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Jan 10, 2012
Uh maybe because I ask nicely in the conversation to stop insulting me or speaking down to me or verbally harassing me. But they don’t care.

So it’s just all on me huh? If I’m insulted or get harassed. Just ignore and continue to be a beating stick to someone. It goes both ways. Not sure why people are nitpicking this detail. If you insult me or my family I will NOT be nice. I don’t know why that is so controversial. In fact it has strained my relationships in the past where I didn’t stand up for someone.
Standing up for family is expected especially in a real world situation. I think the idea was more in a forum environment - a lot of people troll on purpose and hope for fuel to be added to the fire - they get off on it - so the best way to deal with them is just ignore them or move on. "Be the better person" works easier online. There are definitely cases in real world where that is not advised especially if you're being harassed - I think everyone would agree with that.


Oct 21, 2009
Standing up for family is expected especially in a real world situation. I think the idea was more in a forum environment - a lot of people troll on purpose and hope for fuel to be added to the fire - they get off on it - so the best way to deal with them is just ignore them or move on. "Be the better person" works easier online. There are definitely cases in real world where that is not advised especially if you're being harassed - I think everyone would agree with that.
Yes and I have had people follow me around both online (from posts to posts, topics to topics etc) and offline too. I have had people SEVERELY insult me online and offline. Even insulted my friends or girlfriends. Like I said, it caused some strained relationships that I was "too nice" or "didn't stand up enough" to the person. And I agree with that, I have been too nice in the past and let people walk all over me all day every day. So if you don't stop insulting me even if I ask you nicely to stop, and follow me around or keep doing it then I will no longer be nice.

Things have gotten far worse. People really like to interrupt you in today's world. I have had several conversations where people just love to POKE POKE POKE....."What have nothing to say?" Then I start speaking and OHHH GOT TO INTERRUPT. What, didn't want to finish what you were saying? YOU INTERRUPT ME EVERY TIME!

If you POKE POKE POKE POKE POKE me and keep doing it and doing it, I will get angry. No longer being too nice.

So I want people to be VERY NICE to me, which caused me to be TOO NICE which directly impacted some relationships in my life. As much as I want people to be very nice to me, sometimes there is a line.
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Apr 28, 2023
Brooklyn, NY
For me it's just more of a personal ego thing, so it's not even about being more "noble" or whatever. If I react to their trolling and act like them, I feel like they've won and I've lost. I'm playing their game on their terms.

On some forums, you can block someone and it eliminates them entirely, so with forums like that, I choose that option rather than going off on them, as much as I may want to. On this forum it's a bit different, but I know there's strict moderation here, so the best thing to do is report rather than act like the insulting person.

In other cases, especially in real life, sometimes going off on someone is absolutely called for. That is the only way certain people learn lessons. You have to speak their language to get through to them.


Oct 21, 2009
And I think MacRumors and other sites just show the general trend of the real-world too. As things have gotten worse in the real world too. And it is far worse there than online in most scenarios as it can be as easy as click-block online but if you get cornered in person that is different.

Another example I have had not too long ago. I opened a door for a women and she just went OFF THE RAILS yelling at me. Like....hey I will open the door for anyone, it's not just because you are X. I have been holding doors open since I was a kid. And NEVER have I had someone actually YELL at me. Sheesh! One little thing and I had to receive insane amount of yelling. It was quite embarrassing as people were around too.

I really don't know what happened to the world.

Belle Pomme

macrumors member
Aug 2, 2020
I've enjoyed MacRumors for many, many years mostly as a casual reader, a lurker I suppose; however, the past couple years or so and especially the past year alone, the negativity and attitudes here are not those of people interested in Apple at all, and reminds me very much of some of the most toxic social networks. What happened? Is this a reflection of the state of the world lately, has it been infiltrated by bots, is it trolling for clicks and arguments? It's just really bizarre to me.

