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macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2007
Why have that when it's much easier to avoid it all with a regulation that would apply equally to them all? Seems simpler and less of a hassle with easier and more consistent experience and enforcement.
So by equality, you mean boring socialist conformity? What about being able to differentiate on more than just price? Why are you against consumer choice? Do you hate freedom?

Do you not see the irony on posting such a thing on a site about Apple product? The 1984 ad?


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2008
Government enforced Monopoly

The airline companies are lobbying a regulatory agency to ban calls so that they can force you into using their call service.


Sep 7, 2011
So by equality, you mean boring socialist conformity? What about being able to differentiate on more than just price? Why are you against consumer choice? Do you hate freedom?

Do you not see the irony on posting such a thing on a site about Apple product? The 1984 ad?

thats not irony.

What's irony is someone using the name Aristotle and preaching individual rights before that of the social community.

(here's a hint, Aristotle's idea of politics was that of priorities, in which the individual came after the city and state. in which Social contract and community was fore more more important than an individual.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
The airline companies are lobbying a regulatory agency to ban calls so that they can force you into using their call service.

It has already been explained in great technical detail why you will never be able to make a cell phone call from a passenger aircraft flying above 2,000 feet.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Would you want the Gub'ment dictating how you should eat or can you feed yourself properly? Do you want the Gub'ment telling you to walk a certain way or can you decide for yourself? Do you want the Gub'ment telling you what color to paint your house (fraking Home Own ASSociation:mad:) can you trust yourself to choose a tasteful color?
Yea...the slippery slope stuff just doesn't hold up in reality.


Nov 20, 2008
Oh, we've noticed. Believe me, we've noticed.

We're just not sure what your behavior here has to do with in-flight calling.

Your post makes absolutely zero sense, considering my entire post was about the AH next to you yakking away on an in-flight call.

Unrelated, here's a thought - if you are pro in-flight calling, maybe you are the AH and are too ignorant to realize it?


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
So by equality, you mean boring socialist conformity? What about being able to differentiate on more than just price? Why are you against consumer choice? Do you hate freedom?

Do you not see the irony on posting such a thing on a site about Apple product? The 1984 ad?
I mean considering a larger set of people in an enclosed space up in the air, rather than what's cool or fun or whatnot.


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
What a bunch of petty tyrants

Governments vs the laws of physics. So silly.

Let the airlines decide - they own the planes. All you people calling for a ban are embarrassing to free adults. The planes can decide how they want to regulate the social environment on their planes. If you people want to boss other people around so much for your own preferences get your own planes.


Yea...the slippery slope stuff just doesn't hold up in reality.

It sure does hold up. In my profession it boggles the mind how much control government exerts. The problem is you like the slope so far - but lots hate it and feel oppressed every day.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Governments vs the laws of physics. So silly.

Let the airlines decide - they own the planes. All you people calling for a ban are embarrassing to free adults. The planes can decide how they want to regulate the social environment on their planes. If you people want to boss other people around so much for your own preferences get your own planes.


It sure does hold up. In my profession it boggles the mind how much control government exerts. The problem is you like the slope so far - but lots hate it and feel oppressed every day.
Too bad that too much of the populace (those "free adults") is just too ignorant, uneducated, uncaring, or what have you, making a lot of regulations and other things of that nature simply necessary to take care of the rest.
Last edited:

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
Governments vs the laws of physics. So silly.

Let the airlines decide - they own the planes. All you people calling for a ban are embarrassing to free adults. The planes can decide how they want to regulate the social environment on their planes. If you people want to boss other people around so much for your own preferences get your own planes.

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. The government could suspend the laws of physics if they really wanted to but they have decided to oppress us instead.


macrumors G3
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
Let the airlines decide - they own the planes.

But not the airports, runway land, air traffic control, air safety inspectors, fire trucks, air marshals to ensure peaceful flights, TSA theatrics, etc. etc. The tax paying public funds a lot of this infrastructure, and thus has an interest in the system working according to their needs.

Billy Boo Bob

macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2005
Dark Side Of The Moon
I was on a plane with free wifi, and you weren't allowed to do skype calls... That is the type of thing this argument is about.

That's what I was wondering about... I use a MagicJack app on my iPad (much the same... uses WiFi data). If the concern is using cell phone radio frequencies, then VOIP shouldn't apply.

I do feel for the frequent traveler, however, that would have to deal with constant yappers while in flight.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
It sure does hold up. In my profession it boggles the mind how much control government exerts. The problem is you like the slope so far - but lots hate it and feel oppressed every day.

