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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program

Now we can waste multiple hours debating what they really are, swamp gas, optical illusions, mental illness. @obeygiant thanks for the video link! :D

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.



macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2008
Pittsburgh Area, PA
okay, so you won't need a tinfoil hat to converse with me, but the "documentaries" that connect ancient Egyptians and aliens kinda blow my mind! o_O

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.
Food for thought, if there is other intelligent life out there that has the capability to travel faster then light why have they not made more of an overt action to initiate contact? I'm not saying there is or isn't aliens, but if a species made the effort to travel hundreds of light years to this planet and it finds life, wouldn't they land and/or contact us?


macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2016
Food for thought, if there is other intelligent life out there that has the capability to travel faster then light why have they not made more of an overt action to initiate contact? I'm not saying there is or isn't aliens, but if a species made the effort to travel hundreds of light years to this planet and it finds life, wouldn't they land and/or contact us?

Maybe they were looking for intelligent life forms?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Food for thought, if there is other intelligent life out there that has the capability to travel faster then light why have they not made more of an overt action to initiate contact? I'm not saying there is or isn't aliens, but if a species made the effort to travel hundreds of light years to this planet and it finds life, wouldn't they land and/or contact us?

Unknown. They could easily have a non-interference policy based on all sorts of reasons, we are too primitive, we are toying with inadvertently destroying ourselves, and they are not inclined to save us until we prove ourselves worthy of continued existence, etc. The stupid word might apply.

If you are a Star Trek fan, as I recall the Enterprise Series, the rule was we don’t contact you until you have achieved faster than light (FTL) travel, but then that standard seemed to change in a later ST series.

The most intriguing aspect of this is where do they originate from, exactly because of the enormous distances involved, autonomous vehicles maybe, but if manned by intelligent life, how practical is it to get here, FTL, worm holes, some other unknown mechanic.
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
I am not saying that Aliens do not exist, and I am not saying that they have not visited earth, I for one do believe, but sometimes people want to see something that isn't there.

For example, back in the 90's there was an "event" called the Phoenix Lights. There was thousands of people that saw lights in the sky, but it ended up being flares from A-10 Warthogs. In addition to the lights, there were a few claims that people saw space ships, and even extraterrestrials. Years later, the former governor of Arizona made claims that the lights were not made by the military.

The thing is, I know some of the people involved with the mission that caused the lights, which were flares. It was Operation Snowbird, a training sortie from an ANG A-10 unit from Maryland. They do this type of training every couple years.

It is just crazy seeing how a simple explanation with facts gets ignored and so many people go with the crazy conspiracy plot that could be an episode of The X-Files.

There are just too many Mulders out there that want to believe.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
Food for thought, if there is other intelligent life out there that has the capability to travel faster then light why have they not made more of an overt action to initiate contact? I'm not saying there is or isn't aliens, but if a species made the effort to travel hundreds of light years to this planet and it finds life, wouldn't they land and/or contact us?
because they have seen just how stupid we can be? never ending wars , tons dying from hunger etc etc etc.
pulling my trekkie hat they might be following the prime directive.

just for the hell of it, imagine Russia gets to be the first ones they contact, what would the U.S and other nations do about it?


Dec 1, 2017
okay, so you won't need a tinfoil hat to converse with me, but the "documentaries" that connect ancient Egyptians and aliens kinda blow my mind! o_O

Everytime I hear about the connections between aliens and ancient Egyptians I think about Stargate SG-1 and can no longer take the documentaries seriously.


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Of COURSE UFOs are real.

There certainly are real flying objects that people have not been able to identify.

That's why they are called UNIDENTIFIED.

Why haven't we been contacted?

Maybe swamp gas/reflections/mirages/weather balloons, etc. simply have no interest in contacting us.

As far as extra-planetary aliens: have we tried contacting Amoeba? What are we waiting for?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy (Jan 2017)

An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO displaying highly unusual behavior, studied by Chilean authorities for the last two years, is now being released to the public. The CEFAA - the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), has been in charge of the investigation. Located within the DGAC, the equivalent of our FAA but under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force, CEFAA has committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines. None of them have been able to explain the strange flying object captured by two experienced Navy officers from a helicopter.

