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macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2002
Re: iCal question

Originally posted by ryme4reson
There are no sliders that make the screen bigger so I cannot see anything past 7pm. Some1 please help

Enable this in the preferences: set the start and end times to 0:00.


Moderator emeritus
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by backspinner

on my Ti 550 it takes 3 seconds as well to change views.

It also changes the window size, very annoying!

you guys have some very screwed up computers. have you been 'tinkering?' have you ever done any disk maitenance? sinc eit is 'very annoying' you should fix it instead of whining.


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon

problem isnt with osx or with ical, and someone already told you that so quit your whining. switching modes or views on my g3 powerbook 333mhz is instant.

Well, I missed it, but if you can tell me how to make my iCal snappy and fast, I´ll stop my whining immediately...


Moderator emeritus
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
well i dont know your computer but here are some guesses:

1) you havent fixed your privledges. (there is a bug in 10.2 such that after installation you must boot from the cd go to the disk utility and choose the repair privledges option)

2) you have 'tinkered' with your system by installing betaware, removing extensions, moving items in the library folder (including fonts), or some other 'tinker'

3) your system is in need of fsck -y (boot into single user mode by holding down command-s and after the command line is finished booting type fsck -y until it returns a disk appears ok was not modified. then type reboot.

4) you have not been allowing your computer to run its nightly maitenance scripts. your computer runs maitenance scripts every night at 3am... but if your machines is off or sleeping at 3am then these are not run. you can download cronathon or macjanitor to manually run these scripts.

5) your system is even more screwed up and you would benefit from runnning diskwarrior (commercial-ware @ v2.1.1 [at least for the next few weeks])

like i said i dont know your machine, but i can tell you from what you have mentioned that something is not working as it should be and you should fix this rather than assuming there is something wrong with osx or ical. im not a big fan of v1.0 of any iapp but the problems you mentioned are not due to apple's tendancy to release poor v1.0 apps.

for more details on disk maitenance or disk maitenance software titles and links check my website. [go to the 'hints' section. there are also several thread here at MR where people have discussed these matters (use the search tool to find them) but these can be confusing since many people are not yet very familiar with osx and still have some very os9 thinking.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2002
Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
sinc eit is 'very annoying' you should fix it instead of whining.
Stop it! Never accuse somebody of whining when they just report some issues!

Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
1) you havent fixed your privledges
Well, I did a clean install of a professional operating system I bought and it didn't give me this option in the manual... so I guess _this_ is tinkering! But I will try it when I come home.

But aside from this all: isn't it curious that only owners of a Ti 550 report this problem?

Originally posted by pinapplex
That was good advice!
Did it work for you?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2002
OK, I did a priv repair (it is in the disk util app in the /Applications/Utilities folder). It found and repaired a lot of problems, but it didn't solve the delay in iCal for going from week to month view. Any other suggestions? I already did MacJanitor.


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by backspinner
Stop it! Never accuse somebody of whining when they just report some issues!

Well, I did a clean install of a professional operating system I bought and it didn't give me this option in the manual... so I guess _this_ is tinkering! But I will try it when I come home.

But aside from this all: isn't it curious that only owners of a Ti 550 report this problem?

Did it work for you?

Nope. I have done a DiskWarrior session, MacJanitor, and the "fsck -y" thing, and iCal still jumps 15 to 18 times in the dock at launch, and is a true pain to use... iCal doesn´t really matter too much to me, but it is annoying to not have a good working computer...


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by backspinner
Maybe it is Airport or some network issue?

Turned off the Airport with no different results...


macrumors G4
Jun 29, 2002
Republic of Ukistan

This calendar thing is REALLY slow! I've tried it on several different Macs, and it's clunky as hell. it's ugly, it's slow, and there's practically nothing in the Preference panel to choose. The window resizing is especially jerky.
Frankly, I think it's a really poorly designed piece of software. When you hover the mouse over an event, you should be able to see the whole event, like in Messenger when you hover over a message Header. And the colours are terrible.


macrumors member
Jul 22, 2002
Bronx, NY
i use ical

i'm a student, and i use ical all the time to orginize my asighnments, now, i don't no wat i would do without it, and, i can take my calanders with me on my ipod, and my palm m505.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
Originally posted by pinapplex
I will give Final Cut Pro two seconds to switch to "Edit To Tape" mode, but not a calender application to switch views. I don´t mean to be unreasonably demanding, but I almost go back to OS 9 every day because it is soooo much more snappy and "there" than OS X.

10.2 helped a bit, but it is way far from good enough... And the sad fact that my little brothers PC runs on a 533 mhz system bus, while the coolest Mac is at 167 mhz gives me a bad stomach feeling... I love my Mac, but I need performance, not laggy iAppz...

Ok... how about checking about 5 or six emails while WAITING for FCP to boot? How about launching PS and FCP at the same time while opening a web page while checking an emial?

OSX may not be as "snappy" but I think if you really clocked it you'd find things are not as far off as you think. The true time savings is in the stability and multi-tasking. Hell, while you're rendering for an hour in FCP you can swap out to check your mail or surf. Maybe do a little photoshop graphics for your client.

I can't touch OS9 anymore. And when I do, it does feel kind of nifty for a few hours, until it freezes and loses a few hours of work.

BTW - 10.2 actually launches classic faster than booting in OS9. Seems to run the apps faster than if you had booted in OS9. Now only if scanners and other hardware worked thru classic. My guess is apple will address all the "classic" hardware issues and then dump the ability to boot in OS9 with the next line of macs.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by pinapplex

Nope. I have done a DiskWarrior session, MacJanitor, and the "fsck -y" thing, and iCal still jumps 15 to 18 times in the dock at launch, and is a true pain to use... iCal doesn´t really matter too much to me, but it is annoying to not have a good working computer...

I've counted up to 33 jumps. Usually at least 22. My computer passes all tests. It's a 400mhz PB G4 running jag. I deleted the entire hard drive and installed jaguar. iCal is the first software I've installed except my palm desktop - which runs great, looks more like apple software than apple software, etc.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by bretm

I've counted up to 33 jumps. Usually at least 22. My computer passes all tests. It's a 400mhz PB G4 running jag. I deleted the entire hard drive and installed jaguar. iCal is the first software I've installed except my palm desktop - which runs great, looks more like apple software than apple software, etc.

After installing 10.2.1 - it's onlly 6 jumps. Way to go apple. My guess is the real update in 10.2.1 was the priv fix.

And since next to nobody leaves their computer on at 3am NOT in sleep mode, I'm going to hunt down that oreilley link to a tutorial on how to dhange that time...

can't we run fsck -y in the terminal window?


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: what are the odds...

Originally posted by bretm
can't we run fsck -y in the terminal window?

Nope. Just like Disk First Aid in OS 9, the disk can't be mounted when you run those diagnostics. Booting into single user mode is the only way to do it on your boot drive.
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