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  1. vecgtt

    Automator Encryption

    I am trying to get automator to encrypt a batch of pdfs in folders and then copy over to my gdrive folder to get uploaded to my google drive. Has anyone been able to do this successfully? Thanks
  2. grahamperrin

    HFS-to-APFS dry run succeeded, actual conversion failed, error -69853, boot file not written

    Core Storage encrypted startup volume, upgraded to 17A264c from a pre-release build of 10.12.6. External hard disk drive, limited to USB 2.0 with a MacBookPro8,2. After the upgrade I used Recovery OS Disk Utility to unlock the encrypted volume, then Terminal to perform a dry run of conversion...
  3. B

    Resolved Create login screen message on a machine running FileVault?

    I know that it is possible to create a lock screen message on a machine that is running FileVault, but is it possible to create a login screen message? It seems that this might be tricky since the boot process does not really even begin until a password is entered. Any thoughts?
  4. Thor774

    Shorter encryption time for empty volumes?

    Setting up my external 5TB USB3.0 Time Machine disk I decided to try 2 approaches: 1. First I enabled TM on the empty drive that was formatted with HSF+ (non encrypted). I configured TM to encrypt my backup drive on the go. The total size of my TM backup is more than 3TB and this process was...
  5. Thor774

    Time machine encryption key length and performance

    I am recreating my encrypted TM backup in a new external USB3 disk. Is there any noticeable difference in the performance of the backup between using a 20 characters key length and a 50 characters one? The machine is a MBP 15" 2015 model. Thanks.
  6. neowolfwitch

    Time Machine Encryption Crashing MacBook Pro 2016

    Lots of people reporting issues with Time Machine itself crashing their new MBPs. I can't even run it. I got it to run once, but made the mistake of encrypting the external drive. Every time I login to my Mac- I'm prompted for the encryption password for the drive (even though I saved it on...
  7. M

    iOS How to do the RSA-2048 Encryption in iOS

    Is there any iOS alternative available for below Android Code public static String EncryptString(String value, String mod, String exp) { String strEncryInfoData = ""; try { BigInteger modulus = new color:black">BigInteger(mod, 10); BigInteger pubExp = new...
  8. Joseph C

    How secure is a standard account when FileVault enabled?

    Tomorrow I have agreed to lend my machine to someone and multiple others may use it in the day. I have set it up with a Standard Account because I noticed that since I have FileVault enabled, the Guest Account is a Safari-only account which runs off the recovery partition. Now, while I do trust...
  9. mainemini

    How to burn Windows readable encrypted disk images or PDFs ?

    Our medical office has several