Of COURSE UFOs are real.

There certainly are real flying objects that people have not been able to identify.

That's why they are called UNIDENTIFIED.

Why haven't we been contacted?

Maybe swamp gas/reflections/mirages/weather balloons, etc. simply have no interest in contacting us.

As far as extra-planetary aliens: have we tried contacting Amoeba? What are we waiting for?
Did you look at the video, post 1? Unknown object flying, fast.
I am not saying that Aliens do not exist, and I am not saying that they have not visited earth, I for one do believe, but sometimes people want to see something that isn't there.

For example, back in the 90's there was an "event" called the Phoenix Lights. There was thousands of people that saw lights in the sky, but it ended up being flares from A-10 Warthogs. In addition to the lights, there were a few claims that people saw space ships, and even extraterrestrials. Years later, the former governor of Arizona made claims that the lights were not made by the military.

The thing is, I know some of the people involved with the mission that caused the lights, which were flares. It was Operation Snowbird, a training sortie from an ANG A-10 unit from Maryland. They do this type of training every couple years.

It is just crazy seeing how a simple explanation with facts gets ignored and so many people go with the crazy conspiracy plot that could be an episode of The X-Files.

There are just too many Mulders out there that want to believe.
I agree some, maybe most of these things are explainable as natural phenomena, but there are others... :)
[doublepost=1513833807][/doublepost]The Special Report blog

@vertical smile, the link above, item 7 discusses the Phoenix lights. :)
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macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2008
Pittsburgh Area, PA
Everytime I hear about the connections between aliens and ancient Egyptians I think about Stargate SG-1 and can no longer take the documentaries seriously.

Lol, I've literally never watched that (my parents were into it briefly).
As I watch those documentaries, I sit there, completely stuck in a strange dichotomy...
Part of me is sitting there like that History Channel "Aliens" guy with my mind totally blown,
The other part of me is like "so much BS" and making skeptical smug smirks at the TV.

I actually want there to be aliens, but the side of me that always needs "proof" is very annoying to that desire.

UNRELATED: @vertical smile has the best username here :D
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Dec 1, 2017
Lol, I've literally never watched that (my parents were into it briefly).
As I watch those documentaries, I sit there, completely stuck in a strange dichotomy...
Part of me is sitting there like that History Channel "Aliens" guy with my mind totally blown,
The other part of me is like "so much BS" and making skeptical smug smirks at the TV.

I actually want there to be aliens, but the side of me that always needs "proof" is very annoying to that desire.

UNRELATED: @vertical smile has the best username here :D
I have the whole series of Stargate SG-1 and plan on rewatching it as soon as my wife finishes watching Revenge. It was a pretty cool TV series but I have never seen any of the movies or Stargate Atlantis or Stargate Universe. Perhaps I will find those and make the wife suffer through them like I am suffering through Revenge. First world problems I know!
Like you I want there to be aliens but I also need proof. The Rendlesham Forest incident did happen about 50 miles southeast from where I am currently stationed and I plan on doing the UFO Trail next summer.
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
@vertical smile, the link above, item 7 discusses the Phoenix lights. :)

This short clip shows exactly what happened, but still, many people will dismiss logic and proof for a space ship.

Why haven't we been contacted?

I have a theory for this.

This might be a little far-fetched for some people, but an explanation of why Aliens have not contacted us is being they are ruling over us similarly to the way a person would rule over events of game The SIMS. Not really making themselves known, but occasionally influencing the events of life on the planet. It could be an experiment to them.

Another explanation is that they live among us. They look like us. Have the same DNA as us. Maybe they are the missing link in evolution, visiting us at the dawn of time for humans on earth. Similarly to the ending to a popular science fiction show that I won't say do to spoilers. The difference is that we on earth still get visits from our ancient ancestors.
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Joe h

macrumors regular
Sep 22, 2017
Well if you follow the stories, they probably don’t want to make their existence known, because every time one crashes, we captured them. Then picked their brains, sometimes literally.

