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Apr 11, 2018
When I first saw the title of this thread I almost dismissed it as "the trolls must have really gotten to the OP" as I just haven't experienced much negativity here at MR, at least since the last great culling of troublemakers. Even here in S&FF we can get heated but most interactions are civil.

Fast forward to the last week or so and I'm changing my mind. I got crucified recently for... wait for it... not liking a game. Seriously, I made a snarky reply in a game thread and it didn't go well. This points back to my post here #56. People think they should only see positive posts about things they like. I guess I should have known better, never mess with gamers! 😂

The other thing I have noticed lately is the incivility in any Elon related thread. I have never seen so many people tripping over themselves in an effort to use the word "incel" repeatedly in the same post. :rolleyes: If you are not a fan, great, voice your opinion about the man himself, but labeling anyone who is a fan of Tesla or SpaceX, etc as an incel or fanboi is lowbrow keyboard warrior crap.


Oct 21, 2009
When I first saw the title of this thread I almost dismissed it as "the trolls must have really gotten to the OP" as I just haven't experienced much negativity here at MR, at least since the last great culling of troublemakers. Even here in S&FF we can get heated but most interactions are civil.

Fast forward to the last week or so and I'm changing my mind. I got crucified recently for... wait for it... not liking a game. Seriously, I made a snarky reply in a game thread and it didn't go well. This points back to my post here #56. People think they should only see positive posts about things they like. I guess I should have known better, never mess with gamers! 😂

The other thing I have noticed lately is the incivility in any Elon related thread. I have never seen so many people tripping over themselves in an effort to use the word "incel" repeatedly in the same post. :rolleyes: If you are not a fan, great, voice your opinion about the man himself, but labeling anyone who is a fan of Tesla or SpaceX, etc as an incel or fanboi is lowbrow keyboard warrior crap.
Gamers are horrible! I keep making the mistake of going in gaming on Mac threads. As a game developer and having a business degree, I think I’m able to speak on the other side of the fence. But I just get talked down to. Recently someone said if they invested in my business they would pull out just because I’m developing a game for windows instead of Mac? That I’m 100% wrong that I don’t have a bigger target audience with Windows than Max. That porting games is so easy I should just do it. Ugh whatever.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
When I first saw the title of this thread I almost dismissed it as "the trolls must have really gotten to the OP" as I just haven't experienced much negativity here at MR, at least since the last great culling of troublemakers. Even here in S&FF we can get heated but most interactions are civil.

Fast forward to the last week or so and I'm changing my mind. I got crucified recently for... wait for it... not liking a game. Seriously, I made a snarky reply in a game thread and it didn't go well. This points back to my post here #56. People think they should only see positive posts about things they like. I guess I should have known better, never mess with gamers! 😂

The other thing I have noticed lately is the incivility in any Elon related thread. I have never seen so many people tripping over themselves in an effort to use the word "incel" repeatedly in the same post. :rolleyes: If you are not a fan, great, voice your opinion about the man himself, but labeling anyone who is a fan of Tesla or SpaceX, etc as an incel or fanboi is lowbrow keyboard warrior crap.
What I find is a high correlation between how hyperbolic a post is and if a poster is/has received suspensions.

To be honest, some posters have no filter. I usually ignore the tone and try to focus on the post.


macrumors 68020
Oct 10, 2014
Tbh I actually find this forum the least toxic out of many I visit. It’s very negative yes which can be annoying at times.

Like if a new rumour is posted I might think “oh that’s cool, I might buy it if it happens” but instantly you’ll just get a tonne of moaning “who wants this? This is pointless, Solution in search of a problem etc”

Like all the negativity around the vision pro. Yeah it’s expensive but apple unveil a 7k Mac Pro and everyone goes crazy with positivity about it even though less than 1% probably even need one.

I find on the internet (and life in general) people want to feel like they belong so they tend to side with what seems like the majority instead of holding their own opinions even if they might not be the most popular.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
I'm so sorry for bringing this back up, but something else just happened tonight that I can't stand—the endless arguing and talking in circles between two forum members, and they just won't shut up, it's unbelievable! And it's not even remotely related to the thread topic. Not only does it completely derail the thread, but how do you bring the thread back to what it's supposed to be about after nearly a page of argument???
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macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
I'm so sorry for bringing this back up, but something else just happened tonight that I can't stand—the endless arguing and talking in circles between two forum members, and they just won't shut up, it's unbelievable! And it's not even remotely related to the thread topic. Not only does it completely derail the thread, but how do you bring the thread back to what it's supposed to be about after nearly a page of argument???
There are two things you can do.
1) Report the posts. It is against the forum rules and the moderators can take care of it.
2) Click on their name and ignore them. You'll no longer see their posts.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
I'm so sorry for bringing this back up, but something else just happened tonight that I can't stand—the endless arguing and talking in circles between two forum members, and they just won't shut up, it's unbelievable! And it's not even remotely related to the thread topic. Not only does it completely derail the thread, but how do you bring the thread back to what it's supposed to be about after nearly a page of argument???
Please do report this when you see it. Off-topic bickering is something we really try to remove from threads when we know about it, so the participants who want to keep discussing don't give up.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2010
I'll go against most of the grain here. I think the mix of 'nice comments' and 'snarky comments' is good. I like spicy discussions.

To me what's actually annoying is people who take a position on something that is factually flawed (Which I've been guilty of) but still dig in their heels after a completely compelling counter argument is made. When people do that, they will get some snark, and frankly, I think it's deserved.

It's our human nature in forums like this to not want to admit we are wrong. Knowing that, when I do feel like someone has pwned me in an arguemnt, I try to take a breath and (sometimes :)) admit I was wrong.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Without reading thru the comments here, my take is that it is just a reflection of our society - which is growing more hostile by the day.

It is easy to blame all sorts of things; but the Internet gives everyone a bullhorn - and its popularity has grown exponentially over the past 10 years.

The question is not HOW are we able to recover, but CAN we ever recover back to a more mannered time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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