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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Siri has to be revamped to counter the rise of Cortana.

Maybe she can be more useful and intuitive in iOS 9 ?

What's the rise of Cortana? Aside from a few TV commercials and an occasional mention of it in an article here or there I certainly don't see much of a "rise" in relation to it.


macrumors regular
May 4, 2015
What's the rise of Cortana? Aside from a few TV commercials and an occasional mention of it in an article here or there I certainly don't see much of a "rise" in relation to it.

There is the fact Cortana will be on Windows 10 deskops, plus iOS and Android.


macrumors regular
Oct 29, 2012
United Kingdom
I guess it would look something similar to this (excuse the bad image editing skills, i don't know much and only did this on Keynote)



macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
Because there clearly weren't any performance and stability issues with iOS 7 and 8, right?

Nope. 7.1 was the most stable and best iOS. Do your research, because that's a FACT! Don't argue with me because you obviously know nothing about anything.

:D kidding, kidding... just had some coffee.


macrumors 601
May 19, 2011
I have an ipad 1 with iOS 5 on it. It's the slowest device I've ever used. I've used a 4s with iOS 8 on it and it was a lot nicer to use. Same with an ipad 2 with iOS 8.

There are issues yeah, but none that are new to the industry. When you try to put new software on aging hardware things are going to slow down, that's just the way it goes.

FWIW I still use my ipad 1 too.

Why would anyone still own an original iPad? That must be awful. Of course your outdated hardware is not gonna be fully supported by the latest software (which requires better hardware at its core). That's just how technology works.


macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
I guess it would look something similar to this (excuse the bad image editing skills, i don't know much and only did this on Keynote)


Remember in Super Castlevania IV on SNES in the first (?) stage of Dracula's castle where there were those color blobs moving at 45 degree angles bouncing off the edge of the screen?



macrumors 68000
Feb 4, 2011
Why would anyone still own an original iPad? That must be awful. Of course your outdated hardware is not gonna be fully supported by the latest software (which requires better hardware at its core). That's just how technology works.

Why would anyone still own an original iPhone? Because it works or they are collectors. Is it good? Not really, but it works.


Mar 26, 2008
it really needs multi language support. i cant reply to messages to my english friends cuz it always tries to guess german words. annoying


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
What's the rise of Cortana? Aside from a few TV commercials and an occasional mention of it in an article here or there I certainly don't see much of a "rise" in relation to it.

Have you used Cortana? It runs rings around Siri.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
Whether or not it might be better doesn't necessarily correlate to its rise (or lack of) so far.

That has more to do with it being on WP but if it goes to android and iOS then it will. I find it better than goggle voice which itself is better than Siri.


macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2012
It would make sense - to keep in line with the Apple watch. I wonder what else they will bring over


macrumors 68020
Sep 27, 2013
I wonder if the next iPhone will use an OLED display and then have iOS revamped to have more dark-space like the Apple Watch to use less battery.

Knowing Apple, they'd reduce the battery capacity and make the phone thinner :p


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
do u run every single program u have installed on ur computer at the same time in the background? probably not, why? cause u know what itll do, yet on a ~*~ apple idevice ~*~ everyones free to do such things then scream its apples fault, right. or be using a budget $30 low end router to cover a giant mansion of a house &/or a network thats got tons of devices, dozens sometimes, apple's fault for "buggy wifi"? the wifi bugs of from initial ios 8 were fixed long ago, before im quoted on that, theres still those complaining of wifi issues on ios 7, 6, 5..all of them?

sigh? every single damn ios update is "buggy crap update", then they praise it the next year, look at ios 7. hated and all now its praised upon, ios 6 was hated for being "another ios 5 but buggier & slower", it was praised upon when ios 7 was current..this is an infinite self sustaining loop that will never stop. why? society, most are sheep, this isnt isnt counting pure trolls. no one wants to "stick out" & state how sad any given situation is, or that they along with their entire family & 51 generations, all have no problems at all. its just that 20% of users that are screaming too.

this is like the, "safari is snappier" thing, & "hows the battery life" 4 minutes after a new ios update

When I turn on my computer every single program isn't running in the background by default like Background App Refresh apps do.

