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Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
what would be your five top priorities for apple in remaining year thru end of 2003?

to me:

1) release g5 asap

2) lower ibook to $999.00 in 2003

3) lower emac to $999.00 in 2003, or sooner

4) get g4 in ibook (by end of 2003)

5) lower future releases of osx or os 11 to $99.00...starting with next major operating system release


macrumors regular
Jul 15, 2002
Long Island, NY
here are my top five:

5) Create iMovie/iDvd Deluxe (for a small extra fee)
4) Upgrade the Superdrive
3) Come out with a cheaper updated Cube
2) Give incentives for getting your friends to switch to mac

and Number One, the most important thing of all:



macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: what are five most important priorities for apple?

Originally posted by jefhatfield
what would be your five top priorities for apple in remaining year thru end of 2003?

to me:

1) release g5 asap
4) get g4 in ibook (by end of 2003)

#1 really isn't under Apple's control, unfortunately...

And #4 is a byproduct of #1.



macrumors 68000
May 14, 2002
Where am I???
I dont think lowering the price of the iBook is important. They sell enough at the current price point.

On that note, the G3 will be in the iBook for at least another year. It'll get to AT LEAST 1GHz by then.

The eMac also looks to be selling at its current price point, so this is fine.

Nope, the number one priority should be the pro machines. If the G5 isnt coming soon, then Apple either needs to lean on IBM for the Power4, or else beef up the G4s a little bit more. OR, barring that, bring the price point of the G4 down and suck up the slightly lower margins in order to save customers for when the G5/Power4 does arrive.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2002

Arn is correct because Apple has to manage issues that it has no or little control over. They can't ship a fuel cell laptop that runs for 15 hours any more than they can ship a dual PowerMac G5+ @ 2.77 Ghz for US$1200.

The most important thing they are doing is trying to increase market share. Take a look at .Mac. If most home users are going to subscribe to .Mac for US$100 a year, Apple can effectivly lower the price of an iMac by a few hundred dollars. Why? If the cost to buy an iMac is US$1300 (for example) you would really be paying US$1600 over three years with .Mac figured in.

Apple didn't make much money last quarter from hardware sales. Most of the 'profit' they made was on income from short term investments. Apple is trying to find other revenue streams to support marketshare growth.


macrumors 68000
Jun 4, 2002
Ottawa, ON
I would say that Apple's #2 priority would be to find a way to get a good return on that 2-3billion they have sitting around. It could provide an extra hundred million or two a year for Apple's R&D if invested conservatively.

EDIT: heheh... If you look at the next post, you'll know what I changed.


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2002
London, UK
Re: what are five most important priorities for apple?

Originally posted by jefhatfield
what would be your five top priorities for apple in remaining year thru end of 2003?

1. This is very subjective but given the current feeling towards Apple the first would easily have to be to listen to their current users. Although Apple won't give software away for free they should look very carefully at placing a clear distinction between existing users and new users without trying to disadvantage either. The same applies for features to software.

2. To keep surprising people with new and exciting designs whether it be a new mouse - new software. Half the reason there has been so much interest in Apple recently is because they are doing things which is turning peoples heads. (I believe a few years ago Apple was working on ground breaking UIs breaking away from the typical window and document format but ditched all for this for the dock crap when Steve Jobs returned. Lets still research, I can't believe that what we have at the moment is best that can be achieved). In short continue to "think different"

3. To iron out these bugs people mention in Jaguar. I know you can't avoid it in new software but once they have been identified solutions should be posted as soon as possible. This is something Apple could learn from Microsoft. Rather than proving major fixes in chucks provide smaller, more regular updates (though this does tend to highlight the large number of bugs present).

4. I know Arn believes that the G5 is out of Apple's hands but Apple can still influence progress (its surprising how much quicker you can work if you have real demand and especailly money driving as a driving force)

5. Finally I'd like to see some price reductions - this might help encourage more switchers (like myself, well half switcher) and make the prospect of upgrading to new hardware more attractive.



macrumors 68000
Feb 8, 2002
5 top priorities for Apple.

5. Constant revision and updating of the OS to ensure a stable, secure, and fast operating system.

4. Development of high end solutions for graphic, video, science types, etc...

3. Continued advertising blitzing regarding the OS, hardware and other benefits of buying and owning Apple products in general.

2. Push for the fast development and release of processors (single, duel, whatever) that are clearly faster (from a PC users perspective) than the Intel/AMD chips.

and drumroll please...

1. Develpment and release of the iWalk. :D


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Re: Re: what are five most important priorities for apple?

