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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Sixth sense makes a great big orange light bulb appear in the reticle when you've been spotted. There's a delay of a couple of seconds, but it's still incredibly effective.

If the light goes on, you know you're close to a hidden enemy or somebody is sneaking up on you. When the light goes out, you're hidden again. If that isn't the most useful thing, particularly for a tank destroyer, I don't know what is.

It is, especially with arty around. :D
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2009
Kingsport TN
Actually right now i am at tier 5 the m4 sherman
Just curious what is your top tier tank? I'm up to 8's. If you are up at Tier 10, what do you think of battles at that level? Most of the time I play solo on the U.S. East Server but I am in a clan and sometimes do company battles. :)

If you want the long version read the "Money in a Free Game" section of the Macrumors WoT Guide.

Here is the short version, you can play for free easily up to about Tier 5 although your progress will be slower than if you pay the subscription which is about $9 per month (6 month sub). This gives you a 50% increase in xp and silver accumulation which is used in the game to earn/purchase items. If you want more than 8 tanks, garage slots will have to be purchased but they are cheap, about $2 each. Do not buy premium rounds. They used to require real $, but now they can be purchased with silver which is earned in game. But if you do this, it will severely hinder your silver accumulation for the next tank or equipment you want to buy. Although they can make a difference, I think they are over rated for the price/benefit ratio.

If you don't want to pay for the subscription, about level 6 you'll start to see loses of silver when your performance is bad, such as getting killed in the first minute of a battle. Many people including myself pony up the cost to buy premium tanks which are rigged by the game gods to basically always make silver, and if you do well, a lot of silver. You can use them to make up for your loses if and when they happen in regular tanks. You can buy a Tier 5 tank for about 7 dollars. See Premium Tanks. Keep in mind that with a $30 gold purchase $1= about 215 gold. So the Excelsior (British Tank), would cost about $7. That's reasonable. Tier 8 tanks are much more expensive, up in the $50 range.

As far as frustrating game play, it can be frustrating if you just charge into the fray. You'll get your ass handed too you. The game requires some tactics. :) The nature of PUGs (pick up groups) can also be frustrating if you end up on an idiot team, but you'll just have to try it to see if it suits you or not.

What level are you at? Just curious. :)

What tier are you up to? If 10, what do you think of it at 10 vs 5-6?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I am constantly amazed at how dynamic the WoT battlefield is and how dependent success is based on team and individual actions. While some players just kamikaze themselves into the fight, and don't know how to effectively "peek", others seem to know just the right bush for ambushing and/or the right moves and can plow through adversaries, making it look easy. I know as a rule, I do better when not leading the charge*, unless I'm in a heavy, near the top tier, and I know exactly where I want to go or I'm in a scout and know where to fly... Other than that. It's easier for me to see opportunities when others are all ready engaged and cash in on them. And no, I don't pretend to be a top line player. My win rate is about 48%, probably (hopefully) average. The top tanker has a 68% win rate. (link)

*"The first to be seen is the first to be shot." :eek:

Here is my WoT Player Profile. Interesting enough, although Tank Destroyers are not my favorite as a rule, I have a 50% win rate in them. Keep in mind that win rate, is not just based on the individual player, but on the team. More reflective of individual performance, but that too stands in the shadow of the team is the kill and damage ratios. In both, I die more than I live, and receive more damage than I give... It's still fun! :p

I will also take this opportunity to explain that there are other contributions that players add to the team, that are not weighed in a meaningful way. Like when individually holding a pass against 4 other opponents. Eventually, most likely they will overcome you, but you don't get credit for that or the overall effect on the battle, just the damage you inflict.

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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
Here's mine:
my tank profile

I give a lot more than I get, but that's because I'm usually hiding in a bush. Also I'm not rolling with the high tier tanks as often as you do.

Have you seen this site? It gives a more detailed breakdown and rates your performance (I'm bad, apparently).


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Here's mine:
my tank profile

I give a lot more than I get, but that's because I'm usually hiding in a bush. Also I'm not rolling with the high tier tanks as often as you do.

Have you seen this site? It gives a more detailed breakdown and rates your performance (I'm bad, apparently).

