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macrumors member
Feb 4, 2003
Any way to tell if it's a "version 2" iPod?

I bought here in Tokyo last Saturday...

There is no such thing as a version 2 ipod. Apple's specs say that the backlight is a white LED. Furthermore the color that white LEDs emit can vary a bit and their perceived color can appear different under different types of light. If that is not enough, digital camera's have different settings which can make the ipod backlight look blue/purpleish. With that said enjoy your new ipod. Apple will make it very clear when a different version is released.


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2003
tokyo, japan
I got news for you....

As I am now an "official" witness... :p

There definitely ARE two versions out there... I have seen them myself, live, side-by-side.

The day I bought my iPod, I hooked up with a friend who manages a pro music shop... he ogled, oohed, and ahhed, and said he had to get one... I recommended the same 15Gb as a good median...

The next week or so he bought one. Identical model to mine, a 15Gb iPod.

A couple of days ago, we hooked up again at his store, whipped out our iPods, and started comparing notes about settings, what we had in our respective music libraries, etc...

Then being curious about THIS topic, we both flicked on the backlights, and LO AND BEHOLD! Mine was distinctly and clearly BLUE, and his absolutely wasn't. It was the same "white" as the normal screen, but lit...

And in comparison, the "blue version" definitely lit brighter, more clearly, etc.

We noticed a distinct difference in the overall screen clarity, backlit or not... with the blue screen being unquestionably the better of the two.

We spent a little time tweaking contrast, etc. to make sure it wasn't a settings thing, but in the end, he was sighing and wishing he had my version... we agreed it looked better, cooler, more readable, especially in low light backlit (yeah, we even went into the stock room and compared backlights in low-light conditions)... It turned into quite a thing. First under flourescents, non-flourescent, then outside under natural light... no matter, same result.

So, this definitively answers the question. There ARE two versions. Probably more than one manufacturing source, using slightly different components...

There ya go! Hope you can find the BLUE version, cos it's definitely a clearer, cooler, and superior display. :)




macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
Berkeley, CA

got my 15gig two weeks ago...

my gf got a 15gig today...

same apple store...

i have them side by side cuz i'm syncing them both from my computer and lo and behold, she's got the cooler, clearer backlight and mine is whiter. i can post a pic if anyone wants.

--mad :mad:


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002
Re: I got news for you....

Originally posted by tribalogical
As I am now an "official" witness... :p

There definitely ARE two versions out there... I have seen them myself, live, side-by-side.

The day I bought my iPod, I hooked up with a friend who manages a pro music shop... he ogled, oohed, and ahhed, and said he had to get one... I recommended the same 15Gb as a good median...

The next week or so he bought one. Identical model to mine, a 15Gb iPod.

A couple of days ago, we hooked up again at his store, whipped out our iPods, and started comparing notes about settings, what we had in our respective music libraries, etc...

Then being curious about THIS topic, we both flicked on the backlights, and LO AND BEHOLD! Mine was distinctly and clearly BLUE, and his absolutely wasn't. It was the same "white" as the normal screen, but lit...

And in comparison, the "blue version" definitely lit brighter, more clearly, etc.

We noticed a distinct difference in the overall screen clarity, backlit or not... with the blue screen being unquestionably the better of the two.

We spent a little time tweaking contrast, etc. to make sure it wasn't a settings thing, but in the end, he was sighing and wishing he had my version... we agreed it looked better, cooler, more readable, especially in low light backlit (yeah, we even went into the stock room and compared backlights in low-light conditions)... It turned into quite a thing. First under flourescents, non-flourescent, then outside under natural light... no matter, same result.

So, this definitively answers the question. There ARE two versions. Probably more than one manufacturing source, using slightly different components...

There ya go! Hope you can find the BLUE version, cos it's definitely a clearer, cooler, and superior display. :)


Hey, I found a way old thread discussing what I just found out! :D Execpt I'm the one with the bad white display... so, my question, if anyone can remember: I know I heard Steve say that the new iPods would have better displays, I just can't find the stream on could anyone help me find proof for this? I'm pissed off I didn't get what they claimed would be in this new product...


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Re: Re: I got news for you....

Originally posted by TheT
Hey, I found a way old thread discussing what I just found out! :D Execpt I'm the one with the bad white display... so, my question, if anyone can remember: I know I heard Steve say that the new iPods would have better displays, I just can't find the stream on could anyone help me find proof for this? I'm pissed off I didn't get what they claimed would be in this new product...
umm, even if you did find it and he did say those exact words it wouldnt matter. he said better displays, not blue instead of crappy white ones. ive used both models frequently, blue is nicer looking but they both light up at night, be happy with what you have cause apple isnt going to care that you are mad, cause they did nothing wrong.



macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002
Re: Re: Re: I got news for you....

Originally posted by iJon
umm, even if you did find it and he did say those exact words it wouldnt matter. he said better displays, not blue instead of crappy white ones. ive used both models frequently, blue is nicer looking but they both light up at night, be happy with what you have cause apple isnt going to care that you are mad, cause they did nothing wrong.

Well, my point is: He said better displays. I don't care about blue or white, it doesn't matter, you're right. But what does matter is the fact that the old (white) ones in the 3G models are not at any point better than the 1G displays. Did you ever see a new next to an old display? There is a huge difference, and if I'm indeed right and Steve even said it, Apple (well, Steve being Apple) did something wrong; he promised something that isn't true.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
buffalo ny
i have experience with the two different ipods... i bought my first 30 gig one at best buy and the backlight was definately white... the ipod would not complete a charge and constantly froze my mac... i took it back and the replacement definately had a blueish screen and works fine... the white backlight ipods are just defects...


