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macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
The problem is they are neglecting all the “pedestrian” software features and software quality maintenance. It’s always such “cool” new features that are being added, but many basic issues remain unaddressed because they are not sexy enough.
I don’t believe “sexy” is driving their software feature decisions. Do you think the accessibility features they’ve created over the years are “sexy”? Most users probably don’t know they exist.


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
This is not a new feature on mobile operating systems.

The point I was making was that Apple is great at releasing a technology on one device and incorporating that technology into another device. Does anyone know how well eye tracking works on Android devices? Because on the Vision Pro, it is near flawless. Being first doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t work as intended.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
We should all be happy about this. We never know what disability we might find ourselves with someday!

My mother-in-law is deaf and some of these changes are going to be great for her. I hope they come out with a cheaper Vision Pro sooner rather than later, as she could really benefit from the live caption overlays at family gatherings. Not everyone knows sign language, and while she can lip read reasonably well, it can be difficult when there is a lot of conversation going on to follow everything. It can be very isolating and she ends up feeling left out through no fault of her own. My wife is fluent in sign language being a CODA, but most people don't realize interpreting is extremely exhausting as well as a different, difficult skill to master. So she can't just sit there and interpret the whole time, and hiring specially trained and experienced interpreters for various events is also quite expensive, so it basically only happens at weddings.


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2009
I can feel the Settings app getting more bloated as I read this -ha

Seriously though, I really hope they have LOTS of toggles for disabling so much of the new stuff they plan to roll out (thinking about AI related things)
Ideally, at a certain point, you should be able to tell Siri what you want to change on your iPhone without needing to search for a specific setting.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
Prove it otherwise you're saying a whole lot of nothing.

Switches is literally how this would work on iOS. It augments the already existing Switches iOS accessibility feature by now allowing you to use your eyes as a switch to perform the same tasks. You can navigate the whole operating system and apps using a few gesture commands.

Camera Switches on Android is very comprehensive. The extent of customizability and features are impressive to say the least.

Project game face which became open source 24hrs ago which is a good thing, meaning anyone is allowed to use it, improve it, build it natively into their apps/games or create bespoke version of it. Takes this a step further, using face tracking, not just eye tracking allowing a more fine-tuned control of games. Something that you cannot do with camera switches.

I'm not making a who did it first argument, I'm refuting this nonsense that only Apple does things like this or does it well.
really just speaking to my experience with Apple implementing eye-tracking software (hence me bringing up the AVP demo I did)—obviously that’s anecdotal, I just doubt they would bring the same feature to market on iPhones if they didn’t feel confident that it’s as on-par with a $3500 device as it can be. Apple’s statement on the true extent of this feature is vague, so we will see what it looks like once the 18.0 betas are out. (for reference, I did watch the full tutorial on Switches for Android—great accessibility feature, just doesn’t seem as…natural? can’t find the right word.)

and yes, I am a huge supporter of open-source software. I think we’re more in agreement than disagreement over Gameface. I hope it sees some widespread adoption beyond Android—would go a huge way to lower the bar for disabled people to enjoy video games.

to speak to your point at the end: I’m not one to believe Apple is the only company creating accessibility features (that’d be an absolute farce of an argument), I simply believe they’re (in terms of companies with platforms as massive as theirs) the best at implementing such features in an intuitive fashion.


macrumors member
Mar 11, 2021
Some of these look very useful! I will be excited to try eye control. Imagine being able to scroll a feed without touching and tapping your phone! I always thought that there was more they could do with Haptics. They dedicated an entire hardware box to be a Haptic Engine inside the iPhone, without much application or utility. Something fun like music, is a great start.

Vocal shortcuts would be very useful. Perhaps I can get siri to "unmute" or "volume up" when I ask it to play the news. If only Siri could dependably switch from apple music / podcasts / spotify when you ask it to specifically play from one of these sources. It tends to get stuck or just says "something went wrong ;)".

Evelyn Harthbrooke

macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2013
The problem is they are neglecting all the “pedestrian” software features and software quality maintenance. It’s always such “cool” new features that are being added, but many basic issues remain unaddressed because they are not sexy enough.
i dont think they’re “neglecting” existing features. they add new features and fix existing ones with each major ios release. so i do not agree with this argument at all. and using “sexy” to refer to stuff like this isn’t super appropriate.


macrumors member
May 2, 2022
Apple is going all-in on Accessibility.

Google is going all-in on AI.

I think we can see who is going to be winning this year's battle. As normal, Apple will be late to market. Hopefully it is late, but with a superior product.


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
I can feel the Settings app getting more bloated as I read this -ha

Seriously though, I really hope they have LOTS of toggles for disabling so much of the new stuff they plan to roll out (thinking about AI related things)

Most of this is not something that is a want or a need from my perspective. More features, more bloat, less fixing of current issues and gaps. More of the same process we have seen for the last few years.

Hopefully I am wrong about this.

Take a hard look at the new features Apple has rolled out over the last three years. How many do you use?
Last edited:


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
No one mentioned the fact eye tracking is also able to detect your partners wandering eyes in public..

Apples advanced ML architecture enables eye tracking and facial expression recognition of sender and recipient for unparalleled analysis of those social interactions. Automatic alerts can be sent to partner together with a 3D reconstruction of said events.

We are so excited to see what couples do with eye tracking on iPhone


Oh Hell No!

Just because I am on a restricted diet doesn’t mean I cannot browse the menu ;).
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macrumors member
Oct 31, 2022
Apple doesn't get enough credit for the amount and depth of accessibility features they build into their products.


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2013
Minnesota, USA
Well, if those screenshots are legit, the rumored big redesign is def not happening. Looks the same as iOS 17.
Ugh, I sure hope that isn't true

Don't get me wrong, the current design really has grown on me, but a lot of design elements really haven't changed that much after we got away from skeuomorphism from iOS 7 on

So with that, aside from a few little changes, the fundamental design of iOS has been about the same since then

Nothing wrong with that per say, but some kind of other tangible visual changes would be good every now and then


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2016
The Music Haptics thing is interesting!
Fun fact: Did you know that the Taptic Engine is actually a small bass shaker? It works through sound waves like a normal speaker. Even the UI vibrations like the camera click or the vibrations you feel when you mute your iPhone are stored as WAV files in the system, and they just play through the Taptic Engine. It's a clever little thing!
What I suppose they're doing with the Music Haptics feature is just playing the same audio that's playing to the speakers to the Taptic Engine, too.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2003
This **** better come with an off switch. Otherwise, I ain't upgrading.

ETA: Totally in favour of accessibility features for those who need them. But I don't for now and don't want Siri or anybody/thing else monitoring or tracking me without my permission and without an easy way to rescind that permission once granted.
Have you not used an Apple device before? There's an entire section dedicated to Accessibility, and they're all off by default.
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