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macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
A simple search of the interwebs explains all of that. I mean I guess if you have some obscure app (you keep harping on garage door openers for some reason) it might not work, but still is 100% different from what apple is doing. Google isn't the best, but there's a reason they call IOS the "walled garden"
thanks you, Pre1!
my neighbor is not tech, and needed her garage door reset-installed.
which i did on her GE and she is getting spam and annoyances from google
(im hiding inside now)


macrumors member
May 14, 2015
To hell with Amy Klobuchar. She wrote a new antitrust bill that targets Apple and other “big tech” companies without understanding the differences between them — they’re all just “big tech” to her. Here’s a quote from Klobuchar during a keynote speech at the State of the Net Conference: "While we've seen this enormous change in our economy, we really are not as sophisticated as the companies that we should be regulating.” I hope Apple continues to avoid anything to do with her or her committee, and lobbies against her destructive legislation.
Yeah because big tech has it all figured out. That's why I get spoofed calls everyday about my car warranty. That's why people can make anonymous death threats to others without any recourse. That's why millions of people's account information is stolen every year from "big tech" companies. And all that AI research and implimentation is all going great and doesn't need any regulation because it is going to help improve the world and bring democracy to autocratic nations. Why, because tech people say so. Because they know. Just look at what they have done. They need less and less regulation.
  • Haha
Reactions: Shirasaki


macrumors member
May 14, 2015
Any is not looking to learn anything. Amy and others are looking to film commercials for their re-election campaigns.

I’m concerned about her writing legislation when she doesnt fully grasp the paradigm and the issues that need to be balanced.
Paradigm and the issues? What does that even mean?


macrumors member
May 14, 2015
How about FileMaker Pro (Apple subsidiary) provides the FileMaker Go App for free but has no desktop equivalent. So Apple gets you to buy an iPhone or iPad to save over $500 on a desktop app? Figure you get the iOS device as a bonus? Either way, they sweeten the pot for buying an iOS device while doing nothing similar for the desktop macOS.
But the Filemaker Go App is more like a player, you can't create with it and the desktop equivalent would be a web browser and logging on to Filemaker WebDirect


macrumors 65816
Nov 23, 2007
you buy an Apple phone, you now it is curated for app installation.
you know that beforehand.

dont agree?
but a different phone... simple.

had enough issue with apps on Android devices that caused havoc... introduced a virus to our work network and took email offline randomly for days.

i'm totally happy Apple control and remedy apps that dont stick to the rules.
  • Disagree
Reactions: Shirasaki


macrumors member
Sep 2, 2007
Yeah because big tech has it all figured out. That's why I get spoofed calls everyday about my car warranty. That's why people can make anonymous death threats to others without any recourse. That's why millions of people's account information is stolen every year from "big tech" companies. And all that AI research and implimentation is all going great and doesn't need any regulation because it is going to help improve the world and bring democracy to autocratic nations. Why, because tech people say so. Because they know. Just look at what they have done. They need less and less regulation.
A lot of strawman arguments there, none of which are relevant to what I wrote. First, I didn’t say or imply that “big tech has it all figured out,” only that Amy Klobuchar is clueless. Also, Sen. Klobuchar’s antitrust legislation wouldn’t prevent spoof calls, wouldn’t prevent death threats, wouldn’t prevent companies from being hacked, and wouldn’t prevent whatever point you were trying to make about AI and autocratic countries.


Mar 28, 2002
How about FileMaker Pro (Apple subsidiary) provides the FileMaker Go App for free but has no desktop equivalent. So Apple gets you to buy an iPhone or iPad to save over $500 on a desktop app? Figure you get the iOS device as a bonus? Either way, they sweeten the pot for buying an iOS device while doing nothing similar for the desktop macOS.
They actually sell their software mainly on annual licenses now. The license is per user, and can be used with the desktop app, web browser (if the server is setup for it) or one of the mobile apps. If you have a license, you can download the Mac or PC app freely. You can still buy a single desktop license if you want I guess…



macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Only the U.S. seems to want to cripple its own companies that are successful. Make no mistake, crippling U.S. companies with new laws will not favor new US companies, they will merely favor existing foreign giants.

