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macrumors member
Sep 23, 2021
All the standalone applications should be on AppStore and updated regularly without needing a major OS upgrade to gain new features. I mean am I being naive or is it not rocket science…
I agree apps like Mail, Maps, Notes, etc. should get weekly fixes and updates through out the year.
I have a suspicion it might be to prevent people from reading lines of code and seeing potential updates coming in the future iterations of software.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2022
How do you even "overhaul" Mail? We're talking about an app that's stayed largely the same since the early days of iOS, and the only really noteworthy change was when it got a visual update moving from iOS 6 to iOS 7 over a decade ago.

I really hope they don't turn it into a buggy, bloated, over-engineered mess... I already have Outlook on my iPhone for that. 🙃


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2020
Buffalo, NY
All the standalone applications should be on AppStore and updated regularly without needing a major OS upgrade to gain new features. I mean am I being naive or is it not rocket science…
First off I agree with you, but I doubt it will ever happen considering that most of the new features for the annual OS updates are from the standalone apps. Which is a shame because all of Apple's major OS's could stand a good sprucing up/optimization/bug fix update a la Snow Leopard.

Nosmo King

macrumors member
Feb 9, 2021
In another matter regarding Apple Maps, could Apple, please, sort out the orientation at the start of the journey, especially when you’re driving. It doesn’t know the front from behind and only when you start driving often when it’s already too late, will it find its orientation.
He would think that $1 trillion company could do better.


macrumors 68030
Jul 20, 2001
Mail does not need overhaul, it needs bug fixes. Please, please, please fix the bugs like rules not being executed reliably, messages in threads not loading, etc.
And the thing where if you multi-select messages and flag them as gray that it’ll flag them as orange. How this one has stuck around for so long is mind boggling. (Edit: My bad; this is just on Desktop Mail.)
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macrumors 6502
Nov 20, 2023
Mathematician here.

Some of us have bits of screwed up paper all over the carpet.

Some of us even use Goodnotes.

Some of us use LaTeX.

Some sickos use Word.

NONE of us use Notes for mathematics and probably never will even if they improve it.


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
When will they just call it iOS.... just iOS (2024, 2025)

Because its just sounding stupid at this point.

Some nice new features... but if someone buys a tablet.. they will likely spend more time watching YouTube and streaming video than using AI on the device.

Only if the iPads gain a Samsung DEX like environment would it be a game changer. Improving battery life instead of making it thinner...


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Mine struggles as well, what would you like to see new in the app though?
Just the ability to send all the originals (without the database around it) to an external backup without crashing would be a nice start.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017
Great. So not one of the biggest update in iOS history like Gurman had made up previously.

Gurman the chancer strikes again.

Instead we’re getting maths in notes, calculator in iPad and you can place icons in any space which Android has had for 15+ years.


And they wonder why they’re failing in china.


macrumors 6502
Jul 13, 2010
Why doesn't Apple just focus on making things "Just Work" like they're supposed to these days?

Everything is flashy and new, until after a few weeks of use you begin to realize the shininess is riddled with bugs and broken features that Apple then (hopefully) releases patch-work updates to fix.

Good ol' Timmy, focusing on profit and pure sales instead of quality and reliability.


macrumors 603
Apr 2, 2008
New York.
I wish my Photos app looked like those shown in Apple’s presentations. Nearly organised albums, free of duplicates, full of occasions and smiling faces.

Instead it’s a mess of screenshots, memes, near-duplicates, odd one-off photos and videos and other junk.

Sure, I could clean it up manually but any help the app could give me beyond the wildly unpredictable “moments” feature would be greatly appreciated.
I have recently started to be more intentional and organized about my photos library.

I made a few folders within iCloud Drive / Files for memes and funny screenshots so that they’re separate from what I really want in my photo library.


macrumors member
Apr 19, 2015
Toronto, Ontario
All the standalone applications should be on AppStore and updated regularly without needing a major OS upgrade to gain new features. I mean am I being naive or is it not rocket science…
They do it on purpose to incentivize users to update for ACTUAL productivity features, not just “new emojis” and “customize your Lock Screen”
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