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macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Stella its all good...

Until the Matrix/Terminator thing goes into effect computers do what humans tell them to do.

its always a user error...


macrumors member
Aug 20, 2003
So do these video ipods play music videos while playing the song?
That's gonna be tite.
well at least for the people who watch mtv all day.
Gonna be a good market for young girls.


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2003
NEC is "working on" a 40 hour fuel cell for laptops, but "plans to bring out a fuel cell powered laptop in 2004 with 5 hours battery life"... WTF? lol... good thing we can get 5 hours out of a refill! :thumbs down:

oh yeah...

"They require a refill of fuel such as hydrogen gas or liquid methanol in order to keep operating. "

hmm.. so much easier it will be to keep a supply of hydrogen gas ready to go when we run out of juice on the road... wtf?

are you guys retarded or have you just not thought it through? you got your fuel cell battery powered powerbook.. woo-hoo! then 5-10 hours later, you need a refill... go to the nearest 7-11 and fill 'er up? NOPE.. they don't currently stock Methanol or Hydrogen Gas at 7-11 sorry to tell ya! wonder how much that'll cost! and if we put a huge tank in our home, we can refuel anytime!!! :) NOPE! what do you do on the road?? can't plug in to the ol' cigarette lighter now can we? I don't recall cars these days coming with methanol or hydrogen gas tanks do you?

think people... think... you don't even have to do it differently.. just think!


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2003
Why couldn't you use a cigaretter lighter. I could see a mechanism/compartment where you would put the cigarette lighter in with the fuel outlet place inside a small nipple ( ok, no one get dirty on me... ). Then as you closed the door to the compartment, it would cause the fuel release of the laptop to be pressed, putting positive pressure on the nipple.

Be interesting if something like this could work because your distribution problems are solved.

NOW, that being said, Apple IS NOT going to release a fuel cell laptop this September. Nothing like being the test case for all the regulatory agencies involved ( and BTW, the PB would have had to get all those approvals and you would have heard about something that radical ) or having the FAA restrict our PB on commercial flights.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2002
Near a Mac since 1993.
Duals not a problem with heat and power...

Sorry if it's been mentioned before...

Checking Moto's site it looks like the 7457 @1GHz consumes less than half (10W) than the current 7455@1GHz (21.3W, 30Max). This means that making the 17" Dual 1Ghz is not impossible. Or even the 15".
I'm not saying this is a sure thing, of course, but it can be done.
I would personally prefer to have a Dual 800 MHz over a single 1.4GHz. Most people work on multiple Apps alot more than do highly intensive work on just one app.


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2003
Re: Duals not a problem with heat and power...

Originally posted by neonart
Sorry if it's been mentioned before...

Checking Moto's site it looks like the 7457 @1GHz consumes less than half (10W) than the current 7455@1GHz (21.3W, 30Max). This means that making the 17" Dual 1Ghz is not impossible. Or even the 15".
I'm not saying this is a sure thing, of course, but it can be done.
I would personally prefer to have a Dual 800 MHz over a single 1.4GHz. Most people work on multiple Apps alot more than do highly intensive work on just one app.

Can you provide a link? The specs I looked at showed the 7457 to be 15.8/22 Watts at 1 Ghz and 18.7/26 Watts at 1.3 GHz...

check out page 14 of the datasheet "MPC7457EC."


macrumors 6502a
Nov 26, 2002
sunny san diego
i see 17" pb dual g4s possible, just because the form factor offers the room for them. heat and power consumption issues aside, i actually don't expect a dual 17" pb however. now that apple finally seems to have reliable chip maker in ibm, i expect they'll wait to do anything crazy with the powerbook line till the g5 is viable in powerbooks. for now i expect a revamped 15" and minor revisions to the 12" and 17". in any case, i just got the 17" this week and am happy as clam! if there is an update on tuesday, i'll be down at the apple store exchanging it for the new model.