U.S companies does not have a cost advantage. The only thing that U.S government provides its companies is the U.S standard of living and H1B visas, which attracts talent from around the world. Every other advantage U.S companies have, the individual companies had to work hard to achieve. And now they want to cripple those few advantages these companies developed legally, by changing the law and making those illegal? It's sad that foreign companies are using US laws to break US companies. No other country would allow such a thing.
Call it “free country syndrome”, where Texas can run its own grid disconnected from the rest of USA and ISP can set their own rules banning people from using alternative services, and more.


macrumors 68040
Apr 5, 2010
Apple also appears to be stalling on Coronavirus Reporter antitrust case

The case is about something that happened in February and March last year. They file suit in January this year indicating the case is not time critical.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 24, 2007
Apple should not have to defend itself TWICE... for the same (App Store) accusations. That could legally lead to double-jeopardy. It should only have to face trial once. And the Apple-EPIC trial is already set into motion. What the moronic US politicians should do is to request a courtroom observer seat (online or actual) during the Apple-EPIC trials, and take notes.
Actually, double-jeopardy is only applicable to criminal charges in a court of law, and neither Senate committee hearings nor the EPIC civil lawsuit would technically fall under that rubric. Nonetheless, whenever the civil courts (after any appeals) hand down a ruling in the EPIC case, it would very likely strongly influence whatever laws the Congress might wish to pass. The senate committee would be well advised to let the civlil litigation, which will necessarily involve opposing witnesses and experts, give its final ruling. Antitrust law is one of the most difficult and technical areas of the law, and few if any of the members of Congress will have the requisite background to make better decisions than the courts can.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
[...] Antitrust law is one of the most difficult and technical areas of the law, and few if any of the members of Congress will have the requisite background to make better decisions than the courts can.
That's what concerns me with any potential regulation that may come down. It really didn't turn out so well for the US consumer when AT&T was forced to break-up.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 30, 2010
Only the U.S. seems to want to cripple its own companies that are successful. Make no mistake, crippling U.S. companies with new laws will not favor new US companies, they will merely favor existing foreign giants.

U.S companies does not have a cost advantage. The only thing that U.S government provides its companies is the U.S standard of living and H1B visas, which attracts talent from around the world. Every other advantage U.S companies have, the individual companies had to work hard to achieve. And now they want to cripple those few advantages these companies developed legally, by changing the law and making those illegal? It's sad that foreign companies are using US laws to break US companies. No other country would allow such a thing.

And who has made those big bad foreigners that want to break up domestic big tech today? US big tech has made them by being greedy and wanting to save every single penny. In return they've propelled China's economy into leading one within only thirty years. US big tech has done more for Chinese economy then for US that's for sure. Apple is THE SOLE responsible for Chinas boost into telecommunications manufacturing and R&D dominance which resulted in Chinese government subsidizing the whole industry and taking over the world. Apple didn't do Foxconn project to save you money when you buy $1000+ iPhone, they did it so they can save money when they sell you $1000+ iPhone, right after they route that money through Ireland, Lichtenstein PO Box ghost company, god know how many islands and then back to US.

Don't fool yourself as soon as Apple or any other big tech company finds a better safe haven when it comes to market, living standards, tax breaks and other misc. things they are moving out of US all together for R&D and design. That might sound like fantasy right now but in about 50 years when China shows its true world dominance and lets big tech do whatever they want - to "selfregulate" - by that time US public will have new external nemesis to pick on and no one will bat and eye when complete operations have move away from US.

So right now it's in US interest not to close tax loopholes and not to regulate big tech but by the time big tech is done with US there will be a wasteland left. US needs a restart, needs a heavy regulation and needs proper subsidy for upcoming competitive technologies but most and foremost it has to ensure that both R&D and manufacturing stays in US. It will take US about 20 years to catch up to China in automated manufacturing unfortunately. Keep in mind that China wouldn't be a manufacturing absolute overlord if it didn't have anything to manufacture and it's number one client was and still are US companies.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
And who has made those big bad foreigners that want to break up domestic big tech today? US big tech has made them by being greedy and wanting to save every single penny. In return they've propelled China's economy into leading one within only thirty years. US big tech has done more for Chinese economy then for US that's for sure. Apple is THE SOLE responsible for Chinas boost into telecommunications manufacturing and R&D dominance which resulted in Chinese government subsidizing the whole industry and taking over the world. Apple didn't do Foxconn project to save you money when you buy $1000+ iPhone, they did it so they can save money when they sell you $1000+ iPhone, right after they route that money through Ireland, Lichtenstein PO Box ghost company, god know how many islands and then back to US.

