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Feb 10, 2015
Chicago, Illinois
You mean, it is impossible to describe Tim Cook's position without using pejorative terms? Or is it just impossible for you to do so?
I can call him a left of center CEO if that makes you feel better or more comfortable.

It's a fact.

But when he kowtows to a murderous communist regime, I think pejorative is appropriate.
If you use ”SJW” to describe Cook, I’d say you’re really right of center, and you’re paying too much attention.
I am right of center. And if you think pointing out his hypocrisy is "paying too much attention," then perhaps it's because you'd rather look away.


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2010
If you don't think Cook is a SJW or really left of center, you haven't been paying attention.

But who cares? Such terms are largely meaningless. Is the Chinese government left wing? It is officially communist though many western leftists now oppose nationalism; the Chinese government can’t be easily categorised. In many respects neither can Cook. He speaks like a liberal while he takes home $136 million p.a. while making sure Apple pays the lowest price possible for cleaners, keeps the tax bill as low as possible and locates manufacturing in a brutal tyranny that murders political dissidents to keep costs low. Much of his life is the caricature of the modern neo-conservative. But again, it’s irrelevant.

The point is that Cook’s principles are for sale, even if the price has been extremely high. But he clearly sided with tyrants for financial reasons. Many of us would do the same, frankly, for that sort of money. But Cook claimed that he and Apple were different and he got found out.


Jun 11, 2009


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2016
At a café near you
Indeed. There must be lots of murderers, gangsters and bank robbers who have used the google maps app specifically for their crimes.

Truth is the justification from Cook is just to try to placate critics. The day before the ban the Chinese state media demanded it. Cook was simply taking orders from the Chinese government.



This is money, pure and simple. Most of TC policies are based on green - the USD dollar kind of green...

The guy cares little about design or usability (see rumours about Ive's reason for leaving). He obviously cares little about the environment, by selling ever more expensive, un-repairable products that are made to be obsolete and fighting to deny 3rd party access to official parts.

Much of his posturing about immigration cannot be separated from access to lower cost labour / including cheaper engineers on H1B visas. I am the child of someone that was on a high-flying visa, so I think it is a subject for honest debate as to whether a brain-drain to the USA from other countries is good in the long run - but everyone wants to put this into a good/evil box - including TC.

This decision is clearly taken under pressure of Chinese economic factors and that is why I despise how intellectually dishonest TC is in his public comments (and internal memos which will obviously be leaked). At least SJ had the guts to say what he felt.

Lone Deranger

macrumors 68000
Apr 23, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Sorry Tim, this isn't over for you and Apple. This is going to get worse before it gets better.
Companies are going to have to come up with a better answer rather than to cower before their share-holder interests.

And what about the removal of the Taiwanese flag? What danger did it pose to anyone?
Double standards. Now we know the price of freedom of speech. Somewhere around a $1T.


macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2009
I trust Apple to do the right thing. The decision is justifiable and what a responsible platform owner should be doing.

I trust Google has done the same thing? If not, it's another knock against Android from me.
Google effectively pulled out of China a decade ago.
If you goto there is a link to that is not behind the great firewall.
Android phones in China are AOSP - Android Open Source Project phones not Goggle Android phones. AOSP phones do not have Google serves, you do not login with a Google account, they run a 3ed part app store that is not Google run.
HKmap Live Map app is available for Android on Google Play

The Mercurian

macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2012
If you don't think Cook is a SJW or really left of center, you haven't been paying attention.

"Far left" = anti-capitalism, socialism, anarchism, communism.
"SJW" = feminism, LGBT+ rights, equality, debatably environmentalism.

Those things are not the same. Futhermore, as the CEO of the worlds biggest company, Cook is about as far from far left as you can get. True far leftians would consider him their enemy. But there pretty much aren't any true far leftians around anymore, so the right has tried to redefine "far left" to mean simply left in any way.


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2010
Business exec making a business call. Bit of a no-win situation for Cook.

I hate to say it but in a short-term and strictly business sense Cook probably made the "right" decision. The Chinese government, the day before, in their mouthpiece media, told Cook what to do and he followed orders. Had he not done so then it could have caused huge financial problems for Apple.

Cook was paid $136 million last year. The board pay him that because he keeps similarly large amounts going to them and to the major shareholders. Virtually none of them will care that China is a blood-soaked tyranny. They don't even care that their cleaners don't make enough money to buy a decent house. But if Apple's manufacturing and sales in China were sharply hit? That would cost Apple a fortune and Timmy would be in big trouble.