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2003
Re: Re: The Year of the Laptop

Originally posted by clonenode
Did Apple say that because this was the "Year of the Laptop" that they were going to keep on making newer and newer laptops all year. No. They simply pointed out that the ever gaining popularity of laptops would make them year a big seller this year. Oh, and here are our two new laptop offerings, the 12 inch and the 17.

You have over-inflated expectations because you chose to misinterpret what they said.

Is it unreasonable to you for people to question if "the year of the laptop," is consistent with reality? If the statement was made, which I don’t believe you are challenging, then within the many broader interpretations of it is that the year should be one in which Apple laptops are up to date.

You, and others, may continue to restate and remind us of the context and true meaning, to include what you consider its true qualifications and associations. And yet with as many people interpreting and hanging on their words it might be better to withhold saying things that only make sense and can be applied after having someone with knowledge, such as you, translate it for the rest of us.


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2003
sorry, but i have to agree with clonenode on this one.. i think there are those who have taken that statement out of context.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2002
Near a Mac since 1993.
Re: Re: Duals not a problem with heat and power...

Originally posted by chazmox
Can you provide a link? The specs I looked at showed the 7457 to be 15.8/22 Watts at 1 Ghz and 18.7/26 Watts at 1.3 GHz...

check out page 14 of the datasheet "MPC7457EC."

Here is the 7455 specs. A bit down into the page you will notice the chart that states the 1000Mhz consumes 21/30max.

On the 7457 page, the first paragraph IN RED (which is the color of performance ;) ), states the "LESS than 10W" number:


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2003
Meadville, PA
Doesn't make any sense, why would apple wait an extra month to stock up on dual machines when it could have had powerbook updates a months ago with single CPUs?


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2002
Near a Mac since 1993.
Again- this is just speculation- but Apple has been very much pro-duals for a few years now. Making the "first dual processor laptop"* would be huge news! It would also be near impossible to do with most other chips in the Intel and AMD families.

*Don't know if there is some obscure laptop that does already that's not mainstream.


macrumors newbie
OK, I agree that the PowerBooks should have been upgraded a LONG time ago, but this is hardly Apple's fault. Motorola is just being pathetically slow and unproductive as usual, and they're just not getting the new chips to Apple.

Steve Jobs did mean that this would be the "Year of the Laptop" in terms of sales, and even if he did mean in terms of features and upgrades, the 12" and 17" were a pretty damn good start. Apple definitely planned on having the PowerBook upgrades ready FAR earlier, it's just Motorola. Honestly, Motorola should just get wiped off the face of the earth. Their pathetically slow progress on the G4 is just ridiculous and has really hurt Apple. Apple needs to just get G5s in all their computers ASAP so they can just drop Motorola for good.



macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Originally posted by ABassCube
OK, I agree that the PowerBooks should have been upgraded a LONG time ago, but...

Steve Jobs did mean that this would be the "Year of the Laptop" in terms of sales, and even if he did mean in terms of features and upgrades, the 12" and 17" were a pretty damn good start...

Well, if Steve had been more clear, this debate wouldn't exist.

And without Steve himself jumping in to provide clarifiation, we're going to have to accept the fact that people have interpreted the statement at least two different ways:

1) Its "The Year" in which laptop sales become a big % of total sales, if for no other reason than the desktop MHz/GHz lagging was so bad that it wasn't worth buying a desktop...


2) Its "The Year" because so many awesome new laptop designs and features are (to be) released that blows everyone away, which means that they're obviously worth buying on their own merit...

Hope you can see what I mean by both statements. And with the release of the 12" and 17" PB, interpretation #2 did seem viable...for awhile.

FWIW, I almost bought a 12"PB because of disappointment on the PowerMac end of the desktops (ed, interpretation #1), even though it was a pretty neat product (interpretation #2): IMO, both factors have probably played strongly into a lot of buyer's final decisions.