I know at least one player who resides all most exclusively in TDs playing ambush and he has great stats, but he does not do nearly as well in other tank categories. His expertise seems to camping in exactly the right bush with some instincts about knowing where and when to move. ;)


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
I know at least one player who resides all most exclusively in TDs playing ambush and he has great stats, but he does not do nearly as well in other tank categories. His expertise seems to camping in exactly the right bush with some instincts about knowing where and when to move. ;)

It sounds like a cartoon. A large tank hiding behind a bush :D.

I'm still surprised that you never tried PvP in WoW when it looks like you enjoy PvP in WoT.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It sounds like a cartoon. A large tank hiding behind a bush :D.

I'm still surprised that you never tried PvP in WoW when it looks like you enjoy PvP in WoT.

I did try PVP all during WoW beta and I did Battlegrounds on occasion, but in the big scheme, it did not appeal to me. After beta I really wanted a PVE environment for questing. In the right environment I do like PVP. Keep in mind I was a big Planetside fan too. However the latest version of PS lost out to WoT. And WoT is not based on fast reflexes so much as good strategy.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I saw the advertisement for World of Warplanes. It looks like it's mostly based on reflexes and skill.

There are some reflexes and fast judgements in WoT but not like a FPS shooter. When your circling a tank, shooting it and not being shot requires some skill, but more importantly knowledge about things such as the target's turret rotate speed. As a rule, a med/light tank can circle a heavy and not get shot if they play it right. :)

And I admit to using a crutch called tank weak-point skins which actually paints a box on the weak part of the enemy tank. This makes a huge difference when in a closeup duel and it means less for me to remember. Some try to call this cheating, but the game gods accept it (as far as I know). ;)


Jul 3, 2013

My stats.

I once tried using those weakspot skins, not my sort of thing, I just use XVM.
Most nations have inherent flaws in their tanks, then it's just a case of finding the exceptions and sweet spots on individual tanks and you'll quickly master it.

Played two games last week. One where I was the last man standing after my team just folded pathetically, retreated back toward my cap (was using the E-75, elite crew, lots of skills etc). They had two E-75's, a Jagdtiger and an AMX 50 100. They came more or less all at once, used a bush to ambush. Took out the first E-75 which was playing quite badly. Once they knew I was there I used the hull of a scout tank to cover my lower glacis plate. Fired a few rounds into the next E-75, the AMX start to flank - that autoloader really punished me. Started to re-angle my tank and fall back while trying not to expose too much of my flank to the JT. Took out the AMX, went back to my position, wiggling my turret to make it harder to hit my commanders cupola. Took out the JT, then finished the last E-75. 7.6k damage done, was such a rush clutching that game.

The other game was in my IS-8 when on Mines, my whole team starts to fail and they are caping on encounter. I try to peer over the edge to reset the cap as it was at about 80%. My tank goes too far, falls, and gets stuck. Luckily our JT helped nudge me back. Took on two IS-8's - luckily I was shooting up and they with their terrible gun depression only had shots on my turret. So I finished them off. Came up to the T95, sniped his commanders hatch and killed him with a massive damage roll. Then all that was left was their IS-3 which was playing really badly.

Learn the strengths and weaknesses and you'll have a lot more fun. Higher tiers do play differently to lower tiers but both are very fun - I play everything from tier 2 - 9. I have no interest in tier X, I've played them before in the Beta and didn't enjoy it.

World of Warplanes is a joke, try War Thunder instead!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
It's a shame you can't really do anything with the replays. I'm often curious to see exactly what tactics the better players used.

If it had something like the replays in Halo, I'd use them all the time. Those games let you switch between players, reposition the camera for screenshots and video, etc. I'm amazed they could do that 6 years ago on a console with 512MB RAM but they can't do it on a modern PC.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
It's a shame you can't really do anything with the replays. I'm often curious to see exactly what tactics the better players used.

If it had something like the replays in Halo, I'd use them all the time. Those games let you switch between players, reposition the camera for screenshots and video, etc. I'm amazed they could do that 6 years ago on a console with 512MB RAM but they can't do it on a modern PC.

