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macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Games announced today...

OMG OMG OMG, A Space Shooter!!!

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macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
disappointing, was hoping for more... And the AC:V "gameplay" trailer, had no gameplay... Was my main motivation to watch the whole thing.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
The only game reveal that looked interesting to me was the new Silent Hill, errr, I mean „The Medium“.

It wasn't even a tiny bit not Silent Hill :D

That said, it looks very good, been wanting a new SH game, and this appears to push the right buttons - even having Akira Yamaoka (composer for SH) involved.

Taustin Powers

macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2005
If they release a beautifully upgraded raytracing version of Minecraft exclusively on the X Box, I might seriously consider buying one.

Other than that, Sony's exclusives have my money.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2009
Inside A Mac Box
I love the Xbox One Series X it looks awesome

Can’t wait to see it when it comes out, haha we have a 4K tv in the living room but others are planning to buy a tv for their own so I might buy one for my room for the future of the console lol
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macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Series S Lockhart resurfaces.
could meet my occasional game needs.
Digital-up-to half cost of series X.
Think I'll manage with 4TFlops.

The only problem would be if this "Lockhart" has no physical optical drive. If it doesn't how can you play backwards-compatible games?

I hope they realize this...
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macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
All the games showcased today has trailers here:

Halo Infinite, of course is the game I'm interested in...
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Reactions: Donfor39


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
I hope Halo Infinite is a pre-alpha version that will get some loads and loads of polishing because those graphics kinda sucked and it looks like those 12 Tflops aren't getting used at all...
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
I hope Halo Infinite is a pre-alpha version that will get some loads and loads of polishing because those graphics kinda sucked and it looks like those 12 Tflops aren't getting used at all...
Halo Infinite looked really poor. Supposedly there have been "difficulties" with the developer, so maybe this will be like the Master Chief Collection - taking years to finally grow into a decent product.

The series has been on a severe downward spiral since Halo 3, though. Perhaps we're expecting too much from a new Halo game today, but this demo seems to have been quite damaging for Microsoft. Graphically, it's so bad that it seems to have taken the shine off having the most powerful console. They should have started the showcase with something genuinely impressive, like Flight Simulator, because Halo turned out to be a big PR win for Sony.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Halo Infinite looked really poor. Supposedly there have been "difficulties" with the developer, so maybe this will be like the Master Chief Collection - taking years to finally grow into a decent product.

The series has been on a severe downward spiral since Halo 3, though. Perhaps we're expecting too much from a new Halo game today, but this demo seems to have been quite damaging for Microsoft. Graphically, it's so bad that it seems to have taken the shine off having the most powerful console. They should have started the showcase with something genuinely impressive, like Flight Simulator, because Halo turned out to be a big PR win for Sony.

Im surprised there wasn't a separate thread for Halo Infinite. I was about to make one but maybe leading up the release well see one (or ill make one lol).

Anyway, I am obsessed with Halo and have been playing MCC for sometime now. I have been anxiously waiting for the game play trailer and the armor trailer.

Gameplay trailer... I pretty much am excited for the open world route they are going with. However, the graphics did annoy me a bit and even annoyed me more when I read into the comments all over various websites. I know 343 apparently listened to fans regarding the lackluster 4 and 5 and wanted the newest installment to "feel more like CE both look and play".

Well I guess the accomplished that with the less realistic look compared to the previous games. If I am buying a XBSX I wanted to be blown away with this and it left me nervous.

With that said, my hope is that this was probably a demo put together earlier in the year in anticipation for E3 which got cancelled and this all they could present for the showcase. I hope I am presently surprised come Holiday 2020. It is also being made for both generations of xbox so perhaps they can't go all in graphic wise and being open world every little detail we are expecting just isn't possible even on the new system.

I am hoping for the best being that this is MS bread and butter and probably the last shot for Halo to be relevant compared to the rest of the major titles.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2012
So the Sony PS guys didn't care for the MS demo.... color me shocked.
I hope you don’t mean me - the last Sony console I bought was the PS2, and I’m so heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem that I’m definitely going to buy a Series X regardless. But come on, Halo Infinite looks terrible.

However, the graphics did annoy me a bit and even annoyed me more when I read into the comments all over various websites. I know 343 apparently listened to fans regarding the lackluster 4 and 5 and wanted the newest installment to "feel more like CE both look and play".
There’s loads of stuff on the web going back a year or two about various senior members of the Halo Infinite dev team leaving or being canned. It has been in development for five years and it still looks an Xbox One game in high res. It is shocking, considering the money that has been spent and the importance of this title to Microsoft. They should have kept it hidden, delayed it a year or more, and demoed more impressive games at the showcase. I mean, almost every other game looked better than this.
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