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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Wait... what changes?
From Post #1…

As pleasant as reminiscence is, I also have a less pleasant announcement: I will no longer be producing these post-count threads. This is the end, my friends.

My other interests and projects are taking more of my time and attention, so tracking post-counts will have to be marooned on a deserted island. I might post one more thread, because it would be difficult to pass up an Edition 42, but it may not have as much data.

There are some alternatives, though they lack any detail.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride.

So, without anyone to pick it up…it's over.

If it's any consolation, you can always peek at the top 20 posters, where a dozen members have passed the mad jew milestone that was once thought unreachable.
I check this periodically. I'm fourth up from the bottom. I figure the next user title switch is at 30K, based on what I can extrapolate from users higher up the list.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It was twenty years ago today,​
Doctor Q decided he would play​
With post-counts and a spreadsheet file,​
Which are guaranteed to raise a smile.​
So may I introduce to you​
The thread you've known for all these years​
Doctor Q's Extrapolated Posters.​

This is the 20th anniversary and the 41st edition of the MacRumors post-count statistics. It was originally just a simple extrapolation of post-counts to a few future dates. The top post-count back then was 11737, which now only gets you to around rank 120. The presentation has also changed quite a bit, and we now have multiple tables and graphs, with circles and arrows and a paragraph underneath explaining what each one was.

Let's take a quick look back at that original list and compare it to the current Top 50 posters below.

Only @Mr. Anderson is still active and in the current Top 50. @edesignuk is in the Top 50, but inactive. Site founder @arn is active, but not in the Top 50 (see the Full Table 1 post below). @Sun Baked and @iJon are also still active outside the Top 50. Several more are inactive and outside the Top 50, like @eyelikeart, @jelloshotsrule, and @Rower_CPU.

There are probably active members from that first table who don't yet have 5000 posts, so they won't even appear in my collected data. Those are harder for me to find, because I can't just search a local list of post-counts.

As pleasant as reminiscence is, I also have a less pleasant announcement: I will no longer be producing these post-count threads. This is the end, my friends.

My other interests and projects are taking more of my time and attention, so tracking post-counts will have to be marooned on a deserted island. I might post one more thread, because it would be difficult to pass up an Edition 42, but it may not have as much data.

There are some alternatives, though they lack any detail.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride.

As usual, the legend of column headings follows each table.

