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  1. T

    Is this annoying Dock bug fixed?

    OS X El Capitan broke the Recent Items menu in the Dock. For example: Open a pdf or image in Preview. Right click the Preview icon in the Dock to access the Recent Items list. Is the file that is currently open in Preview available in the Recent Items list? In El Capitan and Sierra this list...
  2. M

    Mid 2015 MBP with 3 Monitors

    Hello everybody, I was hoping that someone can help me find what I am looking for. This is the current setup I have: 3 x 24" Dell monitors 1 is connected via HDMI to my MBP 2 are connected via DisplayPort to 2 Thunderbolt ports on my MBP I would like to find a Dock that can give me the same...
  3. H

    MBP to Dual External Monitors - 1 has horrible resolution

    On the new MBP Space Gray, and like to dock it under one monitor. Both are HDMI connections. One USB-C is an Apple dongle and the other is an Anker dongle. The problem is -- whenever I hook them up, only ONE monitor has the amazing resolution, and the other goes to potato quality. It doesn't...
  4. verdejt

    Charging Dock

    I'm looking for a charging dock for my wife's MacBook Air 13". I'm not interested in connecting anything to it while in the dock. I am just looking for something for my wife to set the laptop into to charge when she isn't using it. Thanks
  5. F

    Custom Dock

    Hi! I have 35 iMacs in a school. All have a local administrator account set up. The iMacs are now connected to the domain. They are sitting in an ICT lab, where different domain users will log in and out. I have created a custom dock on the local administrator accounts. I want all domain users...
  6. Sorenhornum

    Mac OS Sierra Dock Bug

    Has anyone else had this happen when they try to delete files directly from the downloads folder on the dock? Doesn't go away by itself you need to restart the Mac to remove it. | Im running 10.12.2 on the latest macbrook pro 15inch 460
  7. neek247

    Finder Icon Issue

    I was wondering if someone can tell me how to fix this issue with my finder icon, it has a green color around it; possibly removing and re-adding it? I dont know what happened, my computer locked itself out and then it looked like that; I would appreciate some help!
  8. N

    Intellihide the dock?

    Hello, I am coming to Mac OS after being a Linux user for the past 12 years. I so far love the polish of everything and how smooth and well integrated everything is. The one thing bugging me is that I can't figure out a way to make the dock intelligently hide when a window covers it. This has...
  9. Denoloco

    Dock colour won't change

    Hi guys I'm having this little problem where my dock colour won't go back to white. Of course I have tried in settings but nothing. I have also restarted the dock settings through terminal but it didn't help either. Any ideas? macOS Sierra 10.12.1
  10. carlsson

    Drag attachments to Mail stopped working in Sierra

    In earlier versions of the OS I could drag a file from Finder on top of the Mail icon, press space and Mail would open, and I could continue the dragging there. I could even create new mails, reply or whatever, still while holding the attachment with the mouse. The file was draggable as long as...
  11. RumorzGuy

    Change Dock Background Color and Indicator Lights

    In visiting the official Apple Support forums, as well as a number of other Apple related forums -- such as this one -- it becomes rather apparent that at the very least, for years now, thousands of users have been asking Apple to give them the ability to change the Dock background color, as...
  12. thisisdallas

    Delaying Dock Autohide?

    Is there a terminal command to delay the dock from hiding itself when "autohide dock" is enabled? I've got it set to appear instantly on mouseover, and I like that behavior, but I don't want it to disappear instantly when the mouse leaves the dock area. I created a quick gif, highlighting the...
  13. dashwin

    Dock - single click or double click to show/focus

    I've been noticing that I have had to double click on the Dock icon to switch to or show a full screen app instead of single clicking. From what I can remember, in El Cap, I just had to click once? In Sierra, the single click just brings up the menu if there are no open windows for that...
  14. RumorzGuy

    Make Almost Transparent Dock With No Haxies or Apps

    For those of you who desire a better looking Dock -- other than Apple's current abomination, that is -- and who want to do it "naturally" without relying upon any third party apps or haxies -- such as cDock -- you might consider doing the following: 1. Discover what your machine's default...
  15. RumorzGuy

    Almost Transparent Dock Without Apps or Haxies

    For those of you who desire a better looking Dock -- other than Apple's current abomination, that is -- and who want to do it "naturally" without relying upon any third party apps or haxies -- such as cDock -- you might consider doing the following: 1. Discover what your machine's default...
  16. RumorzGuy

    Trick to Add the "Suck" Animation to Your Dock

    This is nothing new, but maybe some of you haven't seen it before. 1. Launch the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: defaults write mineffect suck; killall Dock 3. Hit your "return" key. 4. If it asks you for your...
  17. RumorzGuy

    How to Change Color of App Status Indicator Light in Dock

    As I mentioned earlier, yesterday I abandoned Sierra and dropped back down to El Capitan, where I will remain until this old machine kicks the bucket. While I posted this message in the El Capitan section, I wanted to post it here as well, in the hope that some very smart person will help me to...
  18. RumorzGuy

    How to Change Indicator Light Color on El Capitan?

    As I mentioned in the macOS Sierra section, after encountering a number of different problems with using Sierra on my unsupported iMac, yesterday I dropped back down to El Capitan, where I will remain until this old machine kicks the bucket. There is one thing which I would like to...
  19. ces1596

    macOS Sierra: Dock/Apps Malfunctioning? HELP!

    Hello, I recently installed MacOS Sierra on a MacBook Pro that I have restored for my fiance (previously a friend's, was extremely water-damaged and corroded , running good as new now) and everything is running great. However, anytime I open Google Chrome or Firefox from my dock, instead of...
  20. N

    External 4K Display on rMBP 13" (Late 2013)

    Hi, I hope this is the right forum to post this - if not, please move it! I've just recently started working with my Macbook Pro (Retina, 13", Late 2013) on an external display. As I really enjoy it, I bought a Dock from Henge Docks and a 4K Display from Samsung (U24E590D). Unfortunately there...