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macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2001
Moorpark, CA
Africa is not hit as hard by the pandemic partially due to a much younger demographic, more rural less densely populated areas, a more favourable climate and no culture of putting the elderly in retirement homes.
Or is it that we don’t have real numbers from developed countries. How do you know how to compare o
ur numbers with their’s when we know that governors from some states have been cooking the books to hide their own mismanagement. It works both ways. I would point out that, though the current presumed count for CoV deaths in 2020 is over 350,000, we actually had far fewer than 350,000 more deaths in 2020. This suggests that CV deaths have at least something to do with how deaths are counted and this m]brings into question the motivations, political and otherwise, for doing so.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2006
I came for the comments and people sure don’t disappoint. Why do you assume he’s only talking about developing countries? We know poor, black and Hispanic communities in the US have been hit much harder by the pandemic. The US is the OECD country with the fourth highest poverty rate. In many aspects, the US is still a developing country.

If the CEO of Facebook only talks about his plans to make his company richer, he’s an evil guy. If a CEO talks about improving society, he should stick to running his company. They can’t win, can they?

Why do you expect an American company to go after a foreign government? The topic of this interview is how to come out of this pandemic safely on the other end, not “a random collection of horrific things happening around the world“.

I assume this question is a joke? Can’t get my head around this much ignorance. So, I’ll just assume it’s meant sarcastically.

Racism is built into the US since before it was founded and it’s still very real and detrimental for the future of the country. If you think it’s imagination, you should step out of your privilege bubble and step into reality. Only then will the US be able to leave the dark ages of its past behind.
OH geez.... We gots another WOKE one here.

H. Flower

macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2008
If he truly believes the problem is engrained and systemic, he needs to start putting his money where his mouth is.

- Cut the prices across all products so more minorities can more easily afford them. You want to affect systemic change? Start making Apple computers affordable.

- Why not step down as CEO, and offer the position to a capable minority? Give someone else the opportunity. That's called leading by example.

Let's see some actual personal sacrifice, for once.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2020
What he is talking about? The pandemic hit harder the most developed countries in the world. The infection and death rate in Europe and North America was far greater than in Africa, India and other developing countries/regions.
Is it because we were hit harder though, or that the wealthier nations had more resources to track cases? I wouldn’t be surprised if developing nations struggled to afford the programs like testing and tracing. Wealthier nations have a lot of advantages.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2016
At a café near you
"In simple theory, a disease should affect all of us equally"
This shows that Tim Cook's brain has been mushed by too much political thinking.

Very many diseases strike unequally based on biological and genetic differences.
Cancers, heart disease, sickle cell anemia etc.
Specifically with regard to Covid, it appears that in Africa - for a variety of reasons including genetic ones - the population is less susceptible to severe forms of the disease. But that scientific fact doesn't fit Tim Cooks narrative.

Or considering that the disease is significantly more deadly for older people, is Tim Cook suggesting that we should kill more young people to equalise the death rates amongst each cohort? Anything less, after all would be ageism /s
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macrumors 68020
Apr 20, 2016
La Jolla, CA
AAPL made a fortune because of Covid, in large part because of Govt Stimulus !

How much of that fortune did AAPL provide back to communities that needed it most ???

Anybody have an answer ?

I doubt Tim would ever provide an answer.
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macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
Probably because being called a slur if far better than living in fear you and your family will be killed or tortured by gangs/cartels/&c.
So you are admitting there are way bigger problems in the world than using offensive language? WOW!!!!


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
Hilariously, the posters saying there is no racism in the US are white posters. lol.
I don't think anyone is arguing there isn't racism in America (as there is as well in many many other countries). The beef is labeling the ENTIRE country that and making it's citizens apologize and atone for sins automatically cast upon them by the court of public opinion.... who have no idea what they're talking about. Its actually incredibly racist too ironically.


Jan 15, 2021
Why is he using the AirPods Pro? Does he have to use the "high-end" models of every Apple product only because he's the CEO? It's a "trend" I've been noticing...
He didn’t wear the Gold (actual gold) Apple Watch tho.


macrumors 68020
Sep 20, 2014
I always find it odd we in the West think we know what's best for other countries or what the people of other countries want.

We think we know what's best for Chinese workers, for people in the Middle East, etc., etc.

Benevolent, wealthy white people swooping in to save the day (again)!
I think the assumption is people everywhere just want to be treated decently, paid a fair wage and given the same social freedoms everyone else is regardless of age, race, gender, religion or social status. That all seems fairly universal to me.

Perhaps you should consult your inner monologue, however, because honestly you sound like rich plantation owner excusing slavery two hundred years ago: “why the slave LIKES being indentured and controlled… saved from the arduous task of deciding his own fate and scrambling for a place in society. Waking up every day with a firm hand that knows what’s best for him, guiding his daily toil towards something prosperous for all society; a proper cog in a maginificent machine we call enlightened society! Fret not for the slave, for he is indeed more ‘free’ than you or I.”

That’s basically what you just said, whether you realize it or not, except you replaced “slaves” with “other countries,” and it’s sick. I’m pointing it out bluntly in the hopes having it put in front of you in no uncertain terms might lead to some internal reflection and eventual personal growth.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
AAPL made a fortune because of Covid, in large part because of Govt Stimulus !
If AAPL did so did others.
How much of that fortune did AAPL provide back to communities that needed it most ???
Anybody have an answer ?

I doubt Tim would ever provide an answer.
See above. But Apple is not under an obligation to have their philanthropic interests aligned with MacRumors posters say it should be.


