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  1. Mouldytriangle

    Please help me choose between the Apple Watch 4, 5 and SE

    Hello ?? I am struggling deciding between the 4, 5 and SE. I’m not even considering the 6 due to its steep price point. After hours of google searches and YouTube videos - I am not even more confused as to which to purchase. I would really apprentice if you could explain the main differences...
  2. seatton

    Standing minute count

    Hi, I installed iOS 13 and WatchOS 6 recently. Does anybody know how the standing minutes are calculated? I have a standing desk and stand all day for the most part. Some days, I have much higher standing minutes. Anybody know if it does not count when I rest my hands on my desk while...
  3. MDF314159265

    Watch OS 5.1.3 and iMessaging

    Since updating to watchOS 5.1.3, my messages on the watch no longer send as iMessages. iPhone software is updated to latest iOS and watch and iPhone are connecting, but no iMessage functionality. Minor problem, but a problem. It’s broke. Anyone else experiencing this? Any idea how to fix...
  4. L

    Apple Watch 4 - tingeling sensation?

    Hi I bought a new Apple Watch 4 44mm back in october. I am really pleased with it want to use it as much as possible. However, about 3 weeks in to using it every day (not at night) i noticed that i developed some strange "tingeling" sensations in my legs, below the knees, and feet. I also feel...
  5. O

    Apple Watch - minimal dynamic custom backgrounds

    Hello Fellow watch users, I'm designing a library of wallpapers that would be color customizable with the crown on a future. I'm hoping to get like minded creatives to help develop this project with me. Check it out and let me know what you think.
  6. mikezmac

    It's good to be complicated, what's your favorite complication?

    Okay! So we have the next gen watch out and apps are hot once more... What apps have the best, most useful or worst complications? So far I like earth, moon, UV and AQI (cuz they looks cool core then anything) :p Missing email/phone/messages :( Sunrise / sunset :cool: Solar System seems...