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macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2005
I know. A black president means we still have plenty of progress to make :rolleyes:

A black president who has been called out by fellow blacks as being non-representational of their cause. Having a black president doesn't mean anything towards the overall nature of the black rights movement in the United States.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2013
Apple isn't exactly a portrait for employee diversity
You could say that about the whole technology industry in general... When you look at the tech industry it is pretty much white and asian guys and it goes all the way to the education. There's no bias in the university selection process and despite this were not even making progress in this area.

In the 80's as many as 37% of those receiving an undergraduate degree Computer Science in the U.S were women, but these days that number is down to 18% (14% for the better universities). Mind you, Computer Science is the computer related field with the highest female representation, women are even more rare in fields like Electrical, Software and Computer Engineering (which is what I'm majoring at).

I don't think any sane person can from this draw a conclusion other than that women and (other) minorities simply aren't as interested in this field and the inevitable end result is what you see today. Just look at Liberal Arts fields, those are the same thing except in reverse, so women are getting into higher education, it's just that they're not going into the same fields as men and somehow them being overrepresented isn't an issue.

The only way you're going to see any short term change is by giving women and (other) minorities an unfair competing advantage, but that's just idiotic and goes against the basic idea of equality. You simply can't have half-and-half without some serious favoritism when the other group that's supposed to represent half is less than a fifth of the workforce.

Despite being white and male (apparently the worst combination today according to some) I'm not against minorities and women in technology. I've worked with both and never had any issues with the people I've worked because of gender or ethnicity. However what I am against is trying to boost their percentage by giving them an unfair competing edge and filling companies with employees other than the best ones they can find.

However I guess it's probably going to be inevitable that we're going to see women and minorities getting an edge over equally qualified people who don't fall into those categories. One thing modern day feminists have already taken as their target is a concept called a "Meritocracy". What does it mean? It means that people are judged by their merits, i.e their skills and experience, not their gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Sounds like something feminists would line up to get behind right? Well apparently not. The idea of a meritocracy used to be something social programming platform GitHub believed in so much that the carpet in their faux oval office read "In Meritocracy We Trust" (as in a play on "In God We Trust"). Then feminists started rallying around the idea of equality being a bad thing because women somehow can't be expected to put in the same amount of work and to silence them they actually had to remove the carpet. The new one reads something like "In Cooperation We Trust" if I recall right.

Tough Guy

macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2014
Right. Because the only way a black person can get a job is to have it handed to them. :roll eyes:

If that's the case then well, whites started that tradition centuries ago.

Whites have the privilege of handing you everything you have in life. You are the white man's burden. Everything you have, from your computer to your car (assuming you can even afford one) to the electricity you use in your home was all provided to you by a white man. You know this and it eats you alive. The envy and the feelings of inferiority eats away at you.

Will do good

macrumors 6502a
Mar 24, 2010
Because Jobs did not diversify his workforce. 99% whitey.

If you must count percentage, I'll call out the NBA as a racist organization, 90% black. Were the hell are the Asians? I don't care if they are not tall enough or good enough, they should reflect our population. Right?


macrumors 68000
Nov 20, 2010
Good for Tim Cook. I fully support him and Jesse Jackson. Good job, gentlemen. Good job.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
A black president who has been called out by fellow blacks as being non-representational of their cause. Having a black president doesn't mean anything towards the overall nature of the black rights movement in the United States.

So wrong it's not even funny. But I will just leave it at that. Ya'll have fun


This whole thread is proof in itself that we're far from being the society most of us to claim to be.

I mean hell, we've got so many people here griping about affirmative action, and how it takes jobs away from people who deserve it. But hell, the minorities make up about 23% of the entire population. That's why they're called minorities. Even if they were handing out high end jobs to ever black and Hispanic person they find on the street, it would barely make any difference in the amount of jobs available to white people. It's such a damn non-issue, yet people SSSCCREEAAMMM about it like it's the worst injustice visited upon society since that last really bad thing we all got riled up about.

The whole thing is much ado about nothing.


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2011
Nope, just checking the history books and realizing that blacks have a lot of senseless killings to do to catch up to the glory that is the white master race.

So far, all of your comments sound profoundly racist. BUT, you're not a racist...that's a good thing, huh?