Don't fool yourself as soon as Apple or any other big tech company finds a better safe haven when it comes to market, living standards, tax breaks and other misc. things they are moving out of US all together for R&D and design. That might sound like fantasy right now but in about 50 years when China shows its true world dominance and lets big tech do whatever they want - to "selfregulate" - by that time US public will have new external nemesis to pick on and no one will bat and eye when complete operations have move away from US.

So right now it's in US interest not to close tax loopholes and not to regulate big tech but by the time big tech is done with US there will be a wasteland left. US needs a restart, needs a heavy regulation and needs proper subsidy for upcoming competitive technologies but most and foremost it has to ensure that both R&D and manufacturing stays in US. It will take US about 20 years to catch up to China in automated manufacturing unfortunately. Keep in mind that China wouldn't be a manufacturing absolute overlord if it didn't have anything to manufacture and it's number one client was and still are US companies.
You can’t manufacture in the US right now. Definitely not 10 years ago. Products manufactured in the US will be too expensive for customers in the US other than some niche customers. The world has no option but to manufacture in China. Apple and all other global companies did what they had to do anyway. And if they did not do it, what will US be having right now? You think other phone manufacturers like Nokia/Blackberry/Samsung/LG would not have crushed US phone companies?

China worked hard to achieve its position. They deserve this. If US wants to complete, it needs to work hard. Not by adding more regulations. You can only encourage someone to innovate at a place. You can force them to innovate at a place. That’s not how innovation works. China did not achieve this by mere regulations.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 30, 2010
You can’t manufacture in the US right now. Definitely not 10 years ago. Products manufactured in the US will be too expensive for customers in the US other than some niche customers. The world has no option but to manufacture in China. Apple and all other global companies did what they had to do anyway. And if they did not do it, what will US be having right now? You think other phone manufacturers like Nokia/Blackberry/Samsung/LG would not have crushed US phone companies?

China worked hard to achieve its position. They deserve this. If US wants to complete, it needs to work hard. Not by adding more regulations. You can only encourage someone to innovate at a place. You can force them to innovate at a place. That’s not how innovation works. China did not achieve this by mere regulations.

Yes, China absolutely did achieve all that by regulating their direction. It's different from of regulation than what US does, it's political regulation not so much economical one. There are way many constrains and regulations over there, people go to jail over there just like that if they don't follow up. There is no such thing if one company wants to show up on the hearing or not, no such nonsense in China. Take for an example that Alibaba guy, he was cocky wanted to be Musk like superstar and got shot down real fast. China right now is like America after WWII very firm and ruled by hand, that's why they are prospering so much. They invest into their infrastructure while US does not. US can't invest in people because it's biggest tax payers are not paying taxes and they don't have the firm hand to change the laws. US is as deregulated as it can be and asking for even more is trouble.

When it comes to manufacturing iPhones in US I don't believe one bit into a story that phone would be more expensive cause they can't pass that to a consumer. Apple would make less money, that's the trick. US manufacturing has huge issues, it has issues with nuts and bolts that's how bad it is. But, Apple sells 200 million devices a year so there is no way in hell someone cannot setup an automated factory and close down suppliers chain within reasonable time


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Well Neutrality was neutered until a few weeks ago

Do you have a link? I'm interested in reading about it.
100% this.

Exactly, there's a real monopoly bilking us every day and they waste our time and money on this

It took Google Fiber's competition in several markets for ISPs in those markets to magically offer same high speeds (1 Gb/s or 100 Mb/s) at same prices overnight. Before that, for the same price you barely got 50 Mb/s (and unstable); and if you did, it costed around $120/month. Talk about highway robbery.