I'm sure they can do it now if they really wanted to or if they thought that would improve the sales of their game.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
I'm sure they can do it now if they really wanted to or if they thought that would improve the sales of their game.

It would certainly improve the user experience.

At the moment, if you want to watch a replay you have to first hope that you've checked the battle recordings box (each update seems to disable it). Then you have to quit the game, locate the recordings folder, locate the unhelpfully named recording itself, reload the game specifically to watch a single recording... Even then, you can only see your own tank, not any of the others.

Halo, on the other hand, lets you jump straight in to any recording and watch it - with your entire party, if you like - at any speed, from any angle, from any player's viewpoint. Other console games have similar features - Call of Duty, for one - and they were doing it on Mac with the Myth games back in the late 90s.

I know WoT is "free" but they must have enough developers to code something like this.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

My stats.

I once tried using those weakspot skins, not my sort of thing, I just use XVM.
Most nations have inherent flaws in their tanks, then it's just a case of finding the exceptions and sweet spots on individual tanks and you'll quickly master it.

But you have to remember them. :p I like the weak spot skins cause then I don't have to remember. After a while, I do remember some of the features on certain tanks, because with the skins, they show up on my tanks in the garage, so I'm looking at them all the time. Things like the hatches on most tanks, any large vertical cylindrical object mounted on a tank, where the turret meets the body on a Lowe. I'm not a stellar player, so this does help. :) However, I feel there are many times when I'm pulling my load, doing a good job, winning the local battle, but I end up on a poor team that folds quickly. There's not much you can do when 3 or 4 tanks surround you. Thems the breaks.

Played two games last week. One where I was the last man standing after my team just folded pathetically, retreated back toward my cap (was using the E-75, elite crew, lots of skills etc). They had two E-75's, a Jagdtiger and an AMX 50 100. They came more or less all at once, used a bush to ambush. Took out the first E-75 which was playing quite badly. Once they knew I was there I used the hull of a scout tank to cover my lower glacis plate. Fired a few rounds into the next E-75, the AMX start to flank - that autoloader really punished me. Started to re-angle my tank and fall back while trying not to expose too much of my flank to the JT. Took out the AMX, went back to my position, wiggling my turret to make it harder to hit my commanders cupola. Took out the JT, then finished the last E-75. 7.6k damage done, was such a rush clutching that game.

The other game was in my IS-8 when on Mines, my whole team starts to fail and they are caping on encounter. I try to peer over the edge to reset the cap as it was at about 80%. My tank goes too far, falls, and gets stuck. Luckily our JT helped nudge me back. Took on two IS-8's - luckily I was shooting up and they with their terrible gun depression only had shots on my turret. So I finished them off. Came up to the T95, sniped his commanders hatch and killed him with a massive damage roll. Then all that was left was their IS-3 which was playing really badly.

Sounds thrilling! :)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
There's not much you can do when 3 or 4 tanks surround you.

I had a good/lucky game a couple of days ago in my FCM36 on Himmelsdorf. The enemy rushed, I took a hit that left me tracked with about 20 HP and I was stuck at a crossroads, surrounded by the corpses of my team.

I thought I'd get wiped out quickly, but I managed to plug one of them as he tried to flank me, then I got another who followed him. Then a whole lemming train arrived on their way to the base and I got all five of them. They couldn't hit me for all the dead tanks blocking the way.

Against tier 3 tanks the FCM36 with high-ex ammo is a one-shot killing machine.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I had a good/lucky game a couple of days ago in my FCM36 on Himmelsdorf. The enemy rushed, I took a hit that left me tracked with about 20 HP and I was stuck at a crossroads, surrounded by the corpses of my team.

I thought I'd get wiped out quickly, but I managed to plug one of them as he tried to flank me, then I got another who followed him. Then a whole lemming train arrived on their way to the base and I got all five of them. They couldn't hit me for all the dead tanks blocking the way.

Against tier 3 tanks the FCM36 with high-ex ammo is a one-shot killing machine.

