make it stronger.....air travel in the United States was not paused in the weeks following September 11th to make domestic air travel any safer. America is a smart, strong, and great country, we can figure this out without stopping everything.


Dec 21, 2011
República Cascadia
I'm not putting one persons life over another.

I value American lives above all others and I have a problem with Obama sending Americans to die in Syria at the same time he's opening the gates of America to tens of thousands of Syrian economic migrants. **** that. Let them fight for their own goddamn country.
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Jun 3, 2015
You're enough of a child that you'll no longer want a product because a CEO doesn't agree with you on something?
Maybe it's opposite way? How about we separate politic and technology...just like how religion and state...yeah?
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