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macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
The Year of the Laptop

For a year that is suppose to be the Year of the Laptop then it was a pretty lame year. I mean they didnt realese ****. If they did make a dual Powerbook that would not suprise me. Cause they havent done anything since the release of the 12 and 17. That was what in Jan?


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Sorry, about the following...


Steve said it was the sales of Laptops that would make it the year of the laptop - and not what is coming....

He quite clearly said this back in January MWSF


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
Not The Year Of The 15 Inch PowerBook

Originally posted by Stella
Steve said it was the sales of Laptops that would make it the year of the laptop - and not what is coming....

Is the Year Of The Laptop a part of the Chinese calendar?

Just kidding. Seriously, I am sure laptop sales could have been a lot better this year if Apple updated the PowerBooks sooner. Whatever happened to the 15 inch PowerBook? In most of 2003 that one was the laptop Apple forgot about.

Anyway, Year Of The Laptop or not I am sure I speak for many when I say that the G5 PowerMac was the Apple product of the year.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Year of the Laptop

Well when I watched it. I took from it that this is the year when they make some cool laptops to the mainstream. Cause who the hell would want a powermac when all the hype about the G5 was coming. It turned out that this is more the year of the Powermac with the release of the new machines. I would watch the Keynote again but it locks up Quicktime everytime I click on the link. Thank god I have a windows machine that loads it fine. What is up with that?? I will watch it again and see what I have to say about this.


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
Re: The Year of the Laptop

Originally posted by e2chris
For a year that is suppose to be the Year of the Laptop then it was a pretty lame year. I mean they didnt realese ****. If they did make a dual Powerbook that would not suprise me. Cause they havent done anything since the release of the 12 and 17. That was what in Jan?

"Year of the laptop"... hmm.. I would think the 1st 12" and the 1st 17" laptop would justify the "Y.O.T.L." statement. You guys read too much into things.


macrumors member
Oct 24, 2002
I kinda think this article is bogus. My favorite line goes like "Dual G4's first, then when they figure out how to cool it, a G5." Even though these might be laptop processors, I think that two G4's would have a lot more heat dissapated than a single G5. I might be wrong, but it just doesn't add up.


macrumors 6502
Feb 4, 2003
San Diego, California
Originally posted by noverflow
I hope not, that just seems like a means to stalling. The power consumption on them would be huge. then you would have to have it so that it was only a dual when it was plugged-in. Also the felt heat from one of those cpus is enough for me, they would be too hot for me when i was using it plugged in and on my lap. The metal case transfers too much heat to the user.
wasn't there a rumor about power cell laptop batteries...? that would be sweet


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2002
Gainesville, FL
I don't know what to make of all these Laptop rumors. All I know is that my 500mhz 1st rev. G4 PowerBook is starting to get a little sluggish and it's the only machine I have.

I live in a world where I have to have a portable computer and I'm just not willing at this point to have a Desktop and a Laptop and deal with all the syncing issues that goes along with that.

I'd like to see the laptop market get comparable with our Desktops. Obviously a 2.0 ghz dual G5 Powerbook is going to be a ways off but in addition to designing the chips to run cooler and getting batters that last longer we're also going to have to look at different form-factors for our machines. The PowerBook is sleek and sexy now but some compromises can be made to better accommodate these chips and the heat they dispense.

I've got about a year or 18 months until I'm going to be forced to buy my next laptop. All I want is the absolute fastest, smallest, most durable and coolest laptop on the market when I buy one and I want it to last me easily 3-4 years. Now that's not too much to ask is it? :D


macrumors regular
Dec 2, 2002
Re: Cpu heat on12inch

Originally posted by e2chris
this dude worked for apple and thinks the CPU is under the left hand palm rest. WOW! I swear I have yet to meet anyone with any knowledge of anything at the Apple Stores.

A reseller, not Apple.

[mod. edit - Watch the insults.]


macrumors member
Aug 11, 2002
Piedmont (Oakland), CA
Powerbook G5

I wonder if the rumors are correct, and that we'll see a G5 Powerbook early 2004. My Powermac G4 (AGP) 400MHZ is now 4 years old and I need to get a good labtop for college. A new G5 Powerbook would be perfect. Anyways, just a thought.


macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2002
Re: Cpu heat on12inch

Originally posted by e2chris
this dude worked for apple and thinks the CPU is under the left hand palm rest. WOW! I swear I have yet to meet anyone with any knowledge of anything at the Apple Stores.
What kind of knowledge are you looking for? Engineering information about how the things are built!? Find the right store and the right employee and you will find A LOT of knowledge: graphic design, print production, movie editing, music recording.

It irks me to no end when you people expect the retail employees to be experts on everything.


macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2002
Re: The Year of the Laptop

Originally posted by e2chris
For a year that is suppose to be the Year of the Laptop then it was a pretty lame year. I mean they didnt realese ****. If they did make a dual Powerbook that would not suprise me. Cause they havent done anything since the release of the 12 and 17. That was what in Jan?

