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macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Hopefully we can all move past this without any more bickering back and forth.

Yes, it's unfortunate that you got hacked. No, there isn't proof that it was someone from MacRumors.

No harm, no foul. Let's play nice! :)



macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
Oh my God what a bunch of freaking geeks. Who gives a flying fck about folding anyway except for acne-inflicted, life-less geeks with nothing better to do with their computers but surf for porn while whacking off and try to hide it from their mommies. Oh, thats right, I forgot. AOL chatrooms.

I think folding is great to help with the medical/scientific industry, but arguing over who's team is the best, or who is cheating or whatever is the LAMEST thing I have EVER seen.

Sorry, but I HAD to say it.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by agreenster
Sorry, but I HAD to say it.
cool. someone agrees with me.

i think it's due to the average age of ppl on msg boards on the internet. kids with nothing better to do.


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Originally posted by Sun Baked
I feel like I just witnessed a mime getting attacked. :eek:

And then the bully says
"WHAT do you say NOW PUNK?"
:Mime stare blankly:


Whatever, this wouldn't of happened if you just put a pass on the site.
a) probably not one of us
b) if it was, obviously the person is cowering in a corner.
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