Table 1: Current Top 50 Posters

Measurements taken 03 July 2023 by chown33.
      Current Top 50    Cur    6-Mo   Cur    Delta   Prev  Delta  6-Mo   Likes  Avg of one
Rank  on 2023-07-03     Posts  Posts  Rate   Rate    Rank  Rank   Likes  /Post  post every
----  ----------------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ----------
  1   maflynn           72391   1889  10.44   +2.80    1      0    2818   1.49   2h 18.0m
  2   Scepticalscribe   59577   2511  13.87   +9.82    2      0    2157   0.86   1h 43.8m
  3   Apple fanboy      51882   1925  10.64   +1.22    4     +1    2858   1.48   2h 15.4m
  4   C DM              51389      1   0.01   +0.01    3     -1       2   2.00   181d 0h 0.0m
  5   TheYayAreaLiving  47290   8864  48.97   -2.77    8     +3   49307   5.56   0h 29.4m
  6   GGJstudios        44495     12   0.07   +0.05    5     -1      19   1.58   15d 2h 0.0m
  7   Applejuiced       40672    ---    ---     ---    6     -1       0    ---   ---
  8   Doctor Q          39489    178   0.98   +0.42    7     -1     333   1.87   1d 0h 24.3m
  9   GoCubsGo          35741    ---    ---     ---    9      0       1    ---   ---
 10   Weaselboy         33380    340   1.88   -0.25   10      0     643   1.89   12h 46.6m
 11   I7guy             32552   1244   6.87   -3.59   13     +2    1323   1.06   3h 29.5m
 12   Apple_Robert      32234    770   4.25   -2.58   12      0    1791   2.33   5h 38.5m
 13   mad jew           32191    ---    ---     ---   11     -2       2    ---   ---
 14   mkrishnan         29776    ---    ---     ---   14      0       1    ---   ---
 15   Eidorian          29181     25   0.14   +0.12   15      0      13   0.52   7d 5h 45.6m
 16   The Game 161      29052    685   3.78   -1.30   16      0     697   1.02   6h 20.5m
 17   rdowns            27397    ---    ---     ---   17      0       1    ---   ---
 18   eyoungren         27327   1085   5.99   +0.38   19     +1    2016   1.86   4h 0.2m
 19   Fishrrman         26757   1249   6.90   +1.04   21     +2     857   0.69   3h 28.7m
 20   SandboxGeneral    26481    ---    ---     ---   18     -2       6    ---   ---
 21   robbieduncan      25611    ---    ---     ---   20     -1       1    ---   ---
 22   MRU               25368    ---    ---   -0.09   22      0       1    ---   ---
 23   Abstract          24830     25   0.14   -0.37   23      0      48   1.92   7d 5h 45.6m
 24   Rogifan           23627    214   1.18   -0.54   24      0     351   1.64   20h 17.9m
 25   MacNut            22926     53   0.29   -0.04   26     +1      77   1.45   3d 9h 57.7m
 26   jsw               22909    ---    ---     ---   25     -1       0    ---   ---
 27   Mr. Anderson      22568     10   0.06   +0.06   27      0       5   0.50   18d 2h 24.0m
 28   Huntn             22506    493   2.72   -0.40   31     +3     366   0.74   8h 48.7m
 29   alphaod           22183    ---    ---   -0.01   28     -1       0    ---   ---
 30   Hellhammer        22164    ---    ---     ---   29     -1       0    ---   ---
 31   jav6454           22079      7   0.04   -6.66   30     -1      21   3.00   25d 20h 34.3m
 32   Blue Velvet       21929    ---    ---     ---   32      0       0    ---   ---
 33   Nermal            20146    390   2.15   +0.93   36     +3     711   1.82   11h 8.3m
 34   MacDawg           19824    ---    ---     ---   33     -1       1    ---   ---
 35   Jaffa Cake        19801    ---    ---     ---   34     -1       0    ---   ---
 36   bartelby          19795    ---    ---     ---   35     -1       0    ---   ---
 37   iGary             19580    ---    ---     ---   37      0       3    ---   ---
 38   balamw            19366    ---    ---     ---   38      0       0    ---   ---
 39   ucfgrad93         19351    285   1.57   +0.24   43     +4     270   0.95   15h 14.5m
 40   miles01110        19260    ---    ---     ---   39     -1       0    ---   ---
 41   PlaceofDis        19241    ---    ---     ---   40     -1       0    ---   ---
 42   edesignuk         19232    ---    ---     ---   41     -1       0    ---   ---
 43   iBlue             19180    ---    ---     ---   42     -1       0    ---   ---
 44   Clix Pix          19144   1202   6.64   +1.14   49     +5    4223   3.51   3h 36.8m
 45   Intell            18949     18   0.10   +0.05   44     -1      27   1.50   10d 1h 20.0m
 46   dukebound85       18948     43   0.24   -0.34   45     -1     118   2.74   4d 5h 1.4m
 47   AidenShaw         18667    ---    ---     ---   46     -1       0    ---   ---
 48   ~Shard~           18377    ---    ---     ---   47     -1       1    ---   ---
 49   WildCowboy        18105    131   0.72   +0.02   48     -1     178   1.36   1d 9h 9.6m
 50   leman             18082    955   5.28   +0.70   56     +6    1456   1.52   4h 32.9m

Table Columns:
  • Rank = Position in order by post count, 1 (highest) to 50 (lowest).
  • Current Top 50 = members with the 50 currently highest post counts.
  • Cur Posts = current count of posts by this member (see Note below).
  • 6-Mo Posts = count of posts made in this measurement period, or "---" if none.
  • Cur Rate = average # posts per day by this member over the measurement period.
  • Delta Rate = change in average daily post rate from the prior semi-annual period to the latest period.
  • Prev Rank = previous rank, as of 6 months ago; a number above 50 for those who are new to the Top 50.
  • Delta Rank = change in rank, i.e., # of slots +higher or -lower in rank since prior semi-annual stats.
  • 6-Mo Likes = count of likes received in this measurement period.
  • Likes/Post = ratio of Likes per Post in this measurement period, or "---" if data unavailable.
  • Avg of one post every = average time between member's posts, in days, hours, and minutes, based on a 24-hour day.
Note: Posts in any of the following forums are not counted in any post counts or post rates.

  1. @maflynn cleared 72,000 posts, with an increased post rate.
  2. Long-time member @Scepticalscribe is on the cusp of reaching 60,000 posts. She also increased her posting rate substantially.
  3. @Apple fanboy finally moved past @C DM. @C DM made one post this period, the first since January 2021. This is the lowest non-zero post rate in the Top 50.
  4. @TheYayAreaLiving moved up 3 ranks, despite another drop in post-rate.
  5. @I7guy moved past @mad jew to reach the brink of the Top 10.
  6. @Apple_Robert also moved past @mad jew, just in time to make this thread.
  7. @ucfgrad93 and @Clix Pix moved up several ranks each.
  8. @leman entered the Top 50.

Previous Threads

2023 (Jan); 2022 (Jan, July); 2021 (Jan, July);

2020 (Jan, July); 2019 (Jan, July); 2018 (Jan, July); 2017 (Jan, July); 2016 (Jan, July)

2015 (Jan, July); 2014 (Jan, July); 2013 (Jan, July); 2012 (Jan, July); 2011 (Jan, July)

2010 (Jan, July); 2009 (Jan, July); 2008 (Jan, July); 2007 (Jan, July); 2006 (Jan, July)

2005 (Jan, July); 2004 (Jan, July); 2003 (July)
Thank you for your time and effort in this totally optional, very interesting analysis.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
From Post #1…

So, without anyone to pick it up…it's over.

I check this periodically. I'm fourth up from the bottom. I figure the next user title switch is at 30K, based on what I can extrapolate from users higher up the list.

I completely missed that!!! EEEEEK
@chown33 did say that he might yet be tempted to compile Edition No 42 of the biannual post statistics (which, if true, would be posted this coming January, that is, January 2024), and we can only hope that he will feel able to find the time to actually compile a list comprising such data, even if in a reduced form and format.

In any case, he has put in a tremendous amount of work when compiling these stats, over recent years, and is due our profound gratitude for the time and trouble he has taken with this.


Original poster
Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
For fans of these threads, I have been working with @jav6454 to transfer the scripts and instructions for collecting the statistics and producing the tables and analysis to his control. He has now taken them over, and will be responsible for carrying this project forward. I am still available for questions, but the actual collection and production are now his. I'd like to convey my thanks to him for taking this on with only a few weeks of lead-time.

When @Doctor Q passed along to me the scripts and spreadsheet he was using to produce these threads, he also told me to "make it your own" (paraphrased), and I have passed that advice along to jav6454 as well. I'm looking forward to Jan 4.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
For fans of these threads, I have been working with @jav6454 to transfer the scripts and instructions for collecting the statistics and producing the tables and analysis to his control. He has now taken them over, and will be responsible for carrying this project forward. I am still available for questions, but the actual collection and production are now his. I'd like to convey my thanks to him for taking this on with only a few weeks of lead-time.

When @Doctor Q passed along to me the scripts and spreadsheet he was using to produce these threads, he also told me to "make it your own" (paraphrased), and I have passed that advice along to jav6454 as well. I'm looking forward to Jan 4.

Recalling what you had written last July, I had thought that you might have succumbed to the temptation to compile one last list (which apparently, is the unforgettable number of 42, - the 42nd such list of post statistics - a reference readily appreciated by anyone who has read Douglas Adams).

Anyway, many thanks to @chown33 for his wonderful work when compiling these biannual post statistics ever since @Doctor Q relinquished the challenge of doing so.

And our gratitude to @jav6454 is boundless for taking on this task.

The very best of luck with it, and I look forward to reading your report once January arrives to herald in the year of 2024.
Last edited:
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macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
I hope to make this project go on. I must say, seeing all the things required to make this project work is daunting. Alas, challenges are met regardless of impediments.

I for one, am not well versed in scripting, but this will provide a good exposure. I hope to bring a little of "me" into this project as the advice chown33 stated is what has made this project evolve over time.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I hope to make this project go on. I must say, seeing all the things required to make this project work is daunting. Alas, challenges are met regardless of impediments.

I for one, am not well versed in scripting, but this will provide a good exposure. I hope to bring a little of "me" into this project as the advice chown33 stated is what has made this project evolve over time.

I wish you the very best of luck with this (I daresay pretty challenging) endeavour, and I look forward to reading your version - or interpretation - of this (doubtless daunting) project.

Actually, it - the biannual release of these post statistics - has become something of a MR tradition, and - long before I ever featured in them, myself, - I used to read the biannual statistics with absorbed (and awed) fascination, and I would have been very sorry to see this tradition terminated.
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
I hope to make this project go on. I must say, seeing all the things required to make this project work is daunting. Alas, challenges are met regardless of impediments.

I for one, am not well versed in scripting, but this will provide a good exposure. I hope to bring a little of "me" into this project as the advice chown33 stated is what has made this project evolve over time.
Best of luck with it. Just remember as @Doctor Q , @chown33 and @arn promised, a free MB Pro for all top 5 posters! 😀
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