I often experience 1 shot kills when running my KV1 with the DERP. When in a Tier 5 battle in many cases it's blam! kill, blam! kill, blam! kill, etc. :D


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
I often experience 1 shot kills when running my KV1 with the DERP. When in a Tier 5 battle in many cases it's blam! kill, blam! kill, blam! kill, etc. :D

The KV1 seems to be one of the most popular. If there are tier 5 heavies in my match it's unusual not to have at least one or two KV1, so I guess it must be good.

I don't think I could face starting again on the Russian line though. It takes so long to get the xp to unlock anything. I'm currently trying to get a British TD that looks pretty cool, the AT 7.


Jul 3, 2013
Yeh those derp cannons can be a nuisance. I value penetration and accuracy above all else. I can live with low DMP and damage, but I cannot stand not being able to pen. Couple that with knowing where to shoot and your efficiency will really increase.

Can't wait to try out the British Centurions, awesome guns.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The KV1 seems to be one of the most popular. If there are tier 5 heavies in my match it's unusual not to have at least one or two KV1, so I guess it must be good.

I don't think I could face starting again on the Russian line though. It takes so long to get the xp to unlock anything. I'm currently trying to get a British TD that looks pretty cool, the AT 7.

It's not like I play Russian tanks more than others, but I seem to accumulate xp faster in them.

Yeh those derp cannons can be a nuisance. I value penetration and accuracy above all else. I can live with low DMP and damage, but I cannot stand not being able to pen. Couple that with knowing where to shoot and your efficiency will really increase.

Can't wait to try out the British Centurions, awesome guns.

Level 5 is the highest that I mess with derps. Have them on the KV1 and M4 Sherman. Above that other, higher penetrating guns (as I'm sure you know) are better to remain competitive.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2013
World of Tanks on MAC OS X Maverick

Hi. After several struggles between bootcamp, VMWare and my video card I finally got a decent WOT emulation in OS X.
I tried VMWare running XP, W7 in several RAM/Resources/Settings.
Finally this is how I got it working in a good looking graphic settings.
Update to Maverick, get Parallels 9, get W8.
Install your W8 in parallels, Share 4GB of RAM in your VM and check your video card setting, I'm using top preferences.
Install WOT in your W8 emulation.
Check first the lowest settings in your graphic settings.
My Laptop is an old iCore 7 MacBook Pro, 2.6 Ghz, 8 GB RAM.
And it is running pretty good the game.
Only problem is the GARAGE, it looks awful, but you can play fair enough.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Hi. After several struggles between bootcamp, VMWare and my video card I finally got a decent WOT emulation in OS X.
I tried VMWare running XP, W7 in several RAM/Resources/Settings.
Finally this is how I got it working in a good looking graphic settings.
Update to Maverick, get Parallels 9, get W8.
Install your W8 in parallels, Share 4GB of RAM in your VM and check your video card setting, I'm using top preferences.
Install WOT in your W8 emulation.
Check first the lowest settings in your graphic settings.
My Laptop is an old iCore 7 MacBook Pro, 2.6 Ghz, 8 GB RAM.
And it is running pretty good the game.
Only problem is the GARAGE, it looks awful, but you can play fair enough.

You mentioned bootcamp. Did you run the game in bootcamp/windows for a comparison of performance?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
You ever see these idiots go charging across the map into a group of enemy tanks to die very fast? Besides lighting up some of the enemy, this appears to be ineffective. I don't consider myself a star player, but I've discovered that scouting, depending on the map should sometimes involve a large or limited patrol circuit (depending on map), where you can get away with it without dieing, circling back to friendly lines, but more often it involves finding a good mid location on the map, not being spotted, allowing the battle to develop, looking for an opportunity to gang up on an enemy tank, flank them and start shooting. It can be quite effective.

I'm currently playing the T71 and maybe it changes with the T69, but I'd say for 60% of the battles I can put holes in people. The exception seems to be when I'm a T71 (T7) and end up in a T9-10 battle. Then it mostly sucks although sometimes, if I can flank, I do find opportunities to pen but mostly I act as a distraction, a fly buzzing around the gorilla's head. And as a rule, I don't use gold. What is very frustrating is when you do use gold and you still don't pen.