Your witness.....


macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2013
Mcallen Tx
ios8 has been nothing but a mess since release. Its basically all betas for ios9. When they finally get a working version we are back to square one with a new ios introduction.

Should have kept that forstall guy or whatever his name was


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2014
Is there any chance of the redesign to include offline use? I really wish I didn't have to be connected to the Internet to set reminders or alarms or search contacts on my phone.


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
I have an ipad 1 with iOS 5 on it. It's the slowest device I've ever used. I've used a 4s with iOS 8 on it and it was a lot nicer to use. Same with an ipad 2 with iOS 8.

There are issues yeah, but none that are new to the industry. When you try to put new software on aging hardware things are going to slow down, that's just the way it goes.

FWIW I still use my ipad 1 too.

I expect some lag and slowness from older devices that are running the latest OS, but considering iOS 8 has lagging problems on my 6 Plus its inexcusable. People defending iOS 8 saying that it isn't buggy remind me of the people who were defending Vista at the beginning. I don't care how you spin it iOS 8 is the worst major update ever pushed to devices and it shouldn't have left the testing chambers until it was ready. Consumers though are expecting OS upgrades yearly though, so Apple had to rush things.

ios8 has been nothing but a mess since release. Its basically all betas for ios9. When they finally get a working version we are back to square one with a new ios introduction.

Should have kept that forstall guy or whatever his name was

I agree with the first part of your statement completely, however I do think getting rid of Forstall was a good call. Otherwise, iOS 7 and 8 would still look like iOS 6 and earlier.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
I expect some lag and slowness from older devices that are running the latest OS, but considering iOS 8 has lagging problems on my 6 Plus its inexcusable. People defending iOS 8 saying that it isn't buggy remind me of the people who were defending Vista at the beginning. I don't care how you spin it iOS 8 is the worst major update ever pushed to devices and it shouldn't have left the testing chambers until it was ready. Consumers though are expecting OS upgrades yearly though, so Apple had to rush things.

I agree with the first part of your statement completely, however I do think getting rid of Forstall was a good call. Otherwise, iOS 7 and 8 would still look like iOS 6 and earlier.

I agree completely. People can't get this through their head. Their mindset is "iOS 5 is super slow on iPad 1, and iOS 4 is super slow on iPhone 3G, I'd rather use iOS 8 on an iPad 2 or iPhone 4S. Because of that, iOS 8 is fine." iOS of any version will be slow on any old device, period. So just because iOS 5 was slow on iPad 1 doesn't make it acceptable for iOS 8 to be slow on an iPad Air for example. I'd expect an iPhone 4S to be slowed to a crawl at this point, it's 4 years old, and that's ancient in terms of mobile technology.

The problem with iOS 8 is that there are performance issues on the top-of-the-line, or one year old products from Apple. Any A5 device or A6 device absolutely FLEW on iOS 6, no observable issues. However, an iPad Air or iPad mini 2/3 aren't exactly slow at performing tasks, but they stutter and lag quite heavily in several locations in terms of UI.

Now, with the new iOS 7-8 UI, I'm neutral to it. It's definitely nice and fresh, which is great, I'm all for it. iOS 6 was stale as hell. It's just that some design areas look messy to me. Also, another huge thing about the new design is that it's very stuttery and buggy, especially on iPads. They also took "flatness" way too far. I think they got it right with OS X Yosemite. ***There are still drop shadows***, the home screen looks nasty and messy sometimes because of how there's no distinction between the wallpaper and icons. The dock is also a little abrupt, I think, and it covers a bit too much of the wallpaper in my honest opinion. Maybe the blurring on it shouldn't be so intense, let the wallpaper show through more? Anyway, the Yosemite icons are flat and clean, but not necessarily a sheet of paper. They have an almost convex look to them. The option to have a dark mode is also awesome as well because the whites with iOS 7/8 can make things look a little stale and did I mention blinding?