Originally posted by Gaz

4. I know Arn believes that the G5 is out of Apple's hands but Apple can still influence progress (its surprising how much quicker you can work if you have real demand and especailly money driving as a driving force)

this is getting old, but it's my friggin backyard i was born in and more often than not, everyone i grew up with and the parents, and sometimes their parent's parent worked in this high tech field at one time or another...i invite you to silicon valley, too

the eastern press, midwestern press, or foreign press don't help out with reality either and san jose's main paper got bought out by someone else

apple is too small and have any real influence in the valley and it's laughable for apple to have even the tiniest influence on motorola (i still think, once apple gets the g5 in quantities from motorola, they should get the machine out and not try to milk the g4 apollo machine...though they can probably do that for a long time and will)

apple is healthier than many silicon valley companies but in terms are they riding at their crest or potential...i think, without any real proof though, that apple can double their 3.5 percent market share thru lowered prices

apple makes the best home computers but that alone cannot save them as beta was better than vhs

but if apple had to rent out more of their building/buildings and fire 80 percent of their work force and exist for only one percent of the market, they can and will since there is no brand which has the loyalty of apple's...even sucky apple machines of the past had their fans even though they knew the machines were not up to apple's standards...many would jump to linux if apple died next year...anything to avoid windows ;)

sadly, and unjustifiably so, apple is largely seen as a joke in the region and amazes people that they are still even around...especially steve "moon beam" jobs at the helm:p


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by mcrain
5 top priorities for Apple.

4. Development of high end solutions for graphic, video, science types, etc...

graphics and video are doing well with macs

but science? i saw that major ad of scientist praising apple...but isn't that the pc machines domain?

but it would sure be nice though!

i have only seen macs in graphics labs in the major's sides at the local colleges are all pc based...unfortunately is resume coming?;)


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by mnkeybsness
they are usually windows and linux for science types...mostly linux...though i have seen quite a few unix workstations;)

that's what i thought

it would be nice to see macs though


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2002
1. A professional top-of-the-line PowerMac that crushes all Intel and AMD based CPUs on EVERY LEVEL. Not just on cooked-up Photoshop bake-offs, either. Bus speed, memory, cache, i/o from drives and peripherals--EVERYTHING. If we are going to pay top dollar, let's have cutting-edge top shelf units, not just a sophisticated OS running on inferior hardware. Any test Barefeats could ever devise should demonstrate the new PM to beat the best AMD system or at least match it blow-for-blow in any comparison it does not clearly win.

2. Continue refining the best OS in the business. Fully debug Jag and make sure it lives up to the bulletproof hype.

3. Once #1 and #2 are taken care of, THE GLOVES COME OFF ON THE SWITCH CAMPAIGN! Hit it and hit it HARD.

4. Once cash is flowing from new PMs/XServes, fix the marketing disaster of the "now it's free-now it's not" iTools/.Mac deal. Offer premium services for the fee but offer more free services as a perk of owning a Mac, the way it was originally marketed.

5. Pour, and I mean POUR cash into the education market. Sell units for cost as a loss-leader for the future. Every kid who uses Macs for six straight years in grade school, then five more in college will want a Mac at work when he becomes an adult, or at least one at home (to preserve his sanity). Pound Dell into oblivion. Create a culture of good OS expectation in the next generation and PCs will take a conceptual pounding for decades to come.

Oh, and while doing all of this, Apple should have an ear to their customer base and actually LISTEN to the rantings on sites like this one. And respond...


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by D*I*S_Frontman

Pound Dell into oblivion.

dell is like gates, allen, and ellison

business runs in his blood

when dell was still a kid living in the dorms he basically said, "dad, i am leaving college...don't be mad, i have run into this little problem of having somehow become filthy rich"

by the time he was old enough to drink, he could buy the whole block

and by the time he was legally old enough to sign a business contract, age 25 in california, he was old enough to buy a small country

so pounding dell into the ground is dell's game...but we need somehow to co-exist with mr dell in the education field...he has so many of those ugly black plastic machines in campuses around the world


macrumors member
Jan 29, 2002
Los Angeles

1. Get attractive models to replace the ugly trolls in the switch campaign.
2. Ditch that dead horse Motorolla for IBM/Intel/AMD or any company that can deliver a product to market and will not fall behind in the performance race.
3. Get rid of chrome on any Apple device. What happened to the dull titanium look with the powerbooks? the chrome on the back of the ipod and the dvd housing of the new powermacs is just too flashy and gaudy for anyone other than those that like chrome rims on their cars.
4. Start selling Apple merchandise (t-shirts, magnets, etc.) at the store. The more people there are walking around with mac t-shirts the more people Apple will reach. Merchandise is a good profit generator and provides Apple with marketing in places where billboards and T.V. ads can't reach.
5. Apple needs to stop being so highbrow. Most of America can't relate to the aura of Apple. Aim for the middle road to gain more market share. But, maybe Steve Jobs does not want everyone to own a Mac. I can respect that, but I think if Apple had a larger share of the market we would have better and more Apple products.

