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macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2022
I actually didn't buy one in the first place because I didn't have $4000 of inflammable income.


Jun 14, 2007
I opine that no matter your status, each dollar is important. If something is a waste and will sit on the shelf, return it. If you can afford it and will use it, even sporadically, keep it.

If your income means that you need to think twice about buying this, don’t buy it at all. There are more important things to spend money on like home repairs, car payments or even private schooling for your kids.


macrumors member
Jan 15, 2024
I am very satisfied with my Vision Pro, I have nothing to complain about except for the lens flare when viewing dark backgrounds. so i will keep it. and the Vision Pro is only two days worth of my income.

Or even less. Because meta's stock was going up and I made a ton of money, maybe a couple hours if you count that?

thanks to meta btw


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2021
That’s part of my point. This is a limited beta product and not currently meant to be a mass market product like the iPhone or even the Apple Watch. It will become more mass market (not to the same degree as the other two examples) when Apple figures out the best use case and figures out how to massively trim the cost (e.g. cut out the useless front screen and source cheaper micro-OLED). For now it’s an expensive play thing and experimental tool for well healed companies.
Human beings, in the most part, like to be comfortable, and from what I've read here and elsewhere, most people find wearing devices like this uncomfortable after some time, and that is always going to be a problem, no matter how fantastic the device is, so that in itself is going to hinder the appeal of floating screens and VR environments.

There are of course a select few here in these forums that have had no issues with this at all, and can wear it all day without even the slightest fatigue, but they're a tiny minority.

It's not all about being rich or poor, perhaps some people are just normal and don't find this thing to be worth the headache.


macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2011
I wonder if the primary reason most people are thinking about keeping or returning the Apple Vision Pro is based on income level.

If $3500 doesn't move the needle, then I think it's a toy worth keeping. That $4K could easily go into a bad stock pick and then be worth less than a used AVP a year from now.

I plan on keeping mine and will be using it mostly for entertainment but curious to how it'll be as a productivity tool. Starting to think that the 1TB version is an overkill. I definitely wouldn't keep it if it impacted the ability to pay my mortgage, food on the table, school tuition or spring vacation.

I think the values people place on their properties are all relative. E.g. phone choice, car choice, house choice, etc.

I am prepared to be flamed for this thread. Hard hat on!

I can easily afford to keep it, but didn't. It isn't comfortable enough for me to work in for long periods of time, and without any gaming to speak of (the gaming experience on the Quest is SO much better - I really hope Apple will open up support for VR controllers in the future) it didn't make sense for me. I think it's a great device in many ways - some of the experiences are truly magical - and I'm excited for the future of this product line. But it just isn't a good value for me at this point.
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macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2011
Well, I was a little on the fence to keep or not with all the haters and Quest comparisons. I went to try a Quest today, my mind is made up. This Quest is a toy, bad graphics, jumpy video, made for a child. Absolutely no comparison, Quest owners, sorry you can`t afford a Vision Pro.

Quest 3 is a great device. Obviously the graphics aren't on par with the AVP (nothing out there really is), but there are a lot of fantastic gaming experiences available that simply aren't possible with Apple's headset. I really hope Apple will open up support for VR controllers in the future. I understand they want this to be a handtracking device first, and that's fine, but there's so much in terms of gaming and other experiences that simply isn't feasible without controllers.
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macrumors newbie
May 16, 2015
If $3500 doesn't move the needle, then I think it's a toy worth keeping. That $4K could easily go into a bad stock pick and then be worth less than a used AVP a year from now.
I mean yeah, I'll take an AVP over a bad stock pick.
When I went in the store, Apple was also pushing "do you have a small business because this is a write-off" so I can see that angle too.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2013
Both of which had immediate "wow, this is awesome, I love it!" for essentially everyone that used them.
Both were RIDICULOUSLY intuitive also -- You just "got it", easily, and enjoyed all aspects of it straight away, with both iPhone and iPod.

AVP ≠ iPhone or iPod

Nothing similar about them whatsoever.
I just “got” the AVP right away. I’ve enjoyed all advertised aspects of AVP right away. I also had the first iPod and iPhone.

I still think they’re quite similar to the launch of those products. It does exactly what Apple advertises. And only that 🙃🙃
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macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2012
Human beings, in the most part, like to be comfortable, and from what I've read here and elsewhere, most people find wearing devices like this uncomfortable after some time, and that is always going to be a problem, no matter how fantastic the device is, so that in itself is going to hinder the appeal of floating screens and VR environments.

There are of course a select few here in these forums that have had no issues with this at all, and can wear it all day without even the slightest fatigue, but they're a tiny minority.

It's not all about being rich or poor, perhaps some people are just normal and don't find this thing to be worth the headache.
Agree with this 100%, if they make a $3500 dollar headset in gen 2 or 3 that is much lighter and doesn't require one to think twice about the impending head pressure and how long they can keep it on without feeling strained while getting work done or watching movies, I would be all over this again. Currently I returned due to the discomfort alone.

I loved the cool features, and still have some second thoughts about my return, but the thought of strapping a full headset everytime I want to relax or get some work done keeps me at bay from considering ordering it again for now.
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