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macrumors newbie
Jul 2, 2010
Do Not Fret!!!

Sometimes when I'm working at my laptop a tiny bright red spidery thing comes out of it. Just now I was typing and a thrip walked out of the miniscule gap between the lid and the hinge! :eek: I could swear it waved at me before it went back in.

Now where's that connection that says report this bug to Apple . . .

Hope they're not eating anything in there.

don't worry if their red, tiny, and live in your laptop they will die soon because their clover mites related to the spider and ticks but they don't harm animals or humans and hardly your computer. They eat plants so they won't eat a wire or a motherboard. Just wait maybe till winter and they will die off or leave!


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2010
Dude. Freezer? water? just seal the laptop in an airtight bag for a day. Bugs need air too. Why risk damaging the computer?


macrumors member
Jun 27, 2010
Northern Colorado


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2010
today i opened my macbook and an ant just hid under the keyboard :eek: . WTF i took a vacum cleaner and used it around the keyboard, the ports and the back and now i hope there wont be more.

Im affraid that if i kill them inside my macbook they will damage it because the ants do have some kind of acid in them, or am i wrong?


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2012
Put your hoover (vaccum) On the lowest setting possible, and slowly glide it over the top of your keyboard, making sure to go over it a couple times. This should suck the bugs right up! I had the same problem. Hope this helps:)


macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2011
Put your hoover (vaccum) On the lowest setting possible, and slowly glide it over the top of your keyboard, making sure to go over it a couple times. This should suck the bugs right up! I had the same problem. Hope this helps:)



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macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2010
This thread is the top Google search result for "clover mite laptop", lol. Anyway over the past few weeks I noticed a few of these crawling out of my 13" MBP's vents and today after seeing another one I was alarmed enough to look up what these things might be, and turns out they are probably clover mites. Seems like they like warm places which is why after getting into your residence they'll eventually find your laptop and other things...


macrumors 68030
Jun 10, 2010
What you might try is to purchase some of those "roach motel" type bug traps for the critters you have. Obviously get something for the type of bug. Then place your laptop near the bug trap. It might lure the bugs out of your laptop and into the trap. Bring the bugs out, don't put bug killer spray in.

Screw that. Put one of those bad boys in the optibay.


macrumors 65816
Oct 21, 2009
Among the starlings
don't worry if their red, tiny, and live in your laptop they will die soon because their clover mites related to the spider and ticks but they don't harm animals or humans and hardly your computer. They eat plants so they won't eat a wire or a motherboard. Just wait maybe till winter and they will die off or leave!

So that's what those little buggers are called? The ones that are such a bright orange-red they're almost fluorescent? They tend to hitchhike into our apartment (which is otherwise totally isolated from any insect life other than roaches) via newspaper deliveries. They're kinda cute.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2010
Luckily I have not had the little red spiders in my mbp. They are actually called Clover Mites. I do see them crawling around in my desktops 27" monitor every now and then. Very annoying. Luckily I haven't seen any in a while. On a good note they don't bite and do not have any diseases.

mac jones

macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2006
Laptops are ideal places for bugs. They love them. Nice and warm and dark, and mobile.
It would freak me out if they were to lay eggs in it, and then later all of a sudden hatch and stream out when I was watching a movie or something. This would scare me a bit.

I'm not going to worry about this as I have other problems.

I don't know :eek:
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