If it's not spammers, bots, and trolls, if you are a real person regularly posting negativity and snarky remarks, why? I truly want to understand where you're coming from. Perhaps even more, why are you here? If you dislike Apple so much, and you have no interest in Apple products, developments and Mac rumors in general, if it all pisses you off and is just garbage, why are you here?

I suppose you might argue I've just done it myself, with my first post, but it's become so toxic lately that as much as I used to enjoy MacRumors, I find myself reluctant to visit and peruse, but I don't want to walk away just yet. Instead, I wanted to raise the question with hope of understanding and maybe, just maybe, seeing if others feel the same and maybe we can sway the community in some positive way to change because it just seems to get worse and worse, and I don't want to see it go the way of other social media platforms and forums.

It is the way of things generally, so I am afraid MacRumors will not be spared.


Jul 18, 2011
My general observation is that Apple has evolved and moved on with the times, while many people here haven’t. Hence, there is a fundamental misalignment between how people here seem to use their devices (which largely seems stuck in the 2010s Steve Jobs era) and how Apple envisions it (notice that their products are still fairly popular with the mass consumer market).

This sense of cognitive dissonance then manifests itself as the extreme negativity and toxicity you see in these forums. As a general rule of thumb, if you see Apple doing the opposite of what the naysayers here claim Apple ought to do, then you know Apple is on the right track.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
My general observation is that Apple has evolved and moved on with the times, while many people here haven’t. Hence, there is a fundamental misalignment between how people here seem to use their devices (which largely seems stuck in the 2010s Steve Jobs era) and how Apple envisions it (notice that their products are still fairly popular with the mass consumer market).

This sense of cognitive dissonance then manifests itself as the extreme negativity and toxicity you see in these forums. As a general rule of thumb, if you see Apple doing the opposite of what the naysayers here claim Apple ought to do, then you know Apple is on the right track.

Do you think the mass market use their iPhones anywhere near to their maximum potential though? The amount of conversations I have with people where you suggest their phone can do something and they hadn’t the foggiest idea beforehand is unreal. I know so many people who don’t use their phones beyond calling, texting, taking pictures and browsing social media. I think we’d all be surprised just how many are like that too, so this forum is probably a good representation for the types of users out there.

Apple always have their views on how we use our phones and those close to the company who are tech savvy and aware of all these cool features, may not be a reliable representation of those beyond the tech enthusiast circles.


macrumors 68020
Feb 25, 2011
My general observation is that Apple has evolved and moved on with the times, while many people here haven’t. Hence, there is a fundamental misalignment between how people here seem to use their devices (which largely seems stuck in the 2010s Steve Jobs era) and how Apple envisions it (notice that their products are still fairly popular with the mass consumer market).

This sense of cognitive dissonance then manifests itself as the extreme negativity and toxicity you see in these forums. As a general rule of thumb, if you see Apple doing the opposite of what the naysayers here claim Apple ought to do, then you know Apple is on the right track.
I think this is true. I keep expecting them to turn the iPad into an actual computer with proper file management. Steve Jobs‘s Apple would have likely done just that. Maybe even putting MacOS on the iPad Pro line.

Instead they give me nothing but a lock screen and an AR headset. I think I need to just give up on the iPad instead of expecting Apple to change LOL.
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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2017
Over here
Steve Jobs‘s Apple would have likely done just that.

I doubt that. Steve Jobs understood the control he had within the ecosystem when it comes to users. Just the same as I wouldn't believe for a second he would have allowed the Apple Watch to work without being linked to an iPhone. Two sales instead of one. He was smart, not stupid.

The iPad is a standalone Tablet device or a companion to another device. It will never have macOS. Well, not whilst they continue to make money from the iMac, Mac Mini, MBA, MBP, Studio and so on.

Maybe one day there will be an iPad with macOS, won't be any time soon.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
If there were to be a poll/vote on continuing to use the "reactions" system, my vote would be a resounding "NO!"
Even though I have responded to your post with a "like" emoji (to signal both that I "like" your post and that I "agree" with it), I think it better to emphasise this - given the topic of your post - with words, rather than/as well as, emojis.


macrumors 68020
Feb 25, 2011
I doubt that. Steve Jobs understood the control he had within the ecosystem when it comes to users. Just the same as I wouldn't believe for a second he would have allowed the Apple Watch to work without being linked to an iPhone. Two sales instead of one. He was smart, not stupid.