Now while Apple has expanded their laptop product line from 3 to 5 platforms with the 12" and 17" PB's, it makes you want to go dig up the data to find out what % of total laptop sales they represent. Afterall, the rest of the line is pretty uninspiringly Vanilla:

12.1" iBook design: introduced 2.3 years ago
14" iBook design: introduced 1.5 years ago
15" TiBook design: introduced 2.5 years ago,

Granted, they've gotten speedbumps and the like along the way, but the biggest update was probably TiBook's Superdrive. Not only was this anticipated, it's also now 0.8 year old, old news.



macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2003
I find myself in anxious agreement with everyone else; PB’s and others need updates, speedbumps, and pedicures/makeovers. If for no other reason then to keep the few of us who care happy and sane. There doesn’t seem to be many who disagree. How and when these modifications occur is another point.

In regards to all that is said, our signal to noise ratio seems wonderfully low. Words flow on these pages and others ad nauseum. Predictions are pushed into our consciousness rather quickly and then forgotten. Before stopping to quantify who got what wrong and by how much, the focus moves on to the next event, for which the predictions vary. The only noticeable aftereffect of all the erroneous predictions is the disinterest of those who’ve already witnessed this process, which leads them to say things like “but i honestly don't care anymore.” But if you really didn’t care why would you keep reading and why would you post to state as much?

Often what is said includes things already predicted, but repackaged as they didn’t happen the last time? As you all know better then me there are also fanciful new predictions. In terms of the latter, however, they must not be too fantastic. It must seem within a threshold of possibility. For example, as yet nobody has stated that apple will release a 500 gig ipod, for that we have to wait.

In the end, however, what we are asking for is them to increase the frequency of the step function they use to keep us coming back to the trough, with all our Benjamins in hand. Also, we don’t want them to be slow in bringing more. Yet, should we really want this? Do we want the half-life of hardware and software to further dwindle from a year, perhaps, to two months, and then to two weeks or a day? If it did would we then be dissatisfied and asking for more? Why not instead say that we want PB’s with unquestioned technological supremacy and yet for this supremacy to last longer, such that they wouldn’t need frequent updates?


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by jhedges3
I find myself in anxious agreement with everyone else; PB’s and others need updates, speedbumps, and pedicures/makeovers. If for no other reason then to keep the few of us who care happy and sane. There doesn’t seem to be many who disagree. How and when these modifications occur is another point.

In regards to all that is said, our signal to noise ratio seems wonderfully low. Words flow on these pages and others ad nauseum. Predictions are pushed into our consciousness rather quickly and then forgotten. Before stopping to quantify who got what wrong and by how much, the focus moves on to the next event, for which the predictions vary. The only noticeable aftereffect of all the erroneous predictions is the disinterest of those who’ve already witnessed this process, which leads them to say things like “but i honestly don't care anymore.” But if you really didn’t care why would you keep reading and why would you post to state as much?

Often what is said includes things already predicted, but repackaged as they didn’t happen the last time? As you all know better then me there are also fanciful new predictions. In terms of the latter, however, they must not be too fantastic. It must seem within a threshold of possibility. For example, as yet nobody has stated that apple will release a 500 gig ipod, for that we have to wait.

In the end, however, what we are asking for is them to increase the frequency of the step function they use to keep us coming back to the trough, with all our Benjamins in hand. Also, we don’t want them to be slow in bringing more. Yet, should we really want this? Do we want the half-life of hardware and software to further dwindle from a year, perhaps, to two months, and then to two weeks or a day? If it did would we then be dissatisfied and asking for more? Why not instead say that we want PB’s with unquestioned technological supremacy and yet for this supremacy to last longer, such that they wouldn’t need frequent updates?

The more I read this the more lost I got... =O


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by jhedges3
Your getting lost is my fault or yours?

I just think you could have summed it up in like 2 sentences. Dont take it personal its just a joke.


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2003
I'm not taking it personally, actually I agree with you to some extent. It does seem rather prolix, vague, and convoluted. Yet, if you can sum up what I said in two sentences then I'd be interested to know what you'd say in those sentences.
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