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macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2007
Wow, just enabled the live comment updates in the wapo article, the comments are coming 3 per seconds or more. Of course almost all are inflammatory and trolls. Just stay away from it by collapsing the comment section.

This is where Tim includes Apple and defines his new goal:
At Apple, we are in business to empower and enrich our customers’ lives. We strive to do business in a way that is just and fair. That’s why, on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation — wherever it emerges.

Two points:
1. I was thinking Apple just "made great products", Tim seems changed the wording a little bit
2. Tim will continue this writing in the name of Apple. I hope it does not consume too much of his CEO time.


macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The only reason we do things is to be great. And since you can't be great you don't want us to be great.

There is really something wrong with you if that is your assumption of what drives us all. It might be in your very small world, but beyond that we just try to be happy and let others be happy too. And let me tell you, that includes allowing people to realise their dreams to regardless of their urges, preferences or disabilities.

You might want to read a bit about boasting and what it usually says about the person that does a lot of that. There is usually a lot of insecurity about oneself behind it. Ever wonder what it says about your sexual orientation when you make so many pictures of yourself and post them for the world to see? Could you maybe be a minority yourself and try to hide it (very badly)?

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
But others can't do the same?

So when u puttin your Apple stuff up on eBay? Whatcha got good to sell? U gonna post photos here or do we need to wait till you post your items on eBay?

This is Steve Jobs' Apple still to me. He picked Tim because he knows the masses respond to that type of beta liberal faux-progressiveness like many people in this thread with their little good job comments that are loaded attacks against the matriarchy.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2014
New Jersey, United States
No its people like you who are sick.

You have insecurity and you can't stand reality.

Political correctness and reality/science are not the same thing.

I know the facts, you know what you want to be real and what you consider fair from your weak point of view of a "nobody in life"

in a capitalist society, the whole point of doing anything is to be great! to be an amazing succes. That is the American dream.

People like you just try to bring those who succeed down because you are not successful as a champion of life.

The only reason we do things is to be great. And since you can't be great you don't want us to be great.

Killing the American Dream in the process so you feel less of a loser because you're not living it.

Its practically the plot of every Disney movie.
Alpha male? Dude, judging by your posts and your Instagram page, there's nothing alpha about you. You seem to be extremely insecure about who you are, I actually feel kinda bad for you.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
This is Steve Jobs' Apple still to me. He picked Tim because he knows the masses respond to that type of beta liberal faux-progressiveness like many people in this thread with their little good job comments that are loaded attacks against the matriarchy.

....what matriarchy? :confused:

What country are you talking about?


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2007
he's also directly quoted as saying:

"This isn’t a political issue. It isn’t a religious issue," he said. "This is about how we treat each other as human beings."

..but i suppose you just skip over that bit? or maybe he's just lying / being political when saying that?

I read that part too, at the very last. I see that comment as a way not to be labeled as a religious or political issue. But he is talking about a legislation here that can only be changed in the political world.

But I can give you that point, Apple is not being political, ok. But you should give me the point that Apple is not making a great product here, instead Apple is talking about freedom of people in 1 country where it operates. Can he talk about more in general? Like the freedom of people all over the world?


macrumors regular
Jan 15, 2008
A few decades ago we also had this argument about serving black people in a "white" establishment.

This is the modern version of that.


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2005
New Mexico
I never thought in my wildest dreams a company like Apple had fans that were so intolerant.

Every time I come to macrumors I'm shocked at what I see.

I never thought I'd see people that like Apple decry diverse emoj & a CEO that stands up for his customers regardless of their race and sexual orientation.


MacRumors has always had a conservative segment that comes out of the woodwork in political articles, perhaps owing to the site's popularity and the fact that Rush Limbaugh is a vocal Apple fan on his show.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
A few decades ago we also had this argument about serving black people in a "white" establishment.

This is the modern version of that.

I take issue with you characterizing this as a "modern" issue. ;)

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
There is really something wrong with you if that is your assumption of what drives us all. It might be in your very small world, but beyond that we just try to be happy and let others be happy too. And let me tell you, that includes allowing people to realise their dreams to regardless of their urges, preferences or disabilities.

You might want to read a bit about boasting and what it usually says about the person that does a lot of that. There is usually a lot of insecurity about oneself behind it. Ever wonder what it says about your sexual orientation when you make so many pictures of yourself and post them for the world to see? Could you maybe be a minority yourself and try to hide it (very badly)?

I thought you were ignoring me but can't help it huh?

I work with gays, I do financial domination fetish cash mastering and psycho-analyse them every day.

Most real gays don't disagree they are "sick" or "chemically imbalanced" or "malfunctioning." -Only bleeding heart liberals act like they aren't.

They know it, and they pay me money to remind them of reality as a straight guy.

So calm down your homophobia towards me. The vids are meant as a defiance of what an attractive looking male is allowed to do in our homophobic society.

I am probably more realistically progressive about gays than Tim Cook himself.

The solution is to understand the truth and treat them respectively, not piss off all the Christians on earth with volatile attacks on the family unit.

Taking away things from Christians and giving them to Gays doesn't make their life any better. Its just giving in to what is ultimately them trolling the enemy. They know they can never "win" or have some end game where they are equal.

Yet there is plenty of room to offend the common Christian and make life for gays everywhere that much more annoying.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Id rather have my parents love me and raise me right with confidence and love as opposed to the trash that is in society.

Did you know there are a group of people who were raised children to gay couples who are petitioning to get gay marriage removed because they first hand believe it is not healthy to develop like that in society and they have all types of developmental and emotional maturity issues because they had gay parents.

Its not normal. Nobody should think it is. We should just have mercy on gays and treat them equal, not act like its just a sexual preference.

Conceptually it tears at the fibers of family life itself which is the cornerstone of our society.

A lot of minorities and gays out there just have a bitter hate for "normal" straight confident white people and the hate is disguised as calls for "equality." You can always tell by how aggressive they are in their "opinions"

aka lemme bring the winners in life down a notch

I was right, your parents did a number on you. Have you considered the possibility that you spout this hateful rhetoric because you're gay and hiding it, not that there's anything wrong with that?

If your parents raised you right, you wouldn't be spouting this homophobic ****.

I have mercy on you as your ideas seem to belong more in a Middle East theocracy than America.

Cornerstone of our society? Straight folks ****ed that up long before we even talked about gay people getting married.

Are you on of these "normal" straight confident people because all I see is someone full of hate for others.

Now I'm off to check out your homoerotic Instagram.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2011
3 countries for tax benefit
I really don't have a problem with companies turning away any customers they want to. They're private businesses they can do what they want.

In the same vein, if there's a company that's run by bigots then customers are free to boycott and put those companies out of business.

Wouldn't we all rather know exactly where we stand with one another?

Classic amurica. Cater to the lowest common denominator.

Instead of striving for a more educated society, you defend the voice of the most moronic of your people.

flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
No YOU posted the pic.. No one else did. Typical get called out on something and now its that persons fault

You were basically calling him gay, however you didnt come out and say it, just hinted at it

you're doing a lot of leading/assuming here.

you can realize that or not but i'm not going to fight you over it.. adios
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