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macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
Thank you for the above, it fits what i was after. Im not a geek / programmer thus dont understand the script, the RSS i am pulling does display the data, but not in a syle i like, can someone explain what each lie of the code does please?

curl --silent "" | grep -E '(title>)' | \
  sed -n '4,$p' | 
  sed -e 's/<title>//' -e 's/<\/title>//' |
  sed -e 's/<!\[CDATA\[//g' |            
  sed -e 's/\]\]>//g' |         
  sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' |   
  sed -e '/^[ ]*$/d' |
  head $headarg

curl pulls the rss feed, grep searches for the regular expression '(title>)', sed is suppressing some output and stripping a bunch of element tags, and finally head is printing only a certain amount of lines ($headarg). I have no idea what the $p in the first sed command is.


I think the '4,$p' is looking for something that ends in p. Forgive me, I'm not an avid sed user.

Another EDIT:

I got it all wrong, I was curious as to what the '4,$p' was doing and did some research. It appears all it's doing is printing the 4th to the last line of what matched in the grep. So if we got:


sed is saying to only print lines 4 and 5, thus only this is printed:


Note that the $ refers to the last line so the number of lines it prints is dynamic, based off the number of matches in the curl/grep.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Sep 2, 2012
Can you open up a terminal window (just use spotlight and type in Terminal, you should get a command prompt), type in perl, paste the code you're using, and press CTRL + D? Once that's done, paste the result.

Results from terminal : The new code you provided, that gives a result of "line 262"

but if i put the same code into geektool as a shell, i dont get any output.

do i not have to compile the script? if so how do i do this?


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
Can you open up a terminal window (just use spotlight and type in Terminal, you should get a command prompt), type in perl, paste the code you're using, and press CTRL + D? Once that's done, paste the result.

Results from terminal : The new code you provided, that gives a result of "line 262"

but if i put the same code into geektool as a shell, i dont get any output.

do i not have to compile the script? if so how do i do this?

That's not a shell script, it's a perl script. Just save the file somewhere as a plain text file, open up TextEdit, hit CMD+SHIFT+T, then save (you can name it Then add a shell script as "perl [PATH TO CONTAINING FOLDER]/" This will execute the script.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Sep 2, 2012
That's not a shell script, it's a perl script. Just save the file somewhere as a plain text file, open up TextEdit, hit CMD+SHIFT+T, then save (you can name it Then add a shell script as "perl [PATH TO CONTAINING FOLDER]/" This will execute the script.

First off, thanks VPATERNO, hopefully im not annoying you yet. I feel a little stupin now, I run the script in terminal and that generates a result. but when i follow your instructions and save the script to my desktop with file name "" file and add "perl /Desktop/" in geektool it doesnt output anything.

What am i doing wrong?


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
First off, thanks VPATERNO, hopefully im not annoying you yet. I feel a little stupin now, I run the script in terminal and that generates a result. but when i follow your instructions and save the script to my desktop with file name "" file and add "perl /Desktop/" in geektool it doesnt output anything.

What am i doing wrong?

Maybe it's a permission things. Open up terminal, and do two things in terminal and paste the results:

ls -l ~/Desktop


perl /Desktop/


macrumors newbie
Feb 10, 2009
I know this keeps coming up, but none of the suggestions given so far on here seem to work for me. I've tried using various scripts as well as the Ultimate Weather Script, but nothing seems to work.

I'm trying to get the weather image for

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been without the image for months now.

EDIT: Incidentally, I tried the location grabber script to make sure it was working properly in the Ultimate Weather Script and it seems to be working fine, so that's not the issue.


The image that yahoo uses is from So the first tool displays the downloaded image and the second tool downloads the classic radar map direct from and saves it invisibly on the desktop.