The iPad is a standalone Tablet device or a companion to another device. It will never have macOS. Well, not whilst they continue to make money from the iMac, Mac Mini, MBA, MBP, Studio and so on.

Maybe one day there will be an iPad with macOS, won't be any time soon.
He literally combined the iPod and a phone. The guy was famous for pushing boundaries--even if it meant cannibalizing his own products.
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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2017
Over here
He literally combined the iPod and a phone. The guy was famous for pushing boundaries--even if it meant cannibalizing his own products.

Yeah, that was a more natural product evolution that was going to happen regardless of the iPhone. Combining a phone with a camera and other functionality already existed and would have evolved that way of the iPhone without the iPhone. Adding music was just another step.

I don't see the iPad, or a tablet going that way or in fact, need to go that way any time soon too many trade-offs. We have seen that with the Surface Pro. The best effort yet but it's a reasonable laptop, not a great tablet.

Not saying it will never happen. I just don't think an iPad in its current form whilst powerful enough in terms of CPU/GPU has the battery to support running macOS for any reasonable length of time amongst many other things.
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macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2020
The Netherlands
So it’s just all on me huh?
It’s not all on you in the sense that it’s not on you that someone insults you. It’s all on you in the sense that you yourself are the key to your freedom from verbal insults. That freedom does not come from people behaving in accordance with our expectations, but from understanding the only instrument we have to recognize and experience life, which is our mind.

I don’t think it’s controversial when you are not nice when someone insults you or your family. But I do think that both deliberate insults and retaliation reflect a lack of understanding of the mind.

In one of your posts you write “I really don't know what happened to the world.” You may have encountered unpleasant behaviors recently that you hadn’t encountered before, for example, when you kindly opened a door for someone. But just because something is a “first-encounter” for you, doesn’t mean it has never happened to anyone else in the past. As far as behavior is concerned, I don’t think something is happening in the world nowadays that has not happened for many generations.

Understanding the mind doesn’t mean we’ll never dislike, disapprove or disagree anymore. It means we spontaneously grow to become steady, peaceful and harmonious, no matter what. The following is only meant as “food for thought” for everyone who’s interested; it’s not to judge, condemn or tell anyone what (not) to do. It may be of help wherever we meet others, offline or online.

Early animal-man didn’t know anything, because the mind had yet to evolve. He only made sounds, like animals did. What he knew, he only knew instinctively, like animals did and still do. As the mind evolved, certain sounds in the mind began to appear as thoughts, which was the birth of knowledge. Life had begun to allow man know life in the form of thoughts. Knowledge has been developing (evolving) spontaneously, uncontrollably and unpredictably ever since and will continue to be evolved by life, not by man, which means many things, one of them being that we (will) only know and understand what we are meant to know and understand in any given moment in time.

Modern man doesn’t live life as it is, because life has evolved the mind to expect life. This too means many things, one of them being that no one is without friction in his or her life. Our lives flow in such a way that discrepancies between recognition and expectation are inevitable.

Since it is life that has manifested the mind, life isn’t under control of the mind. One of many clues of that is the following. If an expectation isn’t met, a thought as an emotion, for example anger, of a certain intensity follows. But in our minds we’re made to believe we can control what we express. We can count to 10 instead of expressing the anger. But if that control were real, then why keep the expectation? I mean, if we would do away with the expectation, it would save us the trouble of controlling the anger, would it not? But no man chooses his expectations. We expect, whether we like it or not. Hence, we express or express not, whether we like it or not. Counting to 10 only proves we can count.