Would be happy to hear advice from others playing WoT.

My least favorite tank right now:
It's either me or the AMX M4 is a big turd. Ok, it's got a decent gun, but it just can't take a hit. I see no redeeming features and the only reason I'm playing this tank is to get to the AMX 50 and it's autoloader, but the M4 sucks so badly, I'm starting to wonder if it is worth the grind to the AMX 50? I'll also say, I can accept the limits of a light or medium, lesser armored tanks as long as they offer other attributes like a penetrating fast firing gun, and ideally speed. But I can't accept a heavy with crap armor. Opinions?

Which leads me to the Tiger P which was supposed to be higher armored than the regular Tiger, but has been a huge disappointment. With the hit zone skins, I see that it has 6 weak spots all over it's front versus the regular Tiger which shows none. This tank (Tiger P) just can't take a hit, and I play accordingly, but why would anyone pick this over a T29? Was this a Wargaming Gotcha? Considering I am here and looking up the tree, I'm wondering if I should continue to the VK45.02 A (T8), then the VK45.02 B (T9), which eventually ends up with the Maus (T10), or shift down to the Tiger (T7), Tiger II (T8), to the E75 (T9), and eventually the E100 (T10)?

Any strong opinions on which is the better line to pursue? Thanks!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
You ever see these idiots go charging across the map into a group of enemy tanks to die very fast?

Regarding scouting, as I mostly play tank destroyers I find the suicide scouts completely useless on most maps. They've zoomed off out of sight, lit up the entire enemy team and got killed before I'm even in position. Two seconds later the enemy team is no longer lit up and we're a man down. But at least they got their scouting badge.

I guess it works okay on the flat, open maps (Malinovka), and I never enjoy seeing a couple of small fast tanks zig-zagging towards me. Personally, I think the most effective tactic is when the team makes a slow, methodical push, with tanks sticking to the flanks they were allocated at the start. When somebody decides they prefer to play a different side, it gets unbalanced.

Regarding the grind, I'm trying to unlock the British TD line. I'm on tier 7 now, and I just calculated I've got 277,450 xp to earn in those tanks before I get to tier 10. That's ridiculous. I've decided not to blow any more cash on 'free' xp, so I'm looking at over 700 battles in some quite rubbish tanks before I reach the end. I don't think I'll ever get there.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2009
Kingsport TN
seems to me every time i play my m4a3e8 sherman or my plain m4 sherman i had shoot to kill orders on me as i had all the tanks come at me on the other side i think i was the way i played on the game by raming and driving over the enemy tanks


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Regarding scouting, as I mostly play tank destroyers I find the suicide scouts completely useless on most maps. They've zoomed off out of sight, lit up the entire enemy team and got killed before I'm even in position. Two seconds later the enemy team is no longer lit up and we're a man down. But at least they got their scouting badge.

I guess it works okay on the flat, open maps (Malinovka), and I never enjoy seeing a couple of small fast tanks zig-zagging towards me. Personally, I think the most effective tactic is when the team makes a slow, methodical push, with tanks sticking to the flanks they were allocated at the start. When somebody decides they prefer to play a different side, it gets unbalanced.

Regarding the grind, I'm trying to unlock the British TD line. I'm on tier 7 now, and I just calculated I've got 277,450 xp to earn in those tanks before I get to tier 10. That's ridiculous. I've decided not to blow any more cash on 'free' xp, so I'm looking at over 700 battles in some quite rubbish tanks before I reach the end. I don't think I'll ever get there.

On the AMX M4, I put the new turret and gun on it, although the gun only has 10 more pen, but it actually seems a little better, but it still can take a small number of hits.

seems to me every time i play my m4a3e8 sherman or my plain m4 sherman i had shoot to kill orders on me as i had all the tanks come at me on the other side i think i was the way i played on the game by raming and driving over the enemy tanks

The M4 Sherman is pretty effective in T5 and below battles, not so much when in T5-7 fights. I debate frequently to keep the derp on it (for Tier 5 battles) or go with the higher pen gun. You can't really pre-guess accurately. ;)
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