Create a geektool image directed at


Create a geektool script with this:
curl -s -o ~/Desktop/.weather_map.jpg $(curl -s | grep 'mapImg' | sed 's/.*src..//;s/..width.*//')

this version is an automatic location version for US Zipcodes
curl -s -o ~/Desktop/.weather_map.jpg $(curl -s$(curl -s -A Mozilla \h\t\t\p\://$(curl -s -A Mozilla \h\t\t\p\:\// | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g;s/^['$'\t'']*//g;/[A-Z]/d' | grep "[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}") | grep "Postal Code:" | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g;s/Postal Code\://') | grep 'mapImg' | sed 's/.*src..//;s/..width.*//')


macrumors newbie
Sep 2, 2012
Maybe it's a permission things. Open up terminal, and do two things in terminal and paste the results:

ls -l ~/Desktop


perl /Desktop/

results as per requested

iMac:~ imranhussain$
iMac:~ imranhussain$ ls -l ~/desktop
total 7360
drwxrwxrwx 277 imranhussain staff 9418 17 Sep 12:49 100D3100
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 3176 19 Sep 22:05 365.txt
-rw-r--rw-@ 1 imranhussain staff 636 21 Sep 20:34
iMac:~ imranhussain$ perl /desktop/
Can't open perl script "/desktop/": No such file or directory
iMac:~ imranhussain$

Any ideas? I have checked file permission and i have full read/write access.

macfreek xD

macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2012

I'm trying to make a ARC geeklet that shows battery percentage. But it won't work...

bat=$((`ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery" | awk '/CurrentCapacity/{print "X"$3"X"}'` * 100 / `ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery" | awk '/MaxCapacity/{print "X"$3"X"}'`))

echo $bat | sed "s/X0X/a/;s/X1X/b/;s/X2X/c/;s/X3X/d/;s/X4X/e/;s/X5X/f/;s/X6X/g/;s/X7X/h/;s/X8X/i/;s/X9X/j/;s/X10X/k/;s/X11X/l/;s/X12X/m/;s/X13X/n/;s/X14X/o/;s/X15X/p/;s/X16X/q/;s/X17X/r/;s/X18X/s/;s/X19X/t/;s/X20X/u/;s/X21X/v/;s/X22X/w/;s/X23X/x/;s/X24X/y/;s/X25X/z/;s/X26X/A/;s/X27X/B/;s/X28X/C/;s/X29X/D/;s/X30X/E/;s/X31X/F/;s/X32X/G/;s/X33X/H/;s/X34X/I/;s/X35X/J/;s/X36X/K/;s/X37X/L/;s/X38X/M/;s/X39X/N/;s/X40X/O/;s/X41X/P/;s/X42X/Q/;s/X43X/R/;s/X44X/S/;s/X45X/T/;s/X46X/U/;s/X47X/V/;s/X48X/W/;s/X49X/X/;s/X50X/Y/;"


macrumors member
Mar 23, 2011
Weird, didn't get any notifications in my email that there was a reply to my post, just noticed it now.

Thanks for your help WeatherWarning, worked like a charm!


Yeti, give this a shot:

curl --silent "" | grep "current-weather" | sed "s/.*background\:url.'//g" | sed "s/'. no.*.//g" | xargs curl --silent -o /Users/YOURHOMEFOLDER/WHERETHISISGOING/weather.png​

Set up two geeklets: one to run the above that downloads the image; and a second that displays the image.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2010
I know this keeps coming up, but none of the suggestions given so far on here seem to work for me. I've tried using various scripts as well as the Ultimate Weather Script, but nothing seems to work.

I'm trying to get the weather image for

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been without the image for months now.

EDIT: Incidentally, I tried the location grabber script to make sure it was working properly in the Ultimate Weather Script and it seems to be working fine, so that's not the issue.


Totally just noticed you were having issues with my script (how that is possible with my answering a question after your post is beyond me), just curious if you could give me the full command you put into the geeklet. Also could you give me the setup of your image geeklet?

Was the weather condition information being displayed properly?

I, personally, don't use the Yahoo portion of my script, so if there is an issue with how I'm doing the parsing of the page, I would like to fix it.


macrumors regular
Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to make a ARC geeklet that shows battery percentage. But it won't work...

