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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 10, 2005
This really has nothing to do with anything, but it may serve as encouragement to a fence-riding mac admirer. This year I moved across campus into another dorm and I was pleasantly surprised to find many macs of the floor. I'd say 1/5 of all the systems are macs. The macs users soon grouped up and we often stop in eachother's rooms to share mac tips and new apps that we find.

It drives the PC guys crazy. I mean crazy. One guy saw a mac the first minute he moved on and remarked about how awful they are. Within 2 days he was sitting at my desk telling me how he thought my powerbook was so well designed and he was amazed to see my 4+ hours of battery. I showed him some expose tricks, dashboard, spotlight, and a few little apps that really shine at making macs look cool (CoverFlow,Quicksilver) and he was completely sold.

Loving it...


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2005
New Jersey

I love converting my friends! So far I've converted 4 or 5 people to Mac. Wheer can I find QuicksilveR? I don't know what it is!


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2005
Well I switched today with the arrival of my iBook and mini and have to say that OSX beats XP hands down for functionality and pre-loaded apps. Cannot fault it at all so far. Loving every minute of the switch.


macrumors regular
Jul 29, 2005
Bay Area, Calif
It's so funny how those PC people are so quick to hate Mac. When I first switched my family went on and on about how much Apples suck. Blah, blah, blah. Now I have 2 cousins saving up to switch. They've definitely come around. Why are people so loyal to such a crappy OS?? :confused:


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2005
pammyspyce said:
It's so funny how those PC people are so quick to hate Mac. When I first switched my family went on and on about how much Apples suck. Blah, blah, blah. Now I have 2 cousins saving up to switch. They've definitely come around. Why are people so loyal to such a crappy OS?? :confused:

I'd be the wrong person to ask I'm afraid.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2005
I dont own a mac... yet. But am saving some $ up for one. I almost have one friend aboard and I dont even own one. I plan on buying an iBook for my first mac. And then maybe an old B&W G3 tower upgraded to a 800Mhz G4 later. Its only $250. I think good deal.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2005
Lopez.T.H. said:
I dont own a mac... yet. But am saving some $ up for one. I almost have one friend aboard and I dont even own one. I plan on buying an iBook for my first mac. And then maybe an old B&W G3 tower upgraded to a 800Mhz G4 later. Its only $250. I think good deal.

I'd use that $250 towards getting the iBook.


macrumors 68030
Apr 16, 2005
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
i always tell people macs are more reliable, but because of the minimal amount of advertising, they can't go to a circuit city or some other store and pick up an iMac, along with the pricing (300 dollar dell, 500 dollar mini). Whenever Apple feels like advertising more, maybe you'll get more switchers because they'll understand OSX is a lot more reliable than windows.

Just felt like saying that.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 30, 2004
FF_productions said:
i always tell people macs are more reliable, but because of the minimal amount of advertising, they can't go to a circuit city or some other store and pick up an iMac, along with the pricing (300 dollar dell, 500 dollar mini). Whenever Apple feels like advertising more, maybe you'll get more switchers because they'll understand OSX is a lot more reliable than windows.

Just felt like saying that.

ya until apple advertises you cant really expect large amounts of windows users to switch


macrumors 68000
Aug 5, 2005
922 said:
I love converting my friends! So far I've converted 4 or 5 people to Mac. Wheer can I find QuicksilveR? I don't know what it is!
as the guy said, As well as applications, it also has bookmarks, mini-address bar thing, loads of way cool looks, iTunes remote, Address Book viewing... It's basically a fine-tuned version of Spotlight that looks better and doesn't do standard files - only the ones you tell it to look for


macrumors 68000
Nov 10, 2004
My brother-in-law recently updated their pc and included a dvd burner to it. So of course he's burning dvd's whenever he can and making scanned copies of the slip covers. The other day I was at their house and he was showing me the spoils of his efforts with inflated pride, his remark "Bet you can't do that on your little Mac... that's technology"



Jun 22, 2001
Bern said:
My brother-in-law recently updated their pc and included a dvd burner to it. So of course he's burning dvd's whenever he can and making scanned copies of the slip covers. The other day I was at their house and he was showing me the spoils of his efforts with inflated pride, his remark "Bet you can't do that on your little Mac... that's technology"


Please show him you could do that in 2002 on a mac.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
A friend of our was visiting with us last week. When she retired a while back and didn't have a computer at home for e-mail, I'd suggested that she consider buying a Mac, if only because she is non-technical and wouldn't have any tech support like she did when she was working. Of course she didn't. When she told us that her Win2000 box is currently nonfunctional because of some screw-up involving Norton Antivirus, I took the opportunity to remind her about my earlier recommendation. Waving her hand dismissively, she said, "Oh, nobody uses Macs!"

Riiiight. :rolleyes:

Some people don't seem to mind being held prisoner by their own technology.


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
leachy said:
Well I switched today with the arrival of my iBook and mini and have to say that OSX beats XP hands down for functionality and pre-loaded apps. Cannot fault it at all so far. Loving every minute of the switch.

Congrats on your switch leachy. :D

Glad to hear that you are lovin' Mac OS X! :D


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
IJ Reilly said:
A friend of our was visiting with us last week. When she retired a while back and didn't have a computer at home for e-mail, I'd suggested that she consider buying a Mac, if only because she is non-technical and wouldn't have any tech support like she did when she was working. Of course she didn't. When she told us that her Win2000 box is currently nonfunctional because of some screw-up involving Norton Antivirus, I took the opportunity to remind her about my earlier recommendation. Waving her hand dismissively, she said, "Oh, nobody uses Macs!"

Riiiight. :rolleyes:

Some people don't seem to mind being held prisoner by their own technology.

Wow, living in denial... :rolleyes: I kinda feel bad for her. :(


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2005
I came close to getting my college roommate to switching to a Mac when he purchased a new computer this past year. Sadly, he went with a Compaq because of cost. It took him a whole week before he started to get adware and popups. Also, the computer will not always come on when he presses the power button. He usually has to press it 3-5 times before Windows will actually get its act together and boot. :rolleyes:

I just sit across the room and do this :p hehe

I know of only like 3 people on my campus that use Macs, so I'm kinda a lone ranger. It's great you were able to connect with fellow Macintoshers and enjoy the "Power of the light side"


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
cantthinkofone said:
People are scared of things they dont know any thing about.

Very true. I am often amazed at the excuses/reasons people give me for not using/owning a Mac-

1) you have to use a one button mouse (not true)

2) you can't use M$ Office (not true)

3) Macs are too expensice (no, not actually when you look at what you are getting for your money)

4) Need I go any further... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 10, 2005
uaaerospace said:
I know of only like 3 people on my campus that use Macs, so I'm kinda a lone ranger. It's great you were able to connect with fellow Macintoshers and enjoy the "Power of the light side"
Ha, yeah. I just came down and set up my powerbook in the student union and pulled up rendezvous just to complement anyone i could find on being mac users! :p


Jun 22, 2001
Xeem said:
Older than 2002, actually. The quicksilver I'm typing this on was purchased in 2001, and it came with a DVD-RW drive.

True, but was that a BTO option back then? It appears to have been standard on that mac.
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