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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Ahhhh… seeing through users’ eyes. Marketer's sweet dream & Eldorado.

Anytime dystopia + advertising comes up, I always harken back to the TV Ad patent that required you to "jump for joy and scream the advertisers name" in order to end the commercial.

lmfao - I literally laugh out loud every time I see it



macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2009
all google / meta / bytedance affiliated advertising companies: Enable eye tracking on your iPhone so we can give you more personalized ads!


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
I can feel the Settings app getting more bloated as I read this -ha

Seriously though, I really hope they have LOTS of toggles for disabling so much of the new stuff they plan to roll out (thinking about AI related things)
These are accessibility features and those are off by default and you need to toggle them on.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
This is not a new feature on mobile operating systems.

so…a quick DDG search (along with the AVP demo I did a few months back) tells me two things, respectively: 1) Camera Switches is not nearly as comprehensive as the eye-tracking features Apple is introducing; 2) Project Gameface became open-source…less than 24 hours ago. not the best argument for “Google did it first.” 😆
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
This **** better come with an off switch. Otherwise, I ain't upgrading.

ETA: Totally in favour of accessibility features for those who need them. But I don't for now and don't want Siri or anybody/thing else monitoring or tracking me without my permission and without an easy way to rescind that permission once granted.
this is quite a hilarious comment to make on a post about accessibility features, lotta energy over a bunch of features that are off by default/buried deep in the Settings app 🤣


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2013
Minnesota, USA
All this sounds so cool!

Especially all the more intrigued by the voice control features they're mentioning for CarPlay as well as the sound recognition too.

Voice controls for CP I'm curious about though; I know there's stuff you can already do via Siri and all, so just wondering what there is that would be added via these voice controls.

Also, while sound recognition for CarPlay does sound cool for things like car horns or sirens, part of me fears that it could pick up on false positives from things from music that feature sounds like a car horn or a siren. Knowing Apple, they'll probably have that down pat though!


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
No one mentioned the fact eye tracking is also able to detect your partners wandering eyes in public..

Apples advanced ML architecture enables eye tracking and facial expression recognition of sender and recipient for unparalleled analysis of those social interactions. Automatic alerts can be sent to partner together with a 3D reconstruction of said events.

We are so excited to see what couples do with eye tracking on iPhone

  • Haha
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macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017
Description: Hover Typing will show larger text when typing in a text field
Reality: Text is not actually larger:



macrumors member
Aug 15, 2019
so…a quick DDG search (along with the AVP demo I did a few months back) tells me two things, respectively: 1) Camera Switches is not nearly as comprehensive as the eye-tracking features Apple is introducing;
Prove it otherwise you're saying a whole lot of nothing.

Switches is literally how this would work on iOS. It augments the already existing Switches iOS accessibility feature by now allowing you to use your eyes as a switch to perform the same tasks. You can navigate the whole operating system and apps using a few gesture commands.

Camera Switches on Android is very comprehensive. The extent of customizability and features are impressive to say the least.

2) Project Gameface became open-source…less than 24 hours ago. not the best argument for “Google did it first.” 😆
Project game face which became open source 24hrs ago which is a good thing, meaning anyone is allowed to use it, improve it, build it natively into their apps/games or create bespoke version of it. Takes this a step further, using face tracking, not just eye tracking allowing a more fine-tuned control of games. Something that you cannot do with camera switches.

I'm not making a who did it first argument, I'm refuting this nonsense that only Apple does things like this or does it well.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017
Incredible. Just another example of how technologies they develop in one product make their way into other products in their ecosystem. I don’t see any other company doing this as well as Apple, or at all.
The problem is they are neglecting all the “pedestrian” software features and software quality maintenance. It’s always such “cool” new features that are being added, but many basic issues remain unaddressed because they are not sexy enough.


macrumors member
Feb 11, 2022
Im surprised that there isn't more hype about the "Teach Siri to do complex tasks by using a phrase you teach it". THATS HUGE! I would love for that to then be handed down to the HomePods as well. And it's the 1 thing in this article that says "Here it is, Next subject" - no info included there.
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macrumors member
Aug 15, 2019
Well, if those screenshots are legit, the rumored big redesign is def not happening. Looks the same as iOS 17.
No necessarily. You don't need to show the new UI to advertise a feature. I'm not saying there is going to be a big design change just saying you don't need to show it to advertise features.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
Lots of these debuted in the Vision Pro, like the sound recognition where you can train actions to a tongue click, mouth pop, etc.

No other company has accessibility baked into the core of their products and frankly this is one space where Apple truly does not get the praise it deserves for it.

They’ve been this way for a long time too, I was in college and a classmate of mine was blind but used a MacBook Air for class without issue. This was over a decade ago.

Absolutely — they really deserve massive credit for what they’ve done with accessibility features.

Regarding Vision Pro — really like using sound recognition to go home, instead of pressing the crown. I was using the tongue click, but the “sh” sound seems to work better for me.


macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2023
Eye Tracking, huh? Proof of Nietzche's hypothesis:
"And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."
And what I call "anti"social media is probably the deepest abyss ever created.
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