Aye. I would be among that lot. "Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!"

The airlines has done a fine job so far of keeping a lid on cell phone usage in-flight. I trust them more than I trust the Government. At least I know the airline will do what's good for their bottom line, part of that is keeping their customers happy. I seriously doubt they would want to alienate the majority of people who want to enjoy a reasonably quiet flight for a few self important yappers.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Aye. I would be among that lot. "Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!"

YouTube: video

The airlines has done a fine job so far of keeping a lid on cell phone usage in-flight. I trust them more than I trust the Government. At least I know the airline will do what's good for their bottom line, part of that is keeping their customers happy. I seriously doubt they would want to alienate the majority of people who want to enjoy a reasonably quiet flight for a few self important yappers.
Interesting, arilines like Spirit and some similar ones do all kinds of crazy stuff that's good for their bottom line but certainly isn't keeping customers happy.


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2007
thats not irony.

What's irony is someone using the name Aristotle and preaching individual rights before that of the social community.

(here's a hint, Aristotle's idea of politics was that of priorities, in which the individual came after the city and state. in which Social contract and community was fore more more important than an individual.
So because some guy with that name had a particular point of view, I am not allowed to have a different point of view? Really? This is not about individual rights versus the community. Nobody is talking about endangering anyone. I am suggesting that you should have the right to live a boring existence and others should be allowed to have a less boring one. Stop trying to bring everyone down to your mundane level. Feel free to remain in boringville and let others have their own communities.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
So because some guy with that name had a particular point of view, I am not allowed to have a different point of view? Really? This is not about individual rights versus the community. Nobody is talking about endangering anyone. I am suggesting that you should have the right to live a boring existence and others should be allowed to have a less boring one. Stop trying to bring everyone down to your mundane level. Feel free to remain in boringville and let others have their own communities.
The irony of posting a point of view on an Apple-related site is somehow meaningful and relevant, but the equally inane irony of username and expressed point of view is somehow not...ironic. ;)

Traveling on an enclosed tube up in the air isn't about fun or whatnot, it's about getting from somewhere to somewhere safely and without incident or even a potential of some incident.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
Interesting, arilines like Spirit and some similar ones do all kinds of crazy stuff that's good for their bottom line but certainly isn't keeping customers happy.

I had to google Spirit airlines. Never hear of them before.:eek: Well, when you fly a bare bones airline, you can't expect 4 star treatment (or even 2 star :p). Do they even provide seats?:D I'm guessing the dirt cheap ticket prices is what keeps the customer coming.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I had to google Spirit airlines. Never hear of them before.:eek: Well, when you fly a bare bones airline, you can't expect 4 star treatment (or even 2 star :p). Do they even provide seats?:D I'm guessing the dirt cheap ticket prices is what keeps the customer coming.
Right, but not happy, nonetheless.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2013
Aye. I would be among that lot. "Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!"

YouTube: video

The airlines has done a fine job so far of keeping a lid on cell phone usage in-flight. I trust them more than I trust the Government. At least I know the airline will do what's good for their bottom line, part of that is keeping their customers happy. I seriously doubt they would want to alienate the majority of people who want to enjoy a reasonably quiet flight for a few self important yappers.

Thank you Mousse, after reading through 9 pages of comments that classic Monty Python video was quite refreshing.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the airlines privately asked the government for this. Why? Because while they wanted it they did not want to appear to publicly want it. Good cop, bad cop.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
Perhaps, just perhaps, the airlines privately asked the government for this. Why? Because while they wanted it they did not want to appear to publicly want it. Good cop, bad cop.

That might actually be a good theory if the story as reported by MR was accurate. But as the source story explains, the DoT says they are not actually pursing a ban, and further that they not on the verge of handing down new rules of any kind. So other than the bogus premise...


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2006
I agree with the airlines, this is definitely a case where the government should butt out! I for one agree I do not want loud mouthed people talking on the phone on my plane ride, and I myself would not talk on my phone in flight. However, this is not what laws and regulations should be used for. If an airline wants to allow people to use phones inflight, that is their decision to make, and customers can vote with their wallet by not using that airline. And if all airlines choose to allow this, then customers can vote by not flying at all.

An airline sells a product - in the form of a service - and it is not the governments place to dictate what experience people will have with a companies product.

And on a side note - Has everyone forgotten that airlines already allow people to pay to make phone calls on the planes phones you have to pay to use on the back of the seat in front of you? So there are already flights with annoying people talking on phones...
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