Yes its a joke! Big tech is nothing more than a huge corrupt racket!

Google has an abusive monopoly on search and advertising using telemetry from apps to spam you with invasive adverts to end users,

example: google play store ovulation apps sends user data to google and in turn google use its algorithms to send targeted adverts for candy/craving related food with cutesy kittens adverts around the time 'user' starts their period..

Googles 'free' services are not free but every single byte of your data is mined and harvested for maximum ROI for alphabet,
example: google offers free high quality photo cloud storage , this is done in attempt to feed the necessary exabytes of unique randomized images needed to perfect its deep learning object recognition AI.
only reason why they are discontinuing unlimited free photo storage from June 1 because its deep learning ai has developed to a level where it does not need the ‘peasants’ images any more.

Insta/facebook apps mic snooping phone calls, repeated flagged key words will result in targeted advertising on the subjects spoken.

amazon has a near monopoly on e-commerce, tracks its customers shopping activities outside of amazon, deploys ai to undercut the competition by 1-5% for popular products

but wait apple is the bad guy here for its app store payment policies?! Wtf! I am all for trillion dollar companies being held to account but this is nothing more than blatant extortion, why constantly single out Apple like this but do nothing about other silicon valley giants who rampantly abuse their monopolistic powers!?

Anyone else disgusted on how powerful big tech has become?!

Also something that needs to be looked at. Last time I was having a conversation (not over the phone) and a friend of mine is apply for a Canadian immigration visa. Mind you I never even searched or looked stuff up anywhere and all of a sudden I start to get blasted with Ads for Canadian Immigration Agencies.

That's an invasion of privacy. I understand being blasted after doing research online and being tracked that way, but over your personal phone? FB and IG are now gone after that.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
Yes, China absolutely did achieve all that by regulating their direction. It's different from of regulation than what US does, it's political regulation not so much economical one. There are way many constrains and regulations over there, people go to jail over there just like that if they don't follow up. There is no such thing if one company wants to show up on the hearing or not, no such nonsense in China. Take for an example that Alibaba guy, he was cocky wanted to be Musk like superstar and got shot down real fast. China right now is like America after WWII very firm and ruled by hand, that's why they are prospering so much. They invest into their infrastructure while US does not. US can't invest in people because it's biggest tax payers are not paying taxes and they don't have the firm hand to change the laws. US is as deregulated as it can be and asking for even more is trouble.

When it comes to manufacturing iPhones in US I don't believe one bit into a story that phone would be more expensive cause they can't pass that to a consumer. Apple would make less money, that's the trick. US manufacturing has huge issues, it has issues with nuts and bolts that's how bad it is. But, Apple sells 200 million devices a year so there is no way in hell someone cannot setup an automated factory and close down suppliers chain within reasonable time
Apple does pay all the tax it owes. For all the sales it makes in US, it pays taxes in the US. For all the sales made in UK, it pays taxes in UK. What you are asking is Apple pays another tax cut in the US for sales made in UK. That’s paying tax twice for the same income, just to bring that money back to US. Apple’s profit margin as per its profit and loss statement is around 20%. How much would be its profit margin if it pays tax twice? And Apple is a global company expanding globally. So essentially, Apple has to pay a second tax to bring money to the US, that it has to take out of US anyway for it’s outside operations. Makes no sense for the Tax paying US share holders. Apple is doing as much justice to its US shareholders as it can while following international tax laws. Remember, so much of US retirement funds depend on Apple.

An iPhone is made of several components from several patent holding companies. For example, the gorilla glass is made by Corning. The camera from Sony and so on. These companies have manufacturing plants set up in China and they serve several international companies, not just Apple. Also each company specializes in different stage of the manufacturing. For example one company might specialize only in packaging for shipment. No matter how big Apple is, it is not as big as all of China combined. And specialization is very very difficult. Apple only makes software and still there are bugs. Apple can’t master every step of manufacturing, especially something as complex as an iPhone in such large volumes. You just can’t shift manufacturing of iPhones to US. No amount of money can do it. China can’t be replaced with a bunch of Robots.
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