Though I did not make this one, and I forget where I got it from, here is the code I use for my MBP's Battery stats.

ioreg -l | grep -i capacity | tr '\n' ' | ' | awk '{printf("       Battery Level: ""%.2f%%\n", $10/$5 * 100)}'
pmset -g ps | grep charg | awk '{print "     Battery Status: "$3}' | sed "s/;/ /" | sed "s/charging/Charging/" | sed "s/disCharging/Depleting/" | sed "s/charged/Charged/" | sed "s/finishing/Finishing/"
pmset -g ps | grep charg | sed "s/finishing\ charge/fc/" | awk '{print "       Battery Time "$4"m"}' | sed "s/:/h /" | sed "s/Time/Time:/" | sed "s/(noh/n\/a/" | sed "s/(nom/n\/a/" | sed "s/charge;m/n\/a/"

There are 3 parts, Battery Level, Time, and Status. You can remove an individual part by erasing the part following the label.

macfreek xD

macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2012
Though I did not make this one, and I forget where I got it from, here is the code I use for my MBP's Battery stats.

ioreg -l | grep -i capacity | tr '\n' ' | ' | awk '{printf("       Battery Level: ""%.2f%%\n", $10/$5 * 100)}'
pmset -g ps | grep charg | awk '{print "     Battery Status: "$3}' | sed "s/;/ /" | sed "s/charging/Charging/" | sed "s/disCharging/Depleting/" | sed "s/charged/Charged/" | sed "s/finishing/Finishing/"
pmset -g ps | grep charg | sed "s/finishing\ charge/fc/" | awk '{print "       Battery Time "$4"m"}' | sed "s/:/h /" | sed "s/Time/Time:/" | sed "s/(noh/n\/a/" | sed "s/(nom/n\/a/" | sed "s/charge;m/n\/a/"

There are 3 parts, Battery Level, Time, and Status. You can remove an individual part by erasing the part following the label.

This is arcfont: Shot 21.png


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
results as per requested

iMac:~ imranhussain$
iMac:~ imranhussain$ ls -l ~/desktop
total 7360
drwxrwxrwx 277 imranhussain staff 9418 17 Sep 12:49 100D3100
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 3176 19 Sep 22:05 365.txt
-rw-r--rw-@ 1 imranhussain staff 636 21 Sep 20:34
iMac:~ imranhussain$ perl /desktop/
Can't open perl script "/desktop/": No such file or directory
iMac:~ imranhussain$

Any ideas? I have checked file permission and i have full read/write access.

You're missing the tilde.

perl ~/desktop/


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2012
Geektool Help

Hey I have been using Geektool from the Mac Appstore and loving it but I have two minor problems and I am unable to find a fix for it on google.

My calendar and system process scripts fonts don't aligned straight with the days and mem + cpu. I uploaded an attachment with 2 pictures to tell you what I mean. I want them to line up neatly.


  • geektool_1.png
    174.4 KB · Views: 266
  • geektool_2.png
    176.5 KB · Views: 2,750


macrumors 68020
Feb 16, 2012
Geektool weather to use proxy

This was a separate thread and it got merged :(

I'm trying to set this up:

to use my proxy internet connection (here I have to use the UNI proxy)

I tired adding these 2 lines:
set HTTPProxy to (do shell script "networksetup -getwebproxy  \"Ethernet\" | grep \"Server:\" | awk -F \": \" '{print $2}'")
set HTTPPort to (do shell script "networksetup -getwebproxy  \"Ethernet\" | grep \"Port:\" | awk -F \": \" '{print $2}'")

to this script:
	Google Weather Handler Library
	Copyright © 2012 hXm's Project
	Feedback to
	This is a script for GeekTool.
	GeekTool lets you display various kinds of information
	on your desktop using floating windows.
		Use custom weather icons, not only google's ones.
		Geolocation feature. Probably not.
		Status bar icon.
		May change the wind's direction letter for a cool UTF-8 arrow.
		Let various locations at same time.
		Remove the temp file using AS.
		Next errors that will appear.

on WriteResult(gklet, info)
	-- I felt better calling the GeekTool app itself than storing temporary files to load the result
	tell application "GeekTool Helper"
		set googleweatherglets to every geeklet whose name is gklet
		repeat with glet in googleweatherglets
			tell glet to set command to "printf " & "\"" & info & "\""
		end repeat
	end tell
end WriteResult

on ShowImage(gklet, URLname)
	-- Thank you, GeekTool. I'm glad you can load images directly from URL
	set currentTheme to readFile("~/Library/Scripts/hXmWeather/iconSet.txt")
	if currentTheme is "Classic" then
		set URLname to "" & URLname
		set userName to (get short user name of (system info))
		set URLname to "file:///Users/" & userName & "/Library/Scripts/hXmWeather/iconSet/" & currentTheme & URLname
	end if
	tell application "GeekTool Helper"
		set googleweatherglets to every geeklet whose name is gklet
		repeat with glet in googleweatherglets
			tell glet to set image url to URLname
		end repeat
	end tell
end ShowImage

