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Born Again

Original poster
May 12, 2011
Curious if you guys are overweight and are awaiting a gadget to help you get you off your butt

Sometimes technology motivates people

Thoughts ?


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
If someone is waiting for a piece of tech to help them get fit then they're wasting their time. There have been devices that track steps and other activities out for quite some time. You're kidding yourself if you're thinking the iWatch is going to magically fix the issue.


macrumors 68030
Oct 14, 2011
I've been using a fitness tracker and apps since last Christmas, and lost half half of the weight I wanted to loss. Keeping track of all the food I eat is the biggest help there. Sure I could do that without the technology, but it makes it easier.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I've been using a fitness tracker and apps since last Christmas, and lost half half of the weight I wanted to loss. Keeping track of all the food I eat is the biggest help there. Sure I could do that without the technology, but it makes it easier.
That is really good and I agree, the apps and everything we have access to makes it so much easier; however, I definitely think the tools have been around long enough and if someone were looking to "get fit" then making an excuse that they were waiting for an iPhone iWatch deal is just silly.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Curious if you guys are overweight and are awaiting a gadget to help you get you off your butt

Sometimes technology motivates people

Thoughts ?

I think the iPhone 6 will keep track of more things concerning your health WITHOUT a watch.

No way I am going to wear one of those huge clunkers on my wrist.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2013
Mcallen Tx
I am already in the "superior" category in the fitness assessment. I will be a senior this fall under Kinesiology. So as a future p.e instructor and Coach i will find this iwatch pretty useful.
That way i can leave the phone in my gym bag and just carry the watch in practices. Only thing that concerns me is the range of bt for receiving text messages.

I would also like for it to include different profiles so more than one person can use it


macrumors 68030
Mar 25, 2013
If a fat person needs a watch to motivate them, they are doomed! Motivation comes from within! There are apps that will provide the same support/functionality that a smart watch will provide. Are people that lazy that they need a watch to motivate them? :confused:

No amount of technology will ever replace the internal drive and will to get fit. If you don't have that then you're stuck being fat.


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2011
Austin, TX
I think that fat/overweight people will buy it and be all gung-ho about it for about a month and then they'll give up.

You have to be motivated/want yourself to lose weight, a watch or an App isn't going to magically fix it.

I do use a FitBit and MFP to track food and steps because I like seeing the numbers myself. I don't NEED something like that to tell me not to be fat. My fear of being fat keeps me fit. :p


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2013
You have to be motivated/want yourself to lose weight, a watch or an App isn't going to magically fix it.

I don't think the quotes I'm seeing above are really representative of people who "get it" in terms of the role technology can have in improving our health. Yes, it is not a magic bullet. Yes, people will have to put forth some kind of effort on their part. But every hurdle that can be cleared is one less for them to trip over as they travel that path.

I know about 4 people who started using myfitnesspal and fitness trackers once they got their first iphones. One has lost 30 lbs, my boss lost 60, another guy lost 120 and the last guy lost 150 pounds and counting. It's pretty amazing - it's pretty rare for someone who has spent a lifetime overweight or obese to suddenly change those patterns without something dramatic. And simply having a tool that suddenly allows them to easily set goals, track daily/weekly/monthly progress against those goals, and enables them to more easily connect their short term decisions to their long term outcomes has had a dramatic effect that you simply don't see every day.

Will the iWatch extend that benefit in any way? Make it more accessible? I don't know. Certainly the idea of something connected to your body at all times with various sensors has the potential of increasing how conscious we are of that body. But I'll wait and see the device when it comes I guess -- don't understand why that's not everyone's approach.


macrumors 603
Feb 15, 2009
Toronto, Canada
About two months ago we bought BT4 heart rate monitor, FitBit Aria WiFi scale and the iBiker App + a bicycle. I've lost 12lbs, now I need to change my diet but I definitely feel more energy.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2014
I think not. You can't go swimming with a gadget in your hand and these mobile products don't last long enough to live an active lifestyle.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Charlotte, NC
I'm already pretty fit and I use the 'My Fitness Pal' App to help monitor what I eat. I think it does a good job of helping me keep my diet in check by showing the numbers. It works pretty well but there are some areas where it can be improved and if the iWatch can help make things even more efficient then I'm all for it.

For people who are overweight, if iWatch can motivate them to improve their fitness level then that's great too. I'm disappointed by the large number of overweight people I see on a daily basis.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2008
In fact, I was just thinking the other day that when the iWatch is released, I will subsist on a diet of nothing but iWatches! The pounds will just melt off after eating a few of those bad boys!

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
I already track all of my bike rides and hikes with my phone. I'd be going anyway but this extra element adds fun and only helps with motivation. I can see how a fitness tracker could help some people, since it's fun to track accomplishments and results.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
Eat healthily, eat smaller portions, don't eat late at night, don't smoke, don't drink too much alcohol and make sure you do some regular exercise. These are the cornerstones of achieving and maintaining health, fitness and a good weight. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needs a watch or an app in order to do these things. You need willpower and desire.

As has already been mentioned; heart rate & blood pressure monitors, along with 'step' weight loss counters and all manner of fitness measuring devices have been around for decades. If anyone needs a watch with an Apple logo to get them interested in fitness then wow.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2014
Im really curious how they plan to push these watch products because Nike has been faling for the last 15 years with its wearable tech. They even layed of its entire department this year that was making that, cant even remember, wearable device.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
That is really good and I agree, the apps and everything we have access to makes it so much easier; however, I definitely think the tools have been around long enough and if someone were looking to "get fit" then making an excuse that they were waiting for an iPhone iWatch deal is just silly.

People that will benefit from it likely haven't tried anything else. It wasn't until I got my iPhone that I started counting calories with an app. Its not that I was overweight I was just more concerned with what I was eating (carbs, fat, protein). I could have figured it out manually.

Depending on what it offers if it makes it easier to set goals then a lot of people will start setting goals.

I by no means think its going to save the world from obesity.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I am already in the "superior" category in the fitness assessment. I will be a senior this fall under Kinesiology. So as a future p.e instructor and Coach i will find this iwatch pretty useful.
That way i can leave the phone in my gym bag and just carry the watch in practices. Only thing that concerns me is the range of bt for receiving text messages.

I would also like for it to include different profiles so more than one person can use it

Assuming bluetooth. 200 feet, but more realistically 50 feet reliably. I don't think it would be designed to work without near immediate access to the device its connected too.


macrumors 68030
Oct 9, 2007
Assuming bluetooth. 200 feet, but more realistically 50 feet reliably. I don't think it would be designed to work without near immediate access to the device its connected too.

It might be able to store data for later synching.
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