And that is just what the US and English have done. God only knows what the soviets, 1930-40 Nazis, and various other groups did to the poor souls when they accidentally came into contact with us.


Dec 1, 2017
I have a theory for this.

This might be a little far-fetched for some people, but an explanation of why Aliens have not contacted us is being they are ruling over us similarly to the way a person would rule over events of game The SIMS. Not really making themselves known, but occasionally influencing the events of life on the planet. It could be an experiment to them.

Another explanation is that they live among us. They look like us. Have the same DNA as us. Maybe they are the missing link in evolution, visiting us at the dawn of time for humans on earth. Similarly to the ending to a popular science fiction show that I won't say do to spoilers. The difference is that we on earth still get visits from our ancient ancestors.
That is an interesting theory.
Well if you follow the stories, they probably don’t want to make their existence known, because every time one crashes, we captured them. Then picked their brains, sometimes literally.

And that is just what the US and English have done. God only knows what the soviets, 1930-40 Nazis, and various other groups did to the poor souls when they accidentally came into contact with us.
That too is an interesting theory. But I must ask how would the aliens know about that?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Lol, I've literally never watched that (my parents were into it briefly).
As I watch those documentaries, I sit there, completely stuck in a strange dichotomy...
Part of me is sitting there like that History Channel "Aliens" guy with my mind totally blown,
The other part of me is like "so much BS" and making skeptical smug smirks at the TV.

I actually want there to be aliens, but the side of me that always needs "proof" is very annoying to that desire.

UNRELATED: @vertical smile has the best username here :D
When it comes to media reporting an event, regardless of the topic, if not eye witnesses, we are hostages to the honesty of the people creating the film. I have high confidence, that the military films are real, but who knows, it still requires faith. My official position is that it’s likely but unproven. :)
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macrumors 65816
Dec 1, 2015
Suburb of Detroit
I believe in UFOs, but not the kind with aliens in them. In my opinion they would not just visit Earth like they are visiting the Grand Canyon. I also hope we are never visited by E.T., for I don't want to become an ingredient in a cookbook.


Mar 21, 2011
The driver was probably green as well :D

haha.. that's coz he was sick.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Yet, its all unproven.... If there was such a site, scientists would be all over it in seconds.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I found an interesting youtube video ->
Thanks for posting 10 Solutions to the Fermi Paradox! Here are details:
1. Virtual Reality- why travel when you can live in virtual reality we through technology, create for ourselves?
2. Alien civilizations get reset by nature.
3. The Filter- Sentient species too violent for long term survival and destroy themselves.
The Matrix- The Universe is artificial.
5. Aliens are everywhere and invisible. They communicate by means we have yet to discover.
6. Intelligent life exceedingly rare in combination with huge distances.
7. Zoo Hypothesis- Aliens hide their presence from us.
8. Time- No guarantee civilization will exist at the same time.
9. Sustainability- Unable to civilize the galaxy sustainably. We might collapse.
10. No paradox, we just don't know what to look for.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
I believe in UFOs, but not the kind with aliens in them. In my opinion they would not just visit Earth like they are visiting the Grand Canyon. I also hope we are never visited by E.T., for I don't want to become an ingredient in a cookbook.

Once again as a dedicated but easily distractible quilter, I do believe in UFOs (UnFinishedObjects).

Below is the UFO box for a type of scrap quilt called "postage stamp" because of the small fundamental units of its design. Each piece is cut 1.5" square finishing to 1" square. The assembly is simple, just join alternating dark and light squares in a checkerboard fashion.

So all you do is sew about ten thousand of these together as you get around to it (I sew pairs, then pairs into 4-patches, periodically sew sets of four 4-patches into 16-patch blocks and finally into 64-patch blocks... and eventually there are enough of those to make into a bedcover.

This one I've had going now for a couple of years... never feels like much is happening but one day I'm cutting the thread on the last of the binding and it's no longer a UFO but a recognizable bedcover and "it was free" LOL. Hope I get it done before the aliens get here.

postage stamp UFO.JPG

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