There are bits of each design (iOS 6 vs iOS 7/8) that I love and hate. I think the main thing that was appealing about iOS 6 was the silky smoothness and "stability" of the animations. Things didnt get thrown off occasionally, weird things didnt just 'happen', things didn't drop frames much, if at all. It felt consistent. Where with iOS 8, I'm surprised sometimes if leaving an app doesn't bring a dropped frame(s) on my iPad mini 2. Also, I think iOS 6 just had a beautiful homescreen. I'm not a fan of how the icons and wallpaper melt together with iOS 7/8 and make everything look like a hot busy mess. However with iOS 7/8, Apple freed themselves. It seems like it would be easier to add in new features with a flat design and make it look non-ridiculous than with a skeuomorphic design if that makes any sense. Just imagine an iOS 6 control center. Anyway, the flat design is good overall, but it just needs several tweaks and some cleanup to really become great.

It seems like iOS 9 may bring some of this cleanup, as hinted by this rumor (Dark mode please?!?!? :D). It could bring in little tweaks like how the headers and status bar looked different in iOS 6 that iOS 5 for example. In iOS 6 there was a smooth blue-gray gradient at the top in areas like settings and messages, not boxy, shiny, nasty bright gray (iOS 5 and earlier). Things were just generally cleaned up. I liked it. Would like to see some cleanup again. Anyway, I've been rambling way too long.


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
Now, with the new iOS 7-8 UI, I'm neutral to it. It's definitely nice and fresh, which is great, I'm all for it. iOS 6 was stale as hell. It's just that some design areas look messy to me. Also, another huge thing about the new design is that it's very stuttery and buggy, especially on iPads. They also took "flatness" way too far. I think they got it right with OS X Yosemite. ***There are still drop shadows***, the home screen looks nasty and messy sometimes because of how there's no distinction between the wallpaper and icons.

OMG someone who I can completely agree with on Apple's current design! iOS 7 and 8 took flat to an extreme. I just thought that any kind of UI refresh would be good back in 2013. There are still some things with Yosemite that drive me nuts, for instance some of the icons. There is no set icon type (and this has always bothered me about OS X). Some will be rectangles that are leaning (Reminders, Notes, Calendar) and others are round (App Store, iTunes, Safari). I get it would be hard to get 3rd party devs to cooperate but I just look at my dock and shake my head. I also don't want all the same shape icons like iOS but something that looks like they belong together. I think its really the leaning icons (Mail, Reminders, Pages, etc) that drive me nuts.

Other then some of the icons I think Yosemite is beautiful. Dark mode is definitely something I want in iOS.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
OMG someone who I can completely agree with on Apple's current design! iOS 7 and 8 took flat to an extreme. I just thought that any kind of UI refresh would be good back in 2013. There are still some things with Yosemite that drive me nuts, for instance some of the icons. There is no set icon type (and this has always bothered me about OS X). Some will be rectangles that are leaning (Reminders, Notes, Calendar) and others are round (App Store, iTunes, Safari). I get it would be hard to get 3rd party devs to cooperate but I just look at my dock and shake my head. I also don't want all the same shape icons like iOS but something that looks like they belong together. I think its really the leaning icons (Mail, Reminders, Pages, etc) that drive me nuts.

Other then some of the icons I think Yosemite is beautiful. Dark mode is definitely something I want in iOS.

Yeah I don't even own a Mac but I can agree, the icon uniformity is kinda bad. I do like the icons for the most part though, flat and simple, but not too flat and simple.


macrumors 68020
Sep 27, 2013
OMG someone who I can completely agree with on Apple's current design! iOS 7 and 8 took flat to an extreme. I just thought that any kind of UI refresh would be good back in 2013. There are still some things with Yosemite that drive me nuts, for instance some of the icons. There is no set icon type (and this has always bothered me about OS X). Some will be rectangles that are leaning (Reminders, Notes, Calendar) and others are round (App Store, iTunes, Safari). I get it would be hard to get 3rd party devs to cooperate but I just look at my dock and shake my head. I also don't want all the same shape icons like iOS but something that looks like they belong together. I think its really the leaning icons (Mail, Reminders, Pages, etc) that drive me nuts.

Other then some of the icons I think Yosemite is beautiful. Dark mode is definitely something I want in iOS.

There are actually 3 icon templates that all first party icons follow (and the majority of 3rd party icons as well.


Good read :)


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