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  1. M

    How do I deny connections with an IP range?

    Hello guys I would like to know how do I deny incoming and outgoing connections with an IP range? (for example - I want to perform this task directly into the OS without using any third party software like Little Snitch or DNS or router filtering.
  2. buckingham2015

    I have to constantly turn wifi off/on on my MBP or my connection stops responding

    Hey guys, so I just moved into a new house in November 2015. I've had MBP 15" Mid 2014 model since October 2014. I'm running El Capitan 10.11.3. I've never had an issue with its connectivity anywhere else, but since I got to this new house I've had nonstop problems. Essentially, I'll be...
  3. l0renz

    Unable to connect to AppleTV with one particular Mac

    Hi This evening I was trying to stream a movie with my MacBook Pro (non-retina, Mid 2012) on my AppleTV (3d Gen), like I did last week. The AirPlay and AppleTV show up in the menu bar but when I try to connect, a message is prompted: 'Unable to connect to 'Apple TV'. I restarted the computer...
  4. B

    Ethernet cable not being detected

    I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed on my iMac. Ethernet connection worked just fine, but from one day to another it just stopped working. I thought it would be a drivers problem or something related to Windows. However, when I switched back to OS X, I noticed the ethernet connection wasn't...
  5. baryon

    Constant connection problems with until I restart WiFi

    El Capitan 10.11.3, 15 inch Retina MacBook Pro (late 2013). I never had any issues with Mail until recently. I have the app constantly open on a separate space. 50% of the times I check it, it shows an exclamation mark in the sidebar, like this: I have a Gmail and iCloud account, and it...
  6. I

    Resolved [URGENT] I'm in a bad jam. (iPhone won't download/install things.)

    Hey guys, I'm in a bad jam. I really need some help, let me explain. > A long time ago. > iOS 8.2 comes out. > Jailbreaks iPhone 5s with Pangu and gets a bunch of tweaks. > Fast forward to last week. > Gets the tweak 'AppSync 3.1' and updates 'iAPCrazy' > Later tries to download app from the...