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macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2001
iCall - !!!!! 3G/GPRS/Colour display/X-network... shipping now!

...and then i woke up - come on Steve!!!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
Web server has to be WebDAV enabled.. can't post over plain ol http


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
You cant upload 2 different calenders (the different color things) onto one website? wtf is up with that?


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
It is sort of pointless, but Im sure there are some people that can find a use for it. I have it on my computer but I dont think I will use it more then 5 times throughout my entire life :D. I want iSurf....


macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2001
sync w/entourage

it gives you the option to import entourage data, but when i do that it seems to freeze indefinately.... maybe it takes a long time??? has anyone done this?


macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by BongHits
wow it looks like ical is entirely useless to you guys...i know there's a 99% chance i'll never even touch ical.

Oh, its very useful - I'll just have to write some code to turn the .ics files on my webserver into viewable HTML, and thats just to look at my calendars when I'm not at home on the Mac.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
As with any Calendering program

You actually have to be busy or have a desire to be organized to use it.

Those who think Calendars are useless may think differently once you have children, bills and a myriad of other things going on in your life.

Just my $.02


macrumors 68020
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
I'm just a high school student and I love this application. Finally, I can make sure if I am free at a certain time using my iPod (which I carry around anyway).

Although, there do seem to be some bugs that still need to be ironed out and it could be a lot faster. Oh well, atleast I might finally get my life in order. :eek: :eek: :eek:



macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
Re: As with any Calendering program

Originally posted by nuckinfutz
You actually have to be busy or have a desire to be organized to use it.

Those who think Calendars are useless may think differently once you have children, bills and a myriad of other things going on in your life.

on my handspring visor, using DateBook+, there's a view that shows the whole year. it marks each day something is scheduled. on mine, through the end of september, i have fewer than 30 days NOT marked.

i'm self-employed and couldn't manage my time w/o one.

...regarding iCal/iSync, i'll be impressed when i can hit the Sync button on the visor cradle and have all my info correctly d/loaded into the iApps...

...i've already gone through the headache of MANUALLY transferring all my Newton data into Palm Desktop...


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2002
what are the odds...

of me ever using an application that takes like three seconds when switching from week-view to month-view on a Ti 550?

slim to none... :(


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2002
Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by pinapplex
of me ever using an application that takes like three seconds when switching from week-view to month-view on a Ti 550?

slim to none... :(

You've got a different problem, it takes me almost no time (under two seconds) to switch on my Pismo 400.

Outside that, I have a great use for this calander, especially the web publishing. I too need some code to converst ics, but that will come. MY crap is so convuluted between work and home, I can really use it. My palm works great with entourage and of course Palm Desktop on the Mac. I finally got the guys at work to allow me to use Palm desktop on our crappy PCs. My belief is that iSync is going to save me some headaches and allow only two syncs a day, which is better than the three or four I have now, and that doesn't include a web calender.


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2002
I will give Final Cut Pro two seconds to switch to "Edit To Tape" mode, but not a calender application to switch views. I don´t mean to be unreasonably demanding, but I almost go back to OS 9 every day because it is soooo much more snappy and "there" than OS X.

10.2 helped a bit, but it is way far from good enough... And the sad fact that my little brothers PC runs on a 533 mhz system bus, while the coolest Mac is at 167 mhz gives me a bad stomach feeling... I love my Mac, but I need performance, not laggy iAppz...


Moderator emeritus
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
Originally posted by pinapplex
I will give Final Cut Pro two seconds to switch to "Edit To Tape" mode, but not a calender application to switch views. I don´t mean to be unreasonably demanding, but I almost go back to OS 9 every day because it is soooo much more snappy and "there" than OS X.

10.2 helped a bit, but it is way far from good enough... And the sad fact that my little brothers PC runs on a 533 mhz system bus, while the coolest Mac is at 167 mhz gives me a bad stomach feeling... I love my Mac, but I need performance, not laggy iAppz...

problem isnt with osx or with ical, and someone already told you that so quit your whining. switching modes or views on my g3 powerbook 333mhz is instant.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2002
Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by pinapplex
...takes like three seconds when switching from week-view to month-view on a Ti 550?
on my Ti 550 it takes 3 seconds as well to change views.

It also changes the window size, very annoying!


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2002
Cupertino CA
iCal question

I am trying to put my school schedule on iCal, and I can seem to see anything past 7Pm. There are no sliders that make the screen bigger so I cannot see anything past 7pm. Some1 please help
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