So from a business point of view it's very easy to see why he bowed down to China. In a personal sense though, for a man who has preened himself about how "progressive" (whatever that means) he is, it's a very bad decision and his reputation is in tatters. He's nothing more than a stinking rich accountant, hypocrite and a man willing to do the bidding of murderous tyrants.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2008
I've never bashed Tim before but with all his preaching about equal rights and letter writing on doing what he thinks is right this looks purely about money and marketshare on top of being allowed to continue to make the phone there. If it was made in the US he probably wouldn't have pulled the App. What's next?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2013
I've said it before and I'll say it again; If there's anything positive that you can take from this, it's that you can now be sure that any principles or morals Apple claims to uphold are only going to be upheld as long as it doesn't risk losing them money.

Ultimately what Cook has proven here is that Apple has no principles or morals, it's purely a profit driven corporation and everything that would indicate they do have those things is just a sham put on for publicity.

If you use ”SJW” to describe Cook, I’d say you’re really right of center, and you’re paying too much attention.
I'm left of center and even think he is one so your haphazard labeling of people based on the terminology is fairly badly off the mark.

The term refers to people on the far left who take extremist positions and hold them in ways eerily similar to the religious right and gun rights activists. No room for nuance, everyone you agree with has to be an all round horrible person and that you're completely justified in dismissing their views out of hand rather than having a real argument. Sort of like what you're doing.

In other words it's a term for someone so extreme in their far left views that they're deliberately insufferable. Obviously calling them that isn't much better, which is why I try avoid using the term. Instead I like to point out how similar their style of argumentation is with extremist positions on the other end of the spectrum and particularly people on the far right get really pissed off when I point this out to them.


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2010
I've never bashed Tim before but with all his preaching about equal rights and letter writing on doing what he thinks is right this looks purely about money and marketshare on top of being allowed to continue to make the phone there. If it was made in the US he probably wouldn't have pulled the App. What's next?

As for what's next, I suspect we will be in for lots of fun if Apple continues to try to appease the Indian government, especially under Modi.

India is not a brutal centralised tyranny like China but it isn't really a free country either and the politicians there are often very good at whipping up mobs. We got a brief taste a few years back when a government minister used twitter to threaten Amazon to stop selling products featuring the Indian flag in Canada with the threat that she would personally stop anyone who works for amazon ever getting an Indian visa. Amazon backed down.

A lot of ideas around the rule of law that might get disputed, argued, debated in the west are considered a joke to many people in India. In the 2002 Gujurat Pogrom thousands were injured and over one thousand were killed - a shocking series of attacks, largely on Muslims. Now Modi's role has been hard to work out - at the time he was blamed for inciting it, various reports - often dismissed as whitewashes - since blamed others. He certainly didn't stop it. The US government rightly banned him from the US, the British government and many European ones did the same.

Fast forward and he is Prime Minister of a government with some quite sectarian people in it. And suddenly western nations have to back down, just as they also - just like Tim Cook, let us not forget - all forget their morals when it comes to China. Well, you won't be surprised to learn that Timmy also met Modi as part of a sucking up operation to get doors open in India. So far Modi has actually taken Timmy for a bit of a ride securing more and more from Apple without really giving anything up in return, Timmy expects promises to be kept later but we shall see.

Either way it wouldn't surprise me in the least if "what's next" in Tim's fall from grace will be you'll find him equally ready to bow down to sectarian religious fundamentalists in India just as much as he is willing to bow down to murderous tyrants in China.


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2010
Tim Crook the coward.....;) as he fools millions conveying that he cares about people's rights....Lol

Tell him to visit China's gulag's :mad:

The sheep keep making him wealthy buying iphones... "The Collective".

He doesn't even care about the poor on his own doorstep so it wouldn't surprise me if he could visit a gulag and come away talking about "the amazing improvements taking place, they now get an incredible 35 minutes of exercise time a day, all timed on the gulag governor's apple watch series 5 ceramic with an app developed by some amazing prisoners in a Uighur concentration camp - incredible innovation bringing people together in a 4' by 6' concrete cell, a huge improvement over last years's 30 minutes and that is the commitment we at Apple love to see to progress and human rights - now excuse me while I virtue signal on twitter about America's need for more immigrants so I can keep my garden landscaping labor costs down".
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