Did Apple say that because this was the "Year of the Laptop" that they were going to keep on making newer and newer laptops all year. No. They simply pointed out that the ever gaining popularity of laptops would make them year a big seller this year. Oh, and here are our two new laptop offerings, the 12 inch and the 17.

You have over-inflated expectations because you chose to misinterpret what they said.


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
Re: Re: Cpu heat on12inch

Originally posted by clonenode
It irks me to no end when you people expect the retail employees to be experts on everything.

Agreed. If a customer asked me which machine would be best, and why for them, I'd confidently be able to explain the choices with reference to hardware and their needs etc.

If they asked me what the best video editing solution that allowed them to so [insert video jargon here] was, I'd stare blankly, point at something behind them and run.

(I've been on the receiving end of a customer who expected me to know everything, it's no fun)



macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
i'm not trusting PowerPage too much these days, i feel that they're kinda sketchy.

someone could have just been trying to make some quick cash. it does say at the end of the second article "Got Juice on the new PowerBooks? Spill the beans and win a PowerPage prize pack."

dual-proc PowerBooks sure would be cool thought. OS X just feels like it was meant to run on a dual-proc system! :D

and for those who think that a single-proc G5 would blow the pants off a dual-proc G4 at the same clock speed... you should think again about that. some of the early benchmarks have shown that you would be wise to consider which G5 model to go for before selling your dual-G4. for example if you have a 1.4GHz dual G4, the 1.6GHz G5 might not be worth it...

hopefully some more accurate info will surface before Tuesday. ;) :D


macrumors 65816
Nov 24, 2002
Tampa, FL
The only reason they'd do this is because Moto can't come up with powerful enough chips for the powerbooks. The solution put two cheap sub 1 Ghz processors in the machine to compensate for the lack of power. This is the only reason why that would happen.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2003
Re: Similar rumours/vpods

Originally posted by Sol
At least no-one is talking about video iPods and how Apple has to release them before the competition beats them to it. What were they thinking? Until Apple does portable video no-one will care about such devices.

amen.. next rumor : g5 newtons and othersuch


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Apple employees

well personally i would never ask a apple employee nothing cause I know they know nothing. They just sell stuff. Kind of like a salesperson. Useless... I do my own research before I buy something. Yes I think Sales people should know something... i mean come on. You wanna spend your life just selling stuff? Pathetic.

And this bit about the year of the laptop. Well I thought there would be some cool stuff coming out this year. And its Sept and nothing since Jan. At least update the 15". I mean come on... This was so not the year of the laptop. I bet the sales of the new Powermac are catching up to the Year of the Laptop sales fast. So it was all just marketing who-ha. I dont think a dual G4 Powerbook would be a bad idea at all. That is a year of the laptop step. Oh and I guess he fooled me and lots of others as well with his statement.

I just helped my sis get a laptop for College. Think I recommended a apple? NO! I got her the IBM T40P. Awesome machine! no doubt.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2003
Brisbane, Australia
Re: Re: The Year of the Laptop

Originally posted by clonenode
Did Apple say that because this was the "Year of the Laptop" that they were going to keep on making newer and newer laptops all year. No. They simply pointed out that the ever gaining popularity of laptops would make them year a big seller this year. Oh, and here are our two new laptop offerings, the 12 inch and the 17.

You have over-inflated expectations because you chose to misinterpret what they said.
Sure, but if if Apple was going to cash in on the popularity of laptops you'd think they'd be updating more regularily than they have. Obviously though many factors have delayed PB's which are prob out of Apple's control, but still ...


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
pb delays

I agree that they are probably having delays that they didnt expect. Good old Motorola. I think they wanted to pump out at least another set of laptops by now. AT least the 15". But with the G5's right around the corner why would anyone want a G4 powerbook? I would rather make due with what I have now. This should be the feeling with many people. I think the only way they could get me to buy a Powerbook at this time is if it had dual processor or maybe that new fuel cell. Again I know its a stretch but it would be sweet.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Re: Re: The Year of the Laptop

HEAR HEAR.. exactly!

Some people are so RETARDED, they hear the quote and don't think to understand the meaning. Steve EXPLICITY EXPLAINED the reason for the year of the laptop.

Seriously, this is absolutely ****ing me off about how people expect jaw dropping laptops this year... this was NOT the meaning of SGs quote.

You have over-inflated expectations because you chose to misinterpret what they said. [/B]

[mod. edit - Don't circumvent the profanity filter.]


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003

Yes, especially when people misintrept the meaning of "The year of the Laptop"!!!


I hate computers, they think they are always right... unfortunately, they are! (Human coding errors)

Originally posted by e2chris
Stella you let words tick you off on a computer eh?

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