What man needs, I believe, is trust and patience, which he doesn’t have. Man is impatient and fearful. So, he’s always looking (forward) for (to) something in life, having his focus worriedly on how life should be. Patience will come the moment you understand that life is in life’s hands. Then you’ll begin to just look at life as it is. You’ve understood that life only happens in one way. Trust will grow to replace your worries and fears, allowing you to be at peace with yourself and with others, offline or online, come what may.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 25, 2011
Yeah, that was a more natural product evolution that was going to happen regardless of the iPhone. Combining a phone with a camera and other functionality already existed and would have evolved that way of the iPhone without the iPhone. Adding music was just another step.

I don't see the iPad, or a tablet going that way or in fact, need to go that way any time soon too many trade-offs. We have seen that with the Surface Pro. The best effort yet but it's a reasonable laptop, not a great tablet.

Not saying it will never happen. I just don't think an iPad in its current form whilst powerful enough in terms of CPU/GPU has the battery to support running macOS for any reasonable length of time amongst many other things.
If we are talking Apple today, then I completely agree. I am switching away from my M1 iPad Pro for a reason.


Jan 10, 2012
This is the biggest problem I have with downvoting. I've seen it used as retaliation. Granted, just happened to me once but it was enough for me not to like it. lol. So I never use it.

I would like a thoughtful response option and a disagree response option that doesn't harm the other user and invite retaliation.
Did Macrumors change how the disagree reaction used to negate the reaction score on news articles?

For example this post #2 has gotten some of the most downvotes I've ever seen on this site. However, their reaction score has gone up by the total number of downvotes.

I support this change because if I remember right, it used to -1.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 7.33.14 AM.png Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 7.35.15 AM.png

It seems to be working as intended where downvotes subtract from the total. Here is a test I just did on my account. Three downvotes dropped my total by three and cancelled out upvotes.


Jan 10, 2012
View attachment 2215654 View attachment 2215653

It seems to be working as intended where downvotes subtract from the total. Here is a test I just did on my account. Three downvotes dropped my total by three and cancelled out upvotes.

Yesterday, I watched this person go from 3772 to 4336 with all the downvotes. <shrug> I was happy with what I saw just fyi because I feel like downvoting shouldn't "punish" them, I don't think it should negate.

Weird. Math doesn't add up either right so 37xx to 4336 is something like 550+ reactions not 200. lol.

Meh weird.

I'm sure it's something on my side. What I get for not sleeping enough. :p

Happy Friday!


Jan 10, 2012
View attachment 2215654 View attachment 2215653

It seems to be working as intended where downvotes subtract from the total. Here is a test I just did on my account. Three downvotes dropped my total by three and cancelled out upvotes.
It's gotta be me, you're right. I just saw it go from 4336 to 4335.

Maybe a browser caching issue. (Aka me) lol

Doh, now I feel bad for disagreeing.
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Jan 10, 2012
That score on a post is used to place posts in the top rated section just below the article. So the downvotes deduct from the total used in that calculation so we get a true picture of what the top rated posts are.

View attachment 2215664
That makes sense when you think about it like that - the amount of likes/dislikes on that thread are quite fascinating, especially after participating in this thread. Thank you for the info.

I usually stay away from news articles so I don't get worked up and make more work for y'all. lol. But this one got me. Thankfully didn't say anything bad enough to bug anyone.


macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
The civil war in the Mac Pro section is one example.

We are told we shouldn’t be here.

Never seen so many people with the knives out for the 7,1 crowd. I guess I’ll just go back to reading the topics with useful information and not replying or posting anything.


macrumors 68000
May 27, 2013
The civil war in the Mac Pro section is one example.

We are told we shouldn’t be here.

Never seen so many people with the knives out for the 7,1 crowd. I guess I’ll just go back to reading the topics with useful information and not replying or posting anything.

Sounds like we needed a more hardcore mod there. An ounce of prevention…


macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
Sounds like we needed a more hardcore mod there. An ounce of prevention…

One other user suggested keeping the Apple Silicon Mac “pro” topics in a separate forum area away from the Intel Mac Pro topics. That would avoid the fights and stop the trolling crowding out worthwhile developments like new bootrom for the 5,1 and opencore.
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