on Split(theString, theDelimiter)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	set theArray to every text item of theString
	return last item of theArray
end Split

on readFile(unixPath)
	return (do shell script "cat " & unixPath)
end readFile
on charReplace(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
	set the item_list to every text item of this_text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
	set this_text to the item_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	return this_text
end charReplace
on unitConvert(FromThis, ToThis, ThisDegree)
	if ToThis is "Automatic" then
		return ThisDegree
	end if
	if FromThis is "SI" and ToThis is "Fahrenheit" then
		return round ((ThisDegree * 1.8) + 32)
	end if
	if FromThis is "SI" and ToThis is "Celsius" then
		return ThisDegree
	end if
	if FromThis is "US" and ToThis is "Fahrenheit" then
		return ThisDegree
	end if
	if FromThis is "US" and ToThis is "Celsius" then
		return round ((ThisDegree - 32) / 1.8)
	end if
end unitConvert

on run
	-- Get the local system language and split it in this way:
	-- en_US -> en
	set locale to user locale of (get system info)
	set locale to my Split(locale, "_")
	-- Read the location stored in main.scpt -> Install()
	set location to (my readFile("~/Library/Scripts/hXmWeather/hXmWeather.txt"))
	set location to (my charReplace(location, " ", "+"))
	-- Let's download the XML file from google weather api
	-- and convert it to UTF-8 encoding system or XML file library would fail.
	set weatherquery to do shell script "[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]***[/SIZE][/COLOR]/usr/bin/curl -s '" & location & "&hl=" & locale & "' | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 > /tmp/WeatherGoogleApi.xml"
	tell application "System Events"
		-- Load the XML file in a variable, then parse all those tags from it
		set file1 to XML file "/tmp/WeatherGoogleApi.xml"
		set useDegree to (my readFile("~/Library/Scripts/hXmWeather/degree.txt"))
		if useDegree is not "Automatic" and useDegree is not "Celsius" and useDegree is not "Fahrenheit" then
			set useDegree to "Automatic"
		end if
		tell file1
			tell XML element "xml_api_reply"
				tell XML element "weather"
					tell XML element "forecast_information"
						tell XML element "unit_system"
							set realUnit to get value of XML attribute "data"
							if useDegree is "Automatic" then
								set unit to get value of XML attribute "data"
							else if useDegree is "Celsius" then
								set unit to "SI"
							else if useDegree is "Fahrenheit" then
								set unit to "US"
							end if
						end tell
						tell XML element "city"
							set city to get value of XML attribute "data"
							my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_City", city)
						end tell
					end tell
					-- Loop the forecast tags to show all of them
					set forecasts to (every XML element whose name is "forecast_conditions")
					set incr to 1
					repeat with I in forecasts
						tell I
							tell XML element "day_of_week"
								set dayOfWeek to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_Info_" & incr, dayOfWeek)
							end tell
							tell XML element "icon"
								set icon to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my ShowImage("GoogleWeather_Icon_" & incr, icon)
							end tell
							tell XML element "low"
								set ltemp to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_LTemp_" & incr, my unitConvert(realUnit, useDegree, ltemp) & "º")
							end tell
							tell XML element "high"
								set ltemp to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_HTemp_" & incr, my unitConvert(realUnit, useDegree, ltemp) & "º")
							end tell
						end tell
						set incr to incr + 1
					end repeat
					tell XML element "current_conditions"
						tell XML element "humidity"
							set humidity to get value of XML attribute "data"
						end tell
						tell XML element "condition"
							set condition to get value of XML attribute "data"
						end tell
						if unit is "SI" then
							tell XML element "temp_c"
								set temp to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_Temp", temp & " ºC")
							end tell
							tell XML element "temp_f"
								set temp to get value of XML attribute "data"
								my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_Temp", temp & "ºF")
							end tell
						end if
						tell XML element "wind_condition"
							set wind to get value of XML attribute "data"
						end tell
						tell XML element "icon"
							set currentIcon to get value of XML attribute "data"
							set currentIcon to currentIcon
							my ShowImage("GoogleWeather_Icon", currentIcon)
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
	my WriteResult("GoogleWeather_Info", condition & "
" & wind & "
" & humidity & "%")
end run

I also tried the line: http_proxy=http://[details]/ where the stars are but to no effect.

where ever there was internet access required but it didn't work.