Feb 5, 2021
Maybe they should be fired in the interests of D&I? Or maybe D&I isn't binary and it's a process not a specific example. Nah.
They have never had a black Senior VP. How long is the process supposed to take?


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
I don't think anyone is arguing there isn't racism in America (as there is as well in many many other countries). The beef is labeling the ENTIRE country that and making it's citizens apologize and atone for sins automatically cast upon them by the court of public opinion.... who have no idea what they're talking about. Its actually incredibly racist too ironically.
Considering the majority of posters here are from the US, I am actually amazed at how many posts have racist tones. Maybe I’m not considering the number fighting against BLM, but it astounds me in this day and age and it’s very sad. If anyone reacts to this post, I expect to get 6:1 thumbs done on this post and that will be like a poll Of racism v non.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2011
I don't think anyone is arguing there isn't racism in America (as there is as well in many many other countries). The beef is labeling the ENTIRE country that and making it's citizens apologize and atone for sins automatically cast upon them by the court of public opinion.... who have no idea what they're talking about. Its actually incredibly racist too ironically.
This hyper-imagining of perceived ‘systemic racism’ really needs to die out now. Yes, racists are always white. Sure. Racism is a one-way street with 10,000 lanes. I get it. This kind of garbage and the policies that result from it only creates more realracism.


macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2004
Just give us technology, Tim. Stop with the pontificating. Plus, racism is learned, it's not inherent in any individual regardless of melanin content. People learn to be bigots and racists. It's not preloaded in the human OS.

Actually, it is built into our OS. As an act of self-preservation we are programmed to recognize “same” and “others”, according to clan/look/behavior.

As a pattern-matching generalizing machine, our brains are built to create broad stereotypes.

Learned behavior is actually to rise above racism and treat each human for their own worth, not the group they belong to.


Aug 17, 2016
If America is systemically racist why then are tens of thousands of migrants crossing the US/Mexico border illegally to live here?
Because being a target racism is better than living in a slump with gang violence, political instability, and drone strikes forever.

Also, they probably didn't know that before they show up. The US propaganda state department doesn't show this side of America to the world.
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Apple make luxury devices, there are plenty of other manufacturers out there that can people can acquire a phone from. There's a second-hand market out there too, and new devices are available at a wide range of price points. Apple aren't a charity; they're a money-making enterprise.

In addition, what (in your opinion) would "giving an iPhone to anyone who can't afford one" achieve socially?
The second hand market argument would be valid if Apple is supportive for that market, aka working with 3rd parties better for repairs and refurbishing process. But from what we are seeing, Apple actually has no interest in those second hand market outside their own refurbished stores.

I don't think the idea is giving everybody an iPhone. But at least if they want to talk about equity, then global pricing should be more consistent with what they were announcing. If you talk about equity, then the idea is to charge more in countries with more buying power than those without. But that's not what's happening, in fact it's the reverse. So maybe Tim should tone down his equity talk a bit because capitalism doesn't jive with it. :D


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
If he truly believes the problem is engrained and systemic, he needs to start putting his money where his mouth is.

- Cut the prices across all products so more minorities can more easily afford them. You want to affect systemic change? Start making Apple computers affordable.

- Why not step down as CEO, and offer the position to a capable minority? Give someone else the opportunity. That's called leading by example.

Let's see some actual personal sacrifice, for once.
Merely cutting prices won't actually make much of a difference as there is always someone that can undercut you even further. I mean we have $100 Android phones. I don't think it make sense to force Apple to be a bottom racer.

One option, if Apple want to maintain their existing lineup, is to push their refurbished products more into other markets. Let's say iPhones. Even if you buy a refurbished iPhone 8 today, you would still have better longevity OS support wise than a typical Android phone. Also, this could cut the market of iPhones with fake parts, and also solve the affordability part a bit (an old iPhone 7 is still better than a new budget Android phone in terms of performance). But Apple doesn't do that. Worse, Apple keeps making it more difficult for people to repair their products, especially in places without nearby Apple stores. So yes, Tim Cook has a long way to go to walk his talk.


macrumors regular
Oct 15, 2012
Republic of Texas
Imagine moral pontificating by a guy profiting off actual sweatshops and slave labor in foreign countries.

Hey Tim, how about moving Apple's manufacturing to, say, Mexico, and providing the workers with a proper living wage and humane conditions in factories with total access by press and humanitarian groups. How about buying components from companies whose workers don't throw themselves off factory rooftops to both end their miserable, pointless lives and call attention to just how maltreated they are.

Oh wait, you would never do that, it might cut into profits from selling to people virtue-signaling about how woke they are on phones built by virtual slaves.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
What he is talking about? The pandemic hit harder the most developed countries in the world. The infection and death rate in Europe and North America was far greater than in Africa, India and other developing countries/regions.
I think he means in countries like the UK and and the US they have found that BAME (black and ethnic minority) communities have been hardest hit by covid. So that’s what he’s referring to as systemic inequalities.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Imagine moral pontificating by a guy profiting off actual sweatshops and slave labor in foreign countries.

Hey Tim, how about moving Apple's manufacturing to, say, Mexico, and providing the workers with a proper living wage and humane conditions in factories with total access by press and humanitarian groups. How about buying components from companies whose workers don't throw themselves off factory rooftops to both end their miserable, pointless lives and call attention to just how maltreated they are.

Oh wait, you would never do that, it might cut into profits from selling to people virtue-signaling about how woke they are on phones built by virtual slaves.
Apple doesn’t own any manufacturing facilities any more than when you lease a car you own it. Other than that faux pax it’s pretty good pontification.
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