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macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2003
Page 2'd probably due to "lesser interest". I myself am interested, but I'm sure many will only be interested when the bugs are gone.

Presumably their is not much new to see.:eek:

edit: wrong smilie!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2003
San Francisco, CA
Originally posted by dho

IMHO It is very doubtful that their will be any changes besides bug fixes from here on out.:(
I'd say this is a good thing. The sooner it gets to the fine-tuning phase, the sooner it will be released :D


macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2003
New York
i like how its progressing. i don't like how i cant install it as a main system (i don't want to because its a beta.)
waiting untill GM:)


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
I am just waiting for Macrumors to report that the developer seednote now says, "this build is being considered for GM." That would be great?

One that note, what is the latest date that a OS can begin GM so that we could have a 10-3 release date? It must take about a week to produce the CDs and the boxes. No?


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2002
I'd say about 1-2 weeks after the build has turned GM..CD pressing in particular.

Boxes can be produced before the GM is selected.


macrumors 68040
Dec 29, 2001
According to a friend whos dad works for the design company in Englad who made the Logos and the box's and designs where done on August 14th. So it could be done in a week easy


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2003
Orlando, FL
If Apple were going to put out the release for early Oct, then they would need to be in the final candidate stage now, and would have to be selecting GM within the next two weeks. I do not know if either is true at this time.


macrumors member
Nov 23, 2002
Stop posting about seeds

Can sites please stop posting about seeds, as just as Think Secret reports, Apple has threatened the terminate the seed programme if any further seeds, or information regarding to seeds, is leaked.

I'd rather Apple maintains the seed programme, it's in all our interests. If it's cancelled, imagine that it will take twice as long for developers to certify their applications for the new versions of OS X as they'll have to buy it seperately (if at all), and at the same time as the rest of the public.

I think releasing information of this kind, does the public a real disservice. It's hardly life-or-death information, and really is there anyone who's life has changed because they know that, for example, the encryption algorithm has changed in FileVault (as reported by Think Secret)? Hardly.

The information contained in the seeds is under non-disclosure agreement, as such if released to the public, it is considered illegally obtained. There is no "duty" to release this information, except for the sensationalism that is rife on the Internet.

Please stop.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
Henryblackman, you raise a very valid point. I agree with your views on seeds; I would like to know about the release date of Panther and stuff like that, but not about EVERY SINGLE SEED that's released. I see it as overkill.


macrumors member
Nov 23, 2002
Originally posted by dricci
You two are aware that is this a rumor site, right? ;)

Yes, but if you read my post, you'll see why rumor sites shouldn't be posting details about stuff that is legally privileged.

At the end of the day, all Thinksecret is doing is driving people to it's website to increase it's advertising revenue. It's breaking the law, and may well be responsible for Apple withdrawing the seed programme - which I AND MANY OTHER DEVELOPERS PAY FOR. As an ADC member, I often hear about a seed on Thinksecret before Apple lets me know it's there.

Whatever Nick from Thinksecret says, his "multiple sources" are probably his own membership of ADC Select. The "news" is copy and pasted from the seed notes he likely gets... and let's face it, knowing about particular bugs in a particular seed isn't news to anyone. He isn't telling anyone anything they didn't already know from, except the minor details about how a dialog box will look. All he is doing is selfishly risking the seed programme to our developers who NEED it, and that gets right on my nerves.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by henryblackman
Yes, but if you read my post, you'll see why rumor sites shouldn't be posting details about stuff that is legally privileged.

At the end of the day, all Thinksecret is doing is driving people to it's website to increase it's advertising revenue. It's breaking the law, and may well be responsible for Apple withdrawing the seed programme - which I AND MANY OTHER DEVELOPERS PAY FOR. As an ADC member, I often hear about a seed on Thinksecret before Apple lets me know it's there.

Whatever Nick from Thinksecret says, his "multiple sources" are probably his own membership of ADC Select. The "news" is copy and pasted from the seed notes he likely gets... and let's face it, knowing about particular bugs in a particular seed isn't news to anyone. He isn't telling anyone anything they didn't already know from, except the minor details about how a dialog box will look. All he is doing is selfishly risking the seed programme to our developers who NEED it, and that gets right on my nerves.

i'm in the same boat as you - i agree.


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
Sure it may be illegal, but every one of us does something illegal every single day. And with given, who does this hurt? Think Secret reports that the latest builds include bug fixes! What? This is breaking news! :rolleyes:

I could see if a premiere tester had shown off Exposé in April, to me that would be very wrong. However, we all know most of the features of Panther, and the fact that people know about fixes to AFP servers does not upset Apple very much.

Although it is still wrong, I don't think it jeopardizes the seed program.

Nick dePlume

macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2003
Just so we're all clear on this, there's nothing illegal about any of Think Secret's reporting, including the Panther seed reports. No one at Think Secret has signed a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) or any other type of agreement with Apple; like any other story, our reports are based on information provided by sources. If we had signed an NDA with Apple, then posting this would represent a breach of contract; our policy is to not sign NDAs.

Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

-Nick dePlume
Publisher and Editor in Chief
Think Secret


macrumors member
Nov 23, 2002
Originally posted by Nick dePlume
Just so we're all clear on this, there's nothing illegal about any of Think Secret's reporting, including the Panther seed reports. No one at Think Secret has signed a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) or any other type of agreement with Apple; like any other story, our reports are based on information provided by sources. If we had signed an NDA with Apple, then posting this would represent a breach of contract; our policy is to not sign NDAs.

Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

-Nick dePlume
Publisher and Editor in Chief
Think Secret

Actually, you are incorrect, your action remains illegal because the information you are posting is illegally obtained.

At the end of the day, while I'm probably sounding zealot-like, if Apple withdraw the seed programme, Thinksecret will probably be a big cause.

Do us all a favour, just stop.


macrumors member
Nov 23, 2002
Originally posted by Freg3000

Although it is still wrong, I don't think it jeopardizes the seed program.

Except Apple have said they *will* withdraw the seed programme if these breaches of NDA continue.

So that's how it jeopardises the programme.

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Well that's debatable. Your publishing information disclosed by someone violating their legally binding commitment with Apple to not discuss anything they are in contact with. It may not be illegal, per say, but it is immoral and does indeed jeopardize the seed programs. Rumors sites already had the Safari seed program closed down because of these stupid leaks.

As for those concerned about the seed program, don't fret, this build hasn't been seeded to anyone other then developers. So because it's been leaked, it's a developer leaking it and not an Apple seed participant. At least the timing of the leaks show that it's not seeders leaking the info.

Nick dePlume

macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by henryblackman
Actually, you are incorrect, your action remains illegal because the information you are posting is illegally obtained.

All of Think Secret's newsgathering practices fall within the bounds of US media law, and we take great pains to ensure that they do. In short, nothing has been "illegally obtained."



macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
I don't believe that Apple will stop the seeding process completely because they need people to test the seeds. If anything they will add something in to the seeds to see which seeder they leaked from such as a PID or something like that.
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