What should I do?
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Hey I have been using Geektool from the Mac Appstore and loving it but I have two minor problems and I am unable to find a fix for it on google.

My calendar and system process scripts fonts don't aligned straight with the days and mem + cpu. I uploaded an attachment with 2 pictures to tell you what I mean. I want them to line up neatly.

You need to use a mono-spaced font for the text to line up. For Unix-shell output like Geektool, the alignment is done "by hand" by counting the (integer number of) characters and spaces. For proportional fonts (like you have here) the characters are not the same width, which causes the misalignment you see.

If you don't like any of the nicer-looking mono-spaced fonts, then you'd have to find a way to reliably convert the output to use tabs instead of spaces. And then figure out a way that the tabs would then align. Or figure out how to convert the regular numbers to tabular figures.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Sep 2, 2012
365 lines

You're missing the tilde.

perl ~/desktop/

Imrans-iMac:~ imranhussain$ ls -l ~/desktop
total 7360
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 imranhussain staff 102 21 Feb 2012 $RECYCLE.BIN
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 3176 19 Sep 22:05 365.txt
-rw-r--rw-@ 1 imranhussain staff 636 26 Sep 18:18
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 imranhussain staff 136 26 May 09:49 Rent List
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 1174316 7 Aug 18:37 Screen Shot 2012-08-07 at 18.37.29.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 60978 30 Aug 12:35 Screen Shot 2012-08-30 at 12.35.43.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 2469183 1 Sep 20:14 Screen Shot 2012-09-01 at 20.14.02.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 45568 9 Mar 2012 Thumbs.db
-rw-r--r--@ 1 imranhussain staff 282 21 Feb 2012 desktop.ini
drwxr-xr-x@ 11 imranhussain staff 374 24 Sep 13:03 noreen val day 2012.aplibrary
drwxr-xr-x 7 imranhussain staff 238 24 Sep 13:04 xbmc_videodb_2012-09-24
Imrans-iMac:~ imranhussain$ perl ~/desktop/
Can't find file, check the path.
Imrans-iMac:~ imranhussain$ perl ~/Desktop/
Can't find file, check the path.
Imrans-iMac:~ imranhussain$

same thing, it still cant seem to find the file, which is strange as it is right there.


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2012
Date time countdown negative output

i tried this geeklet script, i am getting output in negative sign, how to remove that. please help me...thanx


  • Picture 9.png
    Picture 9.png
    87.8 KB · Views: 2,509


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2012
Date time countdown negative output

hi fhall1,
i found script :

THEN=`date -v12y -v1m -v1d -v0H -v0M -v0S +%s`
SECS=$(($THEN-$(date +%s)))
echo "Days: "$(($SECS/3600/24))
echo "Hours: "$(($SECS/3600))
echo "Minutes: "$(($SECS/60))
echo "Seconds: "$(($SECS))

i was looking for result ' numberDays numberHrs numberMin numberSec '

i am new to geektool and very difficult for me to add and change parameter, please help.
Last edited:


Nov 24, 2002
Tejas Hill Country
Jeez, isn't it obvious? You're getting negative numbers because you're subtracting "now" (larger number) from the "then" time (smaller number). Just swap the subtraction and it will reflect positive numbers. Change:
SECS=$(($THEN-$(date +%s)))

SECS=$(($(date +%s)-$THEN))


macrumors newbie
Oct 26, 2012
new setup

hi all, I'm trying to set up a new desktop, and wanted to try a new thing: display a different image for a given situation using a if/else statement. I have problems implementing the images into the shell script. Could anyone help?


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2012
Internet usage data upload/download

Hi everyone, i have monthly limited internet connection and i always wanted to know how much of internet i consumed. I wonder is there any Geeklets script which can give data of internet usage as how much download and upload completed or remains. after searching a lot i didnt even find any of these kind of script.........and i am not good in geek script. Any help will be appreciated..............:)
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