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macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2002
My top five:

5. More Apple retail stores around the world.

4. More advertising in places like PC Magazines and on Television.

3. More devices other than computers (iCam, iCam DV, iTV, iPalm, etc.)

2. More games!

1. Lower prices on all macs e.g. G3 iMac $400-500, eMac $900-1000, etc.)


macrumors newbie
Aug 14, 2002
my top five would have to agree with all of yalls

5: put a apple store closer to my home town...
4:more games
3:realse all wide scren formats for displays
2:lower prices on teh cinemas
1: Realease G5


macrumors newbie
Jul 21, 2002
1) Fire / retire Jobs

2) Discontinue development and marketing of digital lifestyle toys

3) Devote resources to developing pro gear (PowerMacs / Powerbooks) that have industry leading performance.

4) Make the iTools components of .mac FREE again

5) Devise an OS upgrade policy that is consistant, and fair to current users.


macrumors 6502
Jul 24, 2002
Davis, CA
Originally posted by jefhatfield
but science? i saw that major ad of scientist praising apple...but isn't that the pc machines domain?

but it would sure be nice though!

There are quite a few Mac's (even running pre-osx) in the mech-engr dept. at UC Davis.

I'm an IT guy there. I rarely see those people for problems, but I know they are there :)

-- Bert :cool:


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
The *biggest* reason people don't buy apple is...

...You can't buy 'em anywhere- ("Apple Store? what's that?" ) but when there *is* someplace where the average user shops that sells macs, Joe Blow asks about the Apples, because they look a lot cooler-

"What are those?" (points at $1600 imac)

salesman:"Oh, right- Macs don't work with anything else except other macs"

"Uh, ok. They sure do cost a lot more. I want a computer like my neighbor/brother-in-law has. Whud you got like that?"

salesman: "right over here we have 2100Mhz pentium 4's starting at $499..."

The end.

Macs are easier and more beautiful, but that's all. They are also more expensive and run less software Never mind that the amount of software is sufficient for most people, and just about *anything* that anyone could wnat to do could be done well on a mac. Never mind that they aren't really more expensive, considering the number of features and quality of parts. Lay people don't understand any of this.

So, all my top 3 priorities (the only things *really* holding apple back) have to do, not what apple should do with its products, but what it should do to attack myths and consumer impressions.

3. Get best buy, circuit city, sears, etc., to either sell them *or not*, not change their imnd all the time. Apple should consider selling machines at *Wal-mart* and Target. I'm not making a joke either. Admit it, most of you lie the snob appeal and exclusivity of macs, but yet you wonder why no one buys them. See #1. You can't have it both ways. I think macs would sell well to the walmart crowd- the people who shop there don't look at specs at all- they buy the coolest *looking* electronics they can find (even f it sounds like sh*t)

2. Deal with the Mhz myth *somehow*, whether it be joining up and pumping the clock speeds, or switch to a different spec and quit publishing the embarrassingly dinky clock speeds. Brutes don't understand things like parallelism, pipelines, etc. They a single qualitative index to refer to.

1. Stop making 'ma and 'pa and joe blow feel ugly and 'out of it', and that macs are too good for them, intended for slick california hipsters. Not everyone in the country wants to look like some LA creative type ('degenerate know-it all whippersnappers')

my guess is, SJ and most of the rest of you would wouldn't be *caught dead* using a machine from walmart, even if the quality etc. were consistant with apple's excellent quality now!



macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2002
Maryland, USA
You can buy them at more than just the Apple Store:
and their U.S. Resellers:

You'll be surprised how many places are there that you can buy them. Not to mention: (if you have a Frys Electronics store they were bought by them) (just be sure not to get your RAM installed there) (has periodically been top seller in both desktop and notebook category)
And of course:

And that's only primarily new Macs.

places like
sell a mixture of new and used Macs.

You can find a lot more Mac info at my signature.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
gopher- yes, there are a lot of places that you and I, and everyone else here knows about. But does the average joe know where to shop? Does it even occur to him to shop around for a mac in the first place? I doubt apple's TV commercials, although they are cool (to us), will cause many people to give the mac even a small amount of passing notice. I guess my point is that all those places you mentioned, although reputable and large, successful entities, are niche sellers, except fry's and compusa. I think macs would sell really well in low brow, blow-out or discount places. In fact, Costco and sam warehouse wholesale sell macs sometimes, I think (kaff..kaff gray market blowouts)

It would be interesting if there were some way to get sell through volumes and inventory figures for all the the mac sellers to see who was makinf money selling macs. Probably not everyone *can* make a profit selling macs... why else would bestbuy and circuit city be so goofy? (I think they don't care for apple's fascistic price controls, actually.)

I would like to know what has been the fate of all the little mac shops which have been faithful to apple for year, now that apple is double-dipping big time with the apple stores...?

Apple, since the '70s, has relentlessly targeted a very specific little market- artists, writers, musicians, schools, designers, publishers, and printers- and within that mileau (duh..sp?) apple has gotten *almost everybody*, probably ~85-90%- but outside of that group, no one gives a flip about macs.

Apple is run by imperious creative elites (like me and the rest f us here, for the most part, probably) who don't give a flip about anyone outside of that group!

When apple takes *everyone* seriously, *everyone* will take apple seriously!
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