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macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Commissar Cook has pissed off everyone. Its a miracle Apple is still around. It should have died with Steve when he died. Sadly.. we all want Steve back.. but under Commissar Cook, it will suffer greatly.
If he’s pissed everyone off then who, exactly is buying all of Apples products and why do they continue to have sky high customer satisfaction ratings? Why do so many developers keep making products for Apple devices?

Meanwhile, newsflash, companies survive their founders leaving all the time, Apple has thrived under Cook. You may not like every decision he’s made, but under any objective measure Apple is a huge success post Steve Jobs.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
The rest of us want to have more freedom to do what WE want with OUR devices.

Apple can put an option saying: “installing application from outside sources can be dangerous, are you sure you want to do that?”…. Click yes or no.

Simple as that. I want to be able to get open source application like in Macs/PCs/Linux and not have to be dependent only on Apple, because they push developers to charge us freaking subscription fees for stupid simple applications like Calendar apps.
So buy an Android phone which meets all your stated criteria. You have a choice, exercise it.


Mar 21, 2011
No it looks like it was explicitly defined to target Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon

You can't bypass the companies that stand out.... No one is going to try and break up small companies because they don't have the money as much as these ones do.

Everyone wants to fight over profits...


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
It'd be nice to see this happen, but it's never gonna happen. Why? Because these companies buy too much protection in Congress. Most Senators & Representatives are for rent, and these companies know it.

In addition, the TLA agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.) have significantly increased their power over normal people using these companies.

What is really bad is the people that keep electing these deplorable Senators & Representatives just because of some single issue platitude, that these same Senators & Representatives never plan to do anything other than bloviate about.

You want change in DC, then change your vote! Quit voting for money and power hungry politicians with no integrity to actually do what they campaign for, or just plain lie to get elected.

It is amazing how many anti war voters vote for war mongering politicians and parties just because they heard a positive sound bite on their pet issue. Wake up, our country is going down the tubes because people don't care to see what is really happening.

Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
The App Store practice is simply not compatible with the iPad OS for pro’s. As the practice stands no company doing deep featured professional software will pay Apple for the privilege of bringing their customers to the iPad OS and with it help Apple sell more iPad Pro’s. This on top of needing to invest heavily to satisfy the needs of a small market. There will be very little pro apps taking advantage of the M1 chip in the iPad Pro, apart from a few side notes.

This happened in the smartphone as the market was very immature back then, and a lot of hopeful future reset away from MS ways … yet we are back to market controlling practices of the kind if not actually worst in certain aspects when compared to 00 decade … heck the company managed to bundle all sorts of things in the OS that was virtually impossible to do with Windows back than as per regulators stance. Back than, at least devs did not have to pay to bring their clients, they had to pay for licenses of the APIs, not to bring customers, .. OS API licenses that today are fundamentally “free“.

Will see how diversified and featured will be the professional digital/app market place in this decade with the post PC devices. At the moment what we have is half baked professional apps and trivial productivity apps such as Notion and Ulysses at the price of a Office 365. I really like my iPad Pro, but can’t be away from my desk that long with it.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2016
Boulder, CO
The App Store practice is simply not compatible with the iPad OS for pro’s. As the practice stands no company doing deep featured professional software will pay Apple for the privilege of bringing their customers to the iPad OS and with it help Apple sell more iPad Pro’s.
Professional software will go to where the professionals go. Currently, there are few apps that take advantage of the iPads unique features and thus there is little reason for them to be there. But, Swift Playgrounds, in iOS15, will enable basic app development. If Apple migrates Final Cut or Logic, other software will follow. The M1 chip in the iPad Pro is just the first salvo in creating the Pro as a more professional tool.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"Right now, unregulated tech monopolies have too much power over our economy. They are in a unique position to pick winners and losers, destroy small businesses, raise prices on consumers, and put folks out of work"

Wherever your stand on the issue, it's hard to dispute the above facts.
Funny how when Apple wasn't a trillion $ company back in the 70's to 90's this wasn't a big deal. Nobody cared about Apple's policies or 'walled garden or ecosystem'

They did what was necessary to compete and openly did so while the competition stagnated, teased, laughed and made public commercial jokes about Apple.

NOW that the underdog company started by and loved by hippies of old is now the biggest bulls-eye target because they came up from the mud. They kept their users happy, did what they did without hiding things and competed on their OWN terms!

Everybody loves an underdog until that dog becomes TOP Dog or Boss Hog.

Funny how Microsoft continues to escape REAL monopoly probes (mid-90's 12 US states where ready to bring them to their knees. Jobs call to Gates and gates $5 Mill non-voting stock investment gave him the open door out of that. Microsoft purchasing Nokia to make handsets BUT to close off ALL Nokia's existing phones S40/S60/Symbian Free and keep all their IP was NOT considered monopolistic ?! That's super obvious like NOT granting NVidia purchase to ARM Holdings Inc but no mention of blocking Qualcomm of ARM Holdings?! Seriously?!

This whole EU thing & U.S. legislator reaks of internal corruption that benefits a certain consortium.
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