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2010
Last I checked I didn't make the unsubstantiated claim. :roll eyes:

As I've said before. If you're white and you're afraid to loose your job because a qualified minority comes and takes it . . . . . then you have a mental health issue.

I have never been concerned with losing a position to anyone, except those more qualified than me. Regardless of race or gender.

Have you ever been a hiring manager?

Have you ever had Human Resources tell you that you couldn't hire someone because they were not a minority?

Have you ever been instructed by Human Resources to not interview someone that was not a minority?

Sure, it is anecdotal, it happened to me many times.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
US Department of Justice. Never heard of it, kid?


You're wrong. As everyone here on this forum already knows. :rolleyes:

Those statistics are from this Wikipedia page:

Which references the following book:
Cooper, Alexia (2012). Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008. p. 3. ISBN 1249573246.

Thank you.

This article gives and cites more up-to-date statistics, and shows that murder rates between whites and blacks are exactly the same when considering population size, and single victim/single offender murder statistics.

Also, criminal activity is always higher in poorer communities and populations.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2004
The reason I get a chuckle out of this first pic is bc it is true. He runs around like the boy who cried wolf.

The second pic on the other hand, feel free to try and don't use Google. Like it or not, it's pretty one sided and not in the obvious way that people think. It only seems to matter when it is a white on whomever crime, not when it is a black on whomever crime.

Anyway, still going to get a chuckle looking at the first pic. Lol.


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Mar 27, 2009
Humans hire people not a machine that only looks at candidate's qualifications. Humans have biases and tend to higher people of a gender or race they identify and are comfortable with. That's how you end up with a business that is 90% male and White. Diversity initiatives are to combat implicit bias.

Exactly. Interesting you should mention implicit bias - that's one of the subtopics of an essay I just submitted.

For those who are curious, look up "race implicit association test"

Having said that, if a woman or a minority race is truly unqualified, then I support the hiring staff's decision to not hire them.

Like others said, diversity is great. Making standards more mediocre for the sake of diversity is not.
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Tough Guy

macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2014
This article gives and cites more up-to-date statistics,[/URL] and shows that murder rates between whites and blacks are exactly the same when considering population size, and single victim/single offender murder statistics.

You really don't understand how to read, do you?

Blacks are only approximately 12% of the US population, yet they accounted for 72.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008.

Blacks commit more violent crime in the US than all other races combined.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Well... You could always suggest a MOD close it, like the Ferguson thread. ;)

We are trying to, but the only way to get it close is to insult white people just as bad if not worse than they are insulting other minorities.

You really don't understand how to read, do you?

Blacks are only approximately 12% of the US population, yet they accounted for 72.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008.

Blacks commit more violent crime in the US than all other races combined.

From the same report, since you want to cherry pick and co-sign instead of read.

Some studies had argued for smaller racial disparities in violent crime in recent times. However, a 2011 study which examined the racial disparities in violent crime and incarceration from 1980 and 2008 found little difference for black share of violent offending.


Then man up and say it. Otherwise, you should probably back down and not say anything, racist.

Can't. I'm only one time out away from permabanning. I'm trying to behave myself, because I do like talking to a lot of people here.

Though admittedly, you do make risking the boot a pretty appealing prospect. But god, I'd hate myself in the morning if I ended up getting banned over the likes of you.

So instead of replying to you in kind, I'm gonna do something I haven't done in the three years I've been posting here. I'm going to report you, and wash my hands of it. Honestly, I hate the thought of doing it. Always thought it was kinda passive aggressive nincompoopery. But there's something about you that irks me in the worst possible way, and I feel like I have to do something to ease that irksomeness that's riding me.


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2010
We are trying to, but the only way to get it close is to insult white people just as bad if not worse than they are insulting other minorities.

What are you talking about? Disagreeing with Jesse Jackson and stating Tim Cook shouldn't associate with him is insulting?


Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I just said a whole bunch of racist and prejudiced stuff because I'm white and I can get away with whatever I want.

Yeah okay. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I hate to edit your post because what you said was utterly laughable, childish and bombastic.


What are you talking about? Disagreeing with Jesse Jackson and stating Tim Cook shouldn't associate with him is insulting?


I never said that did I.

Notice how that's not a question.
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