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macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
I always find it odd we in the West think we know what's best for other countries or what the people of other countries want.

We think we know what's best for Chinese workers, for people in the Middle East, etc., etc.

Benevolent, wealthy white people swooping in to save the day (again)!
"Isn't putting up suicide-prevention netting a terrible aggression towards their free will?", "Maybe they prefer to live on top of each other in cramped spaces, because surely that's how those family oriented people are?", "I could sure benefit from losing weight myself, so maybe they are the healthy ones?"…

There are these basic things about being a human being, or any living being, that isn't just a white (color or culture) thing… and withholding certain things is more about greed and wanting cheap stuff, than it actually is about caring about those of a different color or culture.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
TBH, I have no idea what he's trying to say. What does the pandemic have anything to do with Racial Equity and Justice Initiative? Is he trying to say that Covid is racist? :D I guess my English is not that good...

Hey Tim, if you want to talk about equity, how about Apple pricing in my country, where your cheapest base iPhone 12 mini cost almost $900.

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
Apple contributes to ‘structural discrimination’ by pricing their products such that only the wealthy privileged can afford them. iPhones should be given away to anyone who can’t afford one to provide equal opportunity if he wants to practice what he proclaims
Apple make luxury devices, there are plenty of other manufacturers out there that can people can acquire a phone from. There's a second-hand market out there too, and new devices are available at a wide range of price points. Apple aren't a charity; they're a money-making enterprise.

In addition, what (in your opinion) would "giving an iPhone to anyone who can't afford one" achieve socially?


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2015
Sometimes these message may have very good intention, but most of the time they tend to have the opposite effect.
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Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
I can tell you that for a fact it is more in the developed world, there's are a lot more obese people in the west, diabetes is also a lot more or other underlying health problems, all of the above leads to more (severe) corona cases.
There's also less interaction in between groups of people in for instance African countries or in between those countries located within Africa, like import/export so less chance to get infected, just look at the number of flights above Africa compared for instance to Europe, while above Europe the map is all yellow (on flightradar24), the map of the whole of Africa shows just 10's of flights in real-time, Europe has thousands, and Africa is immensely bigger than Europe.
I'm not saying that your statements are not true, or that mine are, but I am saying that there isn't a definitive way of really knowing because of the reasons I mentioned previously.

Yes, COVID-19 totally does affect those with underlaying health conditions and unhealthy lifestyles, but we're always being reminded about how "people who are not white" are apparently more susceptible too.

Again - we'll probably never know for sure.


macrumors 68020
Jun 22, 2010
Hierarchy of needs and all that. Can't successfully fight higher level issues like racism when a big percentage of Americans are living in poverty or struggling to get by to that point that $1400 dollars in aid money is a make or break situation. Financial insecurity breeds xenophobia along with all the -isms: racism, populism, fanaticism on and on. Probably not something a billionaire understands :)

Not that I don't agree with the message though, I'm glad it's being talked about.


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
Why is he using the AirPods Pro? Does he have to use the "high-end" models of every Apple product only because he's the CEO? It's a "trend" I've been noticing...
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macrumors regular
Sep 30, 2019
Just going out on a wild limb here, but perhaps, just maybe, those people bought into a century of the country blaring its star-spangled marketing materials all over the world, and don’t yet know the reality they’re actually in for here, and won’t until they actually arrive and it becomes their reality. ...what with time proceeding in one direction and all.
Hahaha. They come here because in America anyone has a chance if they work hard enough. Go trade places with them if you’re an American and you hate it so much.


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2011
If America is systemically racist why then are tens of thousands of migrants crossing the US/Mexico border illegally to live here?
That's a question the rest of the developed world asks. They come to escape oppression/poverty and seek opportunity; initially they tend to work hard and to stay in their communities for support; a person can keep their head down in the face of small mindedness and lead a fulfilling life watching their children excel.


macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2005
Just going out on a wild limb here, but perhaps, just maybe, those people bought into a century of the country blaring its star-spangled marketing materials all over the world, and don’t yet know the reality they’re actually in for here, and won’t until they actually arrive and it becomes their reality. ...what with time proceeding in one direction and all.
You don't think that the migrants that made it to the US that send money and letters home aren't telling their relatives about their experience in America? That those immigrants are fighting to bring their relatives here instead of fighting to escape the US?

In 2018 the migrant caravan from Honduras and other Central American countries were told by the media and local governments at every stop that the evil, racist dictator Trump wouldn't let them in if they made it to the US border. They were offered and turned down asylum in multiple countries on the way.

They know that even with its faults there is a hell of a lot more opportunity in America than where they are coming from. Especially if they make it to a sanctuary city where they more or less have the same basic rights as a US citizen with a very low chance of being deported.

And remember when the non-stop coverage of the caravan stopped? When the mayors and governors who were calling Trump racist and inhumane declined Trump's offer of send the migrants directly to their cities and states.

I'm no fan of Trump, but I find it ridiculous how the media is fawning over Biden's handling of the border issue when conditions are the same or worse than 3 months ago.


macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2010
Racism is built into the US since before it was founded and it’s still very real and detrimental for the future of the country. If you think it’s imagination, you should step out of your privilege bubble and step into reality. Only then will the US be able to leave the dark ages of its past behind.

Yes, but the US government and it's citizens have worked hard to correct any injustice of its founding. It is no longer the same country it was in 1776. Yet people act as if the South won the Civil War. Of course we need to eradicate any systemic racism and/or injustice yet remaining in our system, but I think you will find very little that is codified.

One more thing. If we do have systemic racism in our system of government, the Democrats are now in power from the House to the White House. This is the time to rid our country of all forms of racism and injustice. Do your part by contacting your representatives --demand they work to scrub the system of any remaining racist laws and/or policies.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2001
Moorpark, CA
Because in many cases the ones fleeing their homes are less hurt by ?? racism than they are by the gangs and (in many cases ?? caused) political instability of their home countries.
It doesn’t surprise me that you really don’t know what you are talking about.
The statistics prove that he’s right, actually. Countries with younger populations that are characteristic of third world countries have fared far better dealing with the CV than developed countries with their older populations that are far more likely to die from the CV or, if they survive, have alternative bad outcomes. Maybe you didn't see the data?
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