OS X. It rocks. They are approaching its development with speed and care. They are keeping the public informed as to when the next major updates will be released and fulfilling their promises. Keep up the good work. I am enjoying the ride.


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Re: priorities

Originally posted by tortus
1. Get attractive models to replace the ugly trolls in the switch campaign.

he he..."i am not really switching to mac, i am an actor pretending to switch to a mac, but please be persuaded by my sixty second spot because i am attractive though i may not come across as any smarter than a farm turkey":eek: ;) :p

sorry, i couldn't resist...some of those people on the commercial are homely...but so am i...maybe they should hire me

"hi, i sit at my computer checking out macrumors when i am not fixing pcs so that leads to my flabby appearance which is common among techies...and oh, i switched to mac because it works and doesn't say windows and have a start button to use for shutdown";)


Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
Re: Re: priorities

Originally posted by jefhatfield

sorry, i couldn't resist...some of those people on the commercial are homely...but so am i...maybe they should hire me

"hi, i sit at my computer checking out macrumors when i am not fixing pcs so that leads to my flabby appearance which is common among techies...and oh, i switched to mac because it works and doesn't say windows and have a start button to use for shutdown";)

actually, that's thirty seconds so i should add this to my commercial:

"just like your local plumber, when i go to fix your ethernet cable, you may notice major crack, but don't be alarmed, i am harmless

and as for those dark stains on my grey star trek shirt, that's from jolt cola and the food stuck in my teeth are the remains of the fried pork skins i had for breakfast"

now all that added into the original text makes for a tidy sixty second spot for the apple switch campaign


macrumors member
Apr 29, 2002
in no particular order...
1-make sure every product in every line is at 1ghz.
2-rapid i/o
3-superdrive standard on all powermacs!
4-mid-range labtop
5-1400$ish powermac, combo standard.


macrumors 68000
Feb 8, 2002
It is truly sad that, despite being provoked, not a single person said anything about my number one being the iWalk. Y'all are slipping. ;)

Resume is out the door. Over $120 in postage. Yikes.


macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Re: priorities

Originally posted by tortus
2. Ditch that dead horse Motorolla for IBM/Intel/AMD or any company that can deliver a product to market and will not fall behind in the performance race.

Just a suggestion. Could you please spell Motorola correctly. That's a big pet peeve for me.

BTW, I don't think they'll dump MOT. I've posted long ago that IBM would take over the pro line and MOT would supply the consumer line and portables. Looks like the IBM chip will be in the PMacs and the G4 will be in everything else.


macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Re: Re: priorities

Originally posted by jefhatfield

he he..."i am not really switching to mac, i am an actor pretending to switch to a mac, but please be persuaded by my sixty second spot because i am attractive though i may not come across as any smarter than a farm turkey":eek: ;) :p

sorry, i couldn't resist...some of those people on the commercial are homely...but so am i...maybe they should hire me

"hi, i sit at my computer checking out macrumors when i am not fixing pcs so that leads to my flabby appearance which is common among techies...and oh, i switched to mac because it works and doesn't say windows and have a start button to use for shutdown";)
Since we're on the "Switch" topic ....

Did anyone else see that article in US News and World Report about Apple's "Switch" campaign? It seems that the switchers aren't as legit as one would think.

Personally, I don't care for the campaign nor do I care if the people are connected to Apple or not.


macrumors 68000
Jun 4, 2002
Ottawa, ON
Originally posted by jefhatfield

that's what i thought

it would be nice to see macs though

Chemists tend to like macs because a lot of the programs started out on that platform, chemdraw, chemoffice, etc.


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
1- Any comp at $999
2- Faster Superdrive
3- PowerBook G5 and iBook G4 shortly after PowerMac G5 (cuz i know Apple cant control when they get the G5 chips really.. but remember how long it took to get a G4 powerbook after the G4 powermac came out?)
4- iBrowser (web browser app that actually has support for high-end java and such)
5- G5 MUST have a double system-bus

(Not a priority.. but i would like to see 6 - Quad Processor Xserve)
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