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macrumors newbie
May 21, 2021
Apple is getting absolutely dog walked by the EU. It’s really embarrassing. They shouldn’t have put themselves in this position to be humiliated like this.

I’m all for sideloading frankly but I really wanted Apple to do it willingly. Not be dragged kicking and screaming in this undignified way where they look like the bad guys.
In what position? You mean doing all they can to increase the value of the company for their shareholders? It's a publicly traded company, not a charity. I couldn't care less about the outcome of the DMA on Apple and it's services, it make little difference to me. Who cares how they are brought to hell. Again, it's a company, not a person, and you shouldn't judge it as such. Also, please don't invoke the name of St. Steve Jobs, he was a ruthless businessman.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
I really despise Tim Sweeny & Epic. They want all the benefits of iOS/iPadOS without paying for it. Apple should tell the EU & Epic to go pound sand and that Fortnite will never be allowed back on Apple's platforms.
So do you also despise Cook and Apple for hiding money in Ireland and depriving the EU of taxes for 10 years to the tune of about 13b pounds? Or when Apple uses rules to their advantage is a-ok but when Epic uses them it’s just despicable?


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2009
Except it's not giving users any choice. It's forcing users to use third party app stores that are less secure. To install apps they want. For example there is already one app that is available elsewhere in the regular App Store and in the EU in a third party one.
That's not true. Consumers in the EU absolutely have a choice now. In this case, it might not be a good choice, but it's still a choice. Outside of the EU, where only Apple's rules count, consumers have zero choice because there is no way to play Fortnite on your iPhone or iPad, which won't change anytime soon.

And what mysterious App are you talking about?


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
So do you also despise Cook and Apple for hiding money in Ireland and depriving the EU of taxes for 10 years to the tune of about 13b pounds? Or when Apple uses rules to their advantage is a-ok but when Epic uses them it’s just despicable?
Apple haven’t been hiding money in Ireland. What B.S. They have been using their tax laws to their benefit. Thats not hiding, that’s smart. The difference here, is Epic are having the rules changed and a big sook, whereas Apple have properly being using the rules/laws that are already in place. Another example of fake rage or not knowing the difference between being smart and being a baby.


macrumors member
Nov 20, 2023
Congratulations EU friends. You now get the CHOICE to put what software you want on favorite tech devices you own...

> Launches Microsoft Excel
> Microsoft popup: "We've migrated to the Microsoft Store! Please download the Microsoft Store to continue using Microsoft Excel"
> Closes, launches Google Sheets
> Google popup: "We've migrated to the Google Play Store on iOS! Please download the Play Store to continue using Google Sheets"
> Closes, moves to USA

wow what a CHOICE


macrumors 6502
Nov 20, 2023
Why am I not surprised to see so many triggered responses when there's an article about Epic or Tim Sweeney. It's like a Pavlovian response. 🤣 Amazing to see so many people against alternative app stores.

I can’t wait until a relative comes to me with a crap infested phone after installing an alternative App Store they were told to install by some influencer somewhere on TikTok or YouTube. That’s the default state on windows and android amongst family.

Literally I just spent the entire day yesterday unscrewing a deceased relative’s iMac which is in the same hellscape. The only saving grace was his iOS device wasn’t crawling with it so I could get in and deal with the stuff there first.


macrumors member
Nov 20, 2023
amazing to see supporters of alternate app stores blinded by the illusion of zero downsides of alternate app stores.

enjoy all of your apps leaving the App Store and being forced to download trashy malware infested alt app stores.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2012
Idk what you’re even talking about. This is capitalism 101. Companies have a duty to their shareholders. Any attitudes toward consumers are only to serve that purpose. A company that says it’s “pro-consumer” only does so because saying they are pro-consumer is good for business.

It’s true for Apple, Epic, and everyone else. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Apple will milk the fees as long as possible, just like Epic, Spotify, and any other company that can afford strong legal teams will seek to pay as little as possible. Each will blame the other.

There are no good guys here.
All business must have a purpose, without it they will fail.

If their only purpose is to make money, they will fail.

Apple’s is to make the best consumer tech experience it can. It does it well and as a result it generates profits.

Epic’s is to produce the most immersive RPG experience for 10 year olds that it can. It does this well and makes profit.

Profit is only a by product of having good purpose and the ability to deliver.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2006
Leeds, UK
Hmm.. Thinking about it for developers.. if this gives a store that makes actually *selling* games, for actual money, more feasible without the endless complaints from kids because they expect mobile games to be "free" .. I'm not entirely against it.


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2008
Tims business model is dust. The board should fire Tim and move into another direction.
In the near future Apple could loose its gatekeeper status when no one in the world cares about Apple that tries to survive by charging everyone an insane amount of money.

Everyone who writes Software owes Apple a huge amount of cash, even if this software is the reason why people buy an iPhone.

And everyone who buys a mac or iPhone owes Apple a ton of money if this device should have a reasonable amount of RAM.



macrumors regular
Jul 11, 2018
In this discussion nobody mention the other problem with apple. Restrict app by a country.
I am sitting in Central America and want to install app for my Jura coffee mashing. But since its EU brand it is not available here. Another example I want to see nhl score using apple sport app, again it is not available under Latino App Store. And he list go on. I understand that apple must follow the country rules and regulation, but none of Latino country prohibits sport app or app for some electronic that not available here. It is pure apple genuine to decide not to allow some app


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2020
> Launches Microsoft Excel
> Microsoft popup: "We've migrated to the Microsoft Store! Please download the Microsoft Store to continue using Microsoft Excel"
> Closes, launches Google Sheets
> Google popup: "We've migrated to the Google Play Store on iOS! Please download the Play Store to continue using Google Sheets"
> Closes, moves to USA

wow what a CHOICE
That's exactly what I am VERY concerned about.

Apple will have to lower their fees + allow apps to use external payment but keep proposing ApplePay. This would make everybody happy.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
In this discussion nobody mention the other problem with apple. Restrict app by a country.
I am sitting in Central America and want to install app for my Jura coffee mashing. But since its EU brand it is not available here. Another example I want to see nhl score using apple sport app, again it is not available under Latino App Store. And he list go on. I understand that apple must follow the country rules and regulation, but none of Latino country prohibits sport app or app for some electronic that not available here. It is pure apple genuine to decide not to allow some app

While I'm not familiar with the specific apps you mention, this is common the world over due to licensing of copyrighted materials. Got Netflix on your laptop? Watch all you want in your home country. Go to the next country over or Norway or Japan and you won't see the same movies, because licensing is different for that country. It's not Apple stopping you, it's the apps themselves, and the licensing they have for the location you're in.


macrumors regular
Jul 11, 2018
While I'm not familiar with the specific apps you mention, this is common the world over due to licensing of copyrighted materials. Got Netflix on your laptop? Watch all you want in your home country. Go to the next country over or Norway or Japan and you won't see the same movies, because licensing is different for that country. It's not Apple stopping you, it's the apps themselves, and the licensing they have for the location you're in.
I am not talking about copywrited material. Apple restrict himself to show game score outside of USA using their sport app? i have never herd that score suddenly become copyrighted material, where I can simple got to web and check it. I am talking about some very specific apps. as for example with Jura coffee mashing if I have android I can go to their site and simple download apk file and that it..
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