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Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
Im really curious how they plan to push these watch products because Nike has been faling for the last 15 years with its wearable tech. They even layed of its entire department this year that was making that, cant even remember, wearable device.

Smartphones fared no better before the iPhone.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2009
I don't think the quotes I'm seeing above are really representative of people who "get it" in terms of the role technology can have in improving our health. Yes, it is not a magic bullet. Yes, people will have to put forth some kind of effort on their part. But every hurdle that can be cleared is one less for them to trip over as they travel that path.

I know about 4 people who started using myfitnesspal and fitness trackers once they got their first iphones. One has lost 30 lbs, my boss lost 60, another guy lost 120 and the last guy lost 150 pounds and counting. It's pretty amazing - it's pretty rare for someone who has spent a lifetime overweight or obese to suddenly change those patterns without something dramatic. And simply having a tool that suddenly allows them to easily set goals, track daily/weekly/monthly progress against those goals, and enables them to more easily connect their short term decisions to their long term outcomes has had a dramatic effect that you simply don't see every day.

Will the iWatch extend that benefit in any way? Make it more accessible? I don't know. Certainly the idea of something connected to your body at all times with various sensors has the potential of increasing how conscious we are of that body. But I'll wait and see the device when it comes I guess -- don't understand why that's not everyone's approach.

I agree. I think the apps that are currently available for the iPhone have helped motivated people find a way to lose weights. It's easy to track your daily calorie intake, exercise, get connected with people who are working toward the same goal. I'm not sure exactly where a watch will provide that much more functionality....other than being a bit more portable.


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
I really love the m7 processor. It gives you an idea do ue level of activity regardless if you are concerns about weightless or not.

Like on certain days where it's not over a certain number of steps i pick it up, go for a walk, wtc...


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2014
Yeah. I think given the trend that idevices have notably bad battery life, and are fragile. An Iwatch would be more of a restriction than anything.


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2009
I've been using Nike+ GPS since 2010 or 2011. You are only making excuses for yourself if you are waiting for a watch.


macrumors 68030
Oct 9, 2007
That won't help with text.

True, but the overall discussion is fitness based. Clearly it couldn't have all functions when out of range of a phone, just like the phone itself can't perform all its functions when out of cellular range.

If someone wants to receive texts (and phone calls), the phone has to be in range. And we don't really know what else the watch will do.


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2007
With my 5s's built in M7 chip and FitBit, I was motivated the other day to keep going til I reached 10,000 steps :)

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
I think having a smartphone is a necessity, but a fitness device is for the fitness market only which is a smaller demo.

A smartphone was not a necessity. I was interested in them when no one cared about them. In fact, you were intensely nerdy if you were interested in them. It was a fringe product.

It was a novelty to the general public when Apple released the iPhone.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Yes. I believe if Apple wants people to use it for fitness and health, then they'd make it either water resistant or water proof.

They have to make it water proof or resistant because I don't know about anyone else, but I sweat. My Fitbit can even go in the shower and though I take it off, I've been known to jump in the shower with it on by mistake. I would be pissed if it took one mistake or some sweat to kill whatever device they're claiming is used for fitness.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
They have to make it water proof or resistant because I don't know about anyone else, but I sweat. My Fitbit can even go in the shower and though I take it off, I've been known to jump in the shower with it on by mistake. I would be pissed if it took one mistake or some sweat to kill whatever device they're claiming is used for fitness.

Most phones are water-resistant these days, so I can't imagine a watch being any less impervious.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Most phones are water-resistant these days, so I can't imagine a watch being any less impervious.

Because it is Apple. I don't mean that in any other way than Apple has historically left out some features that others have for whatever reason. For example, copy/paste or TRIM for SSDs. It spans across platforms and devices but to me, it seems like it is hard to expect Apple to do something that seems so obvious. Call me cynical. :)

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
If my watch tells me "Get off your ass" I tell it "Shut the **** up".
With tht said I would love to track my activity and exercise as at times I will exercise.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
If my watch tells me "Get off your ass" I tell it "Shut the **** up".
With tht said I would love to track my activity and exercise as at times I will exercise.

Why isn't a set of bathroom scales and a general feeling of improved fitness sufficient? Why the need for 'tech' when people have been getting and staging fit for centuries?
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