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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 3, 2007
In front of my MacBook Pro
Let's hear all of your reasons for why you don't play a lot of games on your mac. Apparently, my MB was not intended for gaming, at all. Here's mine: downloaded a small flash game (N, the one with the ninja) and after 30 seconds of play...


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macrumors 6502a
Dec 30, 2000
California, Austria, Arkansas
I don't like computer games at all. I find no purpose and no sense of enjoyment in them whatsoever -- to me they are boring and a waste of time. I'd rather be out walking the dog, jogging, or spending time taking my small son to the playground. Computer games just don't compare to visceral real world experiences to me.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 3, 2007
In front of my MacBook Pro
Those temperatures has nothing to do with the gaming capabilities of the Macs, it just shows how insanely bad your flash plug-in is. :rolleyes:

And that explains the temps. cool... er hot. Also I don't really have much of and attraction to gaming. I own a PS2, but use it infrequently. Games, no, I prefer fooling around on my MacBook:D


macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2002
Because Console games better and my Mac is more for work, research and mindless web surfing.


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2007
Rochester, NY
I never had many computer games to begin with. but now most of my computer gaming is on my PowerBook for World of Wacraft, Starcraft, Warcraft III, EV Nova and a couple of others. but I do use my PS2 a lot more than my Mac.


macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2007
For PCs it costs way too much money to keep up with the current trend of PC games. If you're like me, I want to play any game on the highest settings with no issues therefore I would have to spend a fortune to get the right setup. For a top of the line setup you're looking at no less than 3k for a system. For that much money I can buy a 60" Sony 1080p HDTV. I own a X-box 360, Nintendo Wii and a Playstation 2 and those keep me occupied long enough. Only PC games I play are the ones made by Blizzard. I play WC3 DOTA on a regular basis. I don't have to worry about upgrading, system requirements, drivers or incompatibility issues. Turn it on, pop in the disc and play. Like a Mac, it just works.


macrumors 65816
May 8, 2006
San Diego
I have an Xbox 360 but do most of my gaming on a PC. I don't play games on my Mac for a number of reasons. First and foremost, games don't have the same "feel" on my Mac; even when I hook up my PC keyboard and mouse. I don't know how to describe it other than the cursor doesn't react the way I like it to. I also don't want to fill up my Mac HD with games.


macrumors 68000
May 31, 2006
London Town
Because I have a Macbook which isn't really up to most games, and I can't be bothered installing Bootcamp on it (and I haven't got the HD space to really do so).


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
When I only had a Mac I games like crazy on it, and it was good anyways since the Mac was a superior platform back then (I'm talking mid 90's or so) I mean you actually had a desktop GUI and no PC game had graphics like the Marathon Trilogy.

But then on 2000 I got a PC and realized that Macs were no longer superior for gaming in ANY sense, games on PC are cheaper, PCs are cheaper for performance, games run better on Windows, they have more features on Windows and they are usually much more flexible on Windows.

So now I do gaming almost exclusively on Windows, I still play some games on my Macs though, namely Warcraft 3 and Marathon (yes I know there is A1 for Windows but it just feels wrong playing Marathon on a PC). The thing there is not as much variety for Mac games as there is for PC games and since PC games are better in the first place, why bother? The only advantage of Mac games is the convenience of not having to switch computer/reboot to bootcamp.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2003
I do play a lot of games on my Macs. I only use my Windows computers for playing those few titles I am interested in that don't run under OS X such as the Total War series. One of these days I will get around to installing Windows on my Intel Mac to dual boot for those games.


macrumors member
Aug 5, 2005
I never saw my Mac as a gaming platform. I always thought it was great for "digital life" stuff like my music and pics, but for games I always had consoles or handhelds.


macrumors member
Apr 20, 2007
Canada eh?
I bought my Macbook Pro(ductivity) so I would do more work instead of wasting time on my P(ro)C(rastination) machine. :)

My gaming PC is for sale now and although I'm sure there will be times I'll miss it...I'll be content knowing I'm doing more productive things. It does bother me a bit that my MBP has no where near the disk I/O speed that my PC has (2x80GB Raid 0 OS drive, 2x250GB raid 0 data's that for lack of redundancy! Backup often!) But I think I'll get an eSata external setup as soon as the PC sells and all will be well :)

I'm sure though in the future more games will come out for mac 'quicker' since more and more people are switching as of late. (Or at least it seems to be the case if you read any of the 'I just switched' threads all over these boards (mine isn't that old either :) )



macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2003
A few reasons.

Comfort: I have a big easy chair in front of my HDTV so playing games there is much more comfortable on my XBox360 than being hunched over in a chair at my desk.

I don't have to upgrade my Xbox360 everytime a new, better game comes out.

No Gears of War or Halo 3 coming to Mac.
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