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
i have experience with the two different ipods... i bought my first 30 gig one at best buy and the backlight was definately white... the ipod would not complete a charge and constantly froze my mac... i took it back and the replacement definately had a blueish screen and works fine... the white backlight ipods are just defects...
oh so your ipod accounts for them all. i have a white and it has worked perfectly since the day i bought. same with all my friends. yours was a defect, not the white ones in general



macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by iJon
oh so your ipod accounts for them all. i have a white and it has worked perfectly since the day i bought. same with all my friends. yours was a defect, not the white ones in general

lol :) That sounds funny... imagine someone telling you "The white iPods are all defects"... would the person go out and buy a colored iPod mini then? Hey, we found a way to sell them!
No, seriously though, you're right, my iPod works, it's just that it doesn't work as promised.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
buffalo ny
i think the white ipods are all defects actually... i think the ipod is meant to have a blue hue to its backlight... i think the white light is just a sign that eventually if not already you will have problems... there is no reason apple would have two mysterious ipods... c'mon...


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
i think the white ipods are all defects actually... i think the ipod is meant to have a blue hue to its backlight... i think the white light is just a sign that eventually if not already you will have problems... there is no reason apple would have two mysterious ipods... c'mon...
That is just wrong. There are 2 companies who produce the displays... well the old one and the new one. That hard to understand?


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
i think the white ipods are all defects actually... i think the ipod is meant to have a blue hue to its backlight... i think the white light is just a sign that eventually if not already you will have problems... there is no reason apple would have two mysterious ipods... c'mon...
haha ok, your wrong again. anyways, apple used two different companies to supply the blacklights, thats all.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
buffalo ny
snap... wow... ouch... either way i have the blue one now, it works great, i love it... didnt mean to get everyones panties in a knot... i still would instantly return an ipod with a white screen...


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
snap... wow... ouch... either way i have the blue one now, it works great, i love it... didnt mean to get everyones panties in a knot... i still would instantly return an ipod with a white screen...
well that goes to show how quick you are to judge without knowing the facts. it like returning a car cause you think its defected cause it came with halogen bulbs instead of xenon, has nothing to do with the ipod, but think what you like, ill just sit back and chuckle, as well as the store you try to return it to.



macrumors member
Jan 5, 2003
This does match with an issue I had with my 40gb iPod. I went through three 40 giggers in about a week after Apple supplied a faulty "ipod-killer" cable with my iPod.

(It took a second failed iPod to point to the cable as the culrpit)

The screens on the first and third iPods were a nice shade of blue, and certainly seemed to me to be crisper than the screen on iPod number 2, which was a very standard-looking black and white (much like I had on my previous 10 gb model).

This wasn't an effect of the angle I was using the iPod at, as I had a reasonable play with all three.

I think there probably are two screens out there, but I wouldn't vouch for higher-resolution. The blue does seem to add a little sharpness to the image, but that may just be an effect produced by the luverly colour. :eek:)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2002
buffalo ny
ill just sit back and chuckle, as well as the store you try to return it to.

they returned it without issue... most anything can be returned with a little ingenuity... ill just sit back and enjoy my nice blue ipod screen... thanks...


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
ill just sit back and chuckle, as well as the store you try to return it to.

they returned it without issue... most anything can be returned with a little ingenuity... ill just sit back and enjoy my nice blue ipod screen... thanks...
well thats good, nothing wrong with wanting to be satisfied with your product. i was just clearly staing that there are 2 screens out there, although i believe all of them are blue now, but whites are not defective, just another color, and i just thought i was humorous you would account your ipod for all the million sold last year. ive worked with tons of ipods in the past 2 years, and your broken white ipod is in the minority, and not screen specific.



macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2002
Los Angeles
well, a bit before thanksgiving i bought a 30gb iPod, and then i got to compare it with my sisters 15gb iPod, which she bought before i bought mine. the screen on mine was def. a lot more blue, and brighter, althought i didnt look at them side by side, so im not sure about the sharpness... but the two screens were def. a lot different in color and brightness.


macrumors 6502
May 2, 2003
chicago ex-toronto
i have had 2 different 3rd gen ipods....and they were actually different.

the first one i bought right when the 3rd gen came out and the second one was a replacement for the original one. I recieved it about a month ago. The screen on the new one IS different than the other one i had. The other one was noticeably more white and the lighting was more even. The new one does a blueish hue to it in certain lighting, while the previous one did not have any hint of blue in it at all, under any lighting. Other than the difference in the lighting i have noticed no other difference.

if i remember correctly the difference in screens was noticed a few months ago in a thread.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2002
iPod mini

In the MWSF Keynote the iPod mini seems to have a blue back light when Steve holds one in his hand.


macrumors 68030
Man, this is old news.

Yes, there are two screens. One white, one blue.

Here is a picture from that shows the difference.


This picture doesn't show the difference in sharpness, but, having witnessed both screens side by side, the Blue one is definitely sharper.

I thought of returning my White one... but then I figured out... it's a rarity! :D
(Just trying to make myself feel better...)

Anyways, my iPod has no defects, unless you call the white screen a "defect".



macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2002
Los Angeles
yeah i thought this was old news too...:confused:

but, on a side note, my battery indicator looks different than both of those iPods. its a solid bar as opposed to the 4 sections. although im pretty sure this was just changed with the most recent 3G iPod software.
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