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macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2014
So? Nothing wrong with profiting off bigots. Maybe they should all boycott apple and go to Microsoft or Google. I'm sure neither of those companies are pro-gay. Oh wait, they both are!:D

Are they going around lobbying for gay rights? Tim stick to Apple, they have some issues that can use you attention

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
Homosexuality is not a sickness. It's a normal variation in human sexuality. Your views are outdated, stop trying to pass them off as fact. Being gay isn't a handicap, it only becomes one when right wing religious bigots attempt to make it one. That won't fly in America anymore, as you can see from this backlash. Gay marriage will be law of the land by June and these RFRA laws are causing outrage by conservatives and liberals alike, as well as all major corporations. Good luck with your failed agenda!

PS. Lots of white Christian males are gay. Example: Tim Cook

Yes it is a sickness, just like depression, or any other ailment that millions of humans get.

Humans aren't perfect, some are born with mutations and two heads, some can't talk or hear or see. Some are chemically inconsistent against the facts of evolution such as gays. its a mutation because what is considered normal is what got us here via breeding to maintain our DNA. A sensation built in to pro-reate, that has since been miscalibrated.

You're opinions aren't what is real, DNA is the cornerstone of what we consider the basis for reality. Gay reality is a malfunction of biology and evolution.

Its basic science and biology.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2011
He is the CEO of Apple. He has the right and the duty to speak on behalf of an entire public company.

I agree.

But, I ask that you and everyone else remember that the next time the CEO of a public (or privately-held) company speaks out, or donates to a political candidate or party, you remember that you said this.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean only the freedom to say only the things that you approve.


macrumors regular
Jan 15, 2008
This is Tim Cook's Apple. He's not going to stop taking a stand on social issues like this and he obviously isn't going away. If you don't like it, too bad. Feel free to get rid of all your Apple stuff and use other products. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I, for one, applaud him.

P.S. Also, to everyone criticizing his actions in this regard, he gives absolutely ZERO effs what you think.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
Well, I respect your opinion, but if I were you, I would seriously, I mean seriously read and investigate the Bible for myself instead of repeating the opinions of others.

Why do I need to read fables. There is nothing there to investigate and certainly little of relevance to today. That's my opinion, not others. I've been subject to the old testament my entire childhood. A lot of god this and god that. Who cares? Its BS for children.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2010
So Tim Cook is advocating solving perceived discrimination against homosexuals with government mandated discrimination against religion.

Got it.

Where is it in the bible that you can't sell a cake or flowers to someone cuz they are LGBT?

It ain't in there.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
I agree.

But, I ask that you and everyone else remember that the next time the CEO of a public (or privately-held) company speaks out, or donates to a political candidate or party, you remember that you said this.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean only the freedom to say only the things that you approve.

If a CEO makes a bad move, he has every right to do so, as well as deal with the public backlash against it (which is also free speech).


macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2011
Any comment from Cook is meant to bolster apple and ONLY to bolster apple.

S T F U Tim. I've no doubt you'll still ship apple products to Indiana.

Yea, exactly. Just like that BS race together mantra the Starbucks CEO was preaching. "Let's discuss race in posh white neighborhoods, because I'm not about to open more shops in black communities". So tired of all these people and their empty words, and fawning over themselves.

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
I never thought in my wildest dreams a company like Apple had fans that were so intolerant.

Every time I come to macrumors I'm shocked at what I see.

I never thought I'd see people that like Apple decry diverse emoj & a CEO that stands up for his customers regardless of their race and sexual orientation.


Its not intolerance,

its anti-tolerance

to the point where our identity and morals and dignity is attacked.

sometimes enough is enough. I have testosterone. Call it a malfunction.

I will not standby as my beliefs are walked all over. My testosterone won't let me ever stop my whole life.

I will always standup for what i believe in.


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2005
Yes it is a sickness, just like depression, or any other ailment that millions of humans get. Humans aren't perfect, some are born with mutations and two heads, some can't talk or hear or see. Some are chemically inconsistent against the facts of evolution such as gays. its a mutation because what is considered normal is what got us here via breeding to maintain our DNA. A sensation built in to pro-reate, that has since been miscalibrated. You're opinions aren't what is real, DNA is the cornerstone of what we consider the basis for reality. Gay reality is a malfunction of biology and evolution. Its basic science and biology.
You have a sickness. If you were willing to see a physician or phyciatrist, they can diagnose it for you. It's basic science and biology.

Even if it was a sickness, which it isn't, why can't you let ILL people marry OTHER ILL people? Because, you are discrminating against people based on an illness, which is also illegal in the United States. The problem is not our laws; it never has been. It's people like you.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2010
On the other hand with all these Macrumors people boycotting Apple because Tim Cook is standing against discrimination maybe some great gently used Apple products will go up on eBay cheap!



macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
Yes it is a sickness, just like depression, or any other ailment that millions of humans get.

Humans aren't perfect, some are born with mutations and two heads, some can't talk or hear or see. Some are chemically inconsistent against the facts of evolution such as gays. its a mutation because what is considered normal is what got us here via breeding to maintain our DNA. A sensation built in to pro-reate, that has since been miscalibrated.

You're opinions aren't what is real, DNA is the cornerstone of what we consider the basis for reality. Gay reality is a malfunction of biology and evolution.

Its basic science and biology.


By this logic, being white is a sickness, having blonde hair is a sickness, being tall is a sickness. They all stem from DNA mutations.

I really fail to see your point?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2010
Liberals misreporting things. You don't say. :eek:

Good grief! You can't be serious.

Apple isn't the only company decrying this law. There are plenty of other companies and institutions also standing against it.

No matter what Pence says, this law (and others like it) is thinly disguised and political pandering at it's worst. It's unnecessary and certainly inflammatory. Perhaps Pence could enlist Phil Robertson's help in getting Indiana's message out.


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2005
New Mexico
I am not suggesting that "justified" bigotry is anything but bigotry - I'm just saying that telling a business owner what to do is like telling me to perform an abortion - I still happily take of these women - I just don't perform that procedure. So the baker can keep baking, but shouldn't be "forced" to bake a wedding cake if they find it objectionable...the baker isn't saying "no gays in my shop"...he/she is just saying they won't bake them a wedding cake because it somehow offends their belief system.

A baker doing business with the public is subject to regulations protecting the public. Denying service to individuals based on sexuality is clearly discriminatory.

Note that religious freedom was also cited in defense of opposition to mixed-race marriages. A quote from history:

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

— Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

Should people be allowed to deny service to mixed-race couples based on their religious beliefs? Is religion in the U.S. doomed to serve as a fount of arbitrary personal justifications for bigotry until so many have rejected it that it loses all cultural relevance? Stats show that people are leaving Christianity for precisely these reasons.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2014
New Jersey, United States
Yes it is a sickness, just like depression, or any other ailment that millions of humans get.

Humans aren't perfect, some are born with mutations and two heads, some can't talk or hear or see. Some are chemically inconsistent against the facts of evolution such as gays. its a mutation because what is considered normal is what got us here via breeding to maintain our DNA. A sensation built in to pro-reate, that has since been miscalibrated.

You're opinions aren't what is real, DNA is the cornerstone of what we consider the basis for reality. Gay reality is a malfunction of biology and evolution.

Its basic science and biology.
Tell it to the American psychological association who decided in 1973 that homosexuality is not a sickness. Your opinion is 42 years outdated. What you're saying is your misguided opinion, what I'm telling you is a legal and scientific fact.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
As an atheist, I quite like Christmas. Interestingly, many Christians seem to believe that it is the most important day of the year - which of course it isn't. Easter is much more important.

I read a claim that someone heard a father shouting at his unruly children in a shop: "Kids, behave, or I'll tell Santa Claus that we are muslims". All kids like Christmas presents, no matter what their religion.

Its a fun pagan based ritual -- but for those in the U.S. to claim there is no religious freedom is nonsense. They only need to look how the Xmas is everywhere. I also don't get the need for Christians to decorate public buildings too. Why isn't it enough to decorate your own home for Xmas? Why the need for Xmas trees and lights everywhere? Streets, malls, etc?

Cory Bauer

macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2003
Trying to tease out where I stand on this - I get that a business owner can't, for example, say "No blacks or Jews in my shop". It's bigoted and ugly and can't be defended.

But let me pose this question - if, in one of the current examples, the baker says "I don't want to make a cake for a Lesbian couple's wedding because I object to the idea of gay marriage on religious/moral/personal grounds". That is not the same as saying "Lesbians can't come into my bakery and buy baked goods".

My personal example - I'm an OBGYN. I deliver babies for a living. Abortion is legal in this country. But my personal beliefs don't allow me to perform that procedure. And the law is on my side - I can't be compelled to perform any medical procedure that I find morally or ethically unacceptable. That doesn't mean that I don't take care of women who have had abortions. It means that I won't perform one.

Yes - I get that baking a cake and performing an abortion are different (not suggesting any parity there) - but is the underlying principle of who gets to choose what they do/don't similar?
As you've recognized, preventing life and providing a cake for a happy couple who have chosen to spend their lives loving one another isn't exactly the same. One should not be able to cite a kind of person as a "moral objectification" for doing business.

Everyone keeps using the wedding cake baker/wedding photographer example to support this law. Setting aside for a moment that I think passing this whole thing off as a religious issue is a farce (how many bills were introduced this year to outlaw heterosexual divorce to protect the sanctity of marriage?), this legislation is nowhere near that specific and far more reaching than simply pertaining to businesses who may find themselves asked to contribute in some form to gay weddings.

If I understand it correctly, some podunk rural bar in Indiana could now legally hang a "No Gays" sign in the window, or throw the "town gay" out of the diner while other bigoted patrons look on in approval. This is extremely, extremely scary stuff, especially in smaller communities where an openly (or suspected) homosexual individual may find themselves in an extreme minority and surrounded by a hive-minded white, heterosexual, anti-gay community. Legally supporting such bigotry only reinforces these people's belief that their discrimination is both morally and socially acceptable.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2010
Its not intolerance,

its anti-tolerance

to the point where our identity and morals and dignity is attacked.

sometimes enough is enough. I have testosterone. Call it a malfunction.

I will not standby as my beliefs are walked all over. My testosterone won't let me ever stop my whole life.

I will always standup for what i believe in.

But others can't do the same?

So when u puttin your Apple stuff up on eBay? Whatcha got good to sell? U gonna post photos here or do we need to wait till you post your items on eBay?

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
You have a sickness. If you were willing to see a physician or phyciatrist, they can diagnose it for you. It's basic science and biology.

Even if it was a sickness, which it isn't, why can't you let ILL people marry OTHER ILL people? Because, you are discrminating against people based on an illness, which is also illegal in the United States. The problem is not our laws; it never has been. It's people like you.

No its people like you who are sick.

You have insecurity and you can't stand reality.

Political correctness and reality/science are not the same thing.

I know the facts, you know what you want to be real and what you consider fair from your weak point of view of a "nobody in life"

in a capitalist society, the whole point of doing anything is to be great! to be an amazing succes. That is the American dream.

People like you just try to bring those who succeed down because you are not successful as a champion of life.

The only reason we do things is to be great. And since you can't be great you don't want us to be great.

Killing the American Dream in the process so you feel less of a loser because you're not living it.

Its practically the plot of every Disney movie.
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flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
Because Tim is talking about a law in this case and he is referencing political figures.

he's also directly quoted as saying:

"This isn’t a political issue. It isn’t a religious issue," he said. "This is about how we treat each other as human beings."

..but i suppose you just skip over that bit? or maybe he's just lying / being political when saying that?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2010
I love the smell of religious freedom masked as discrimination on a Monday morning.

....deep breff....


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2012
Again, another person that repeating opinions. Read and investigate the Bible for yourself. Don't rely on other people's opinions and views.

The bible should be no more relevant to civil law than greek mythology, Norse Mythology or any other fable of the old civilizations. Why don't you read a Dr. Suess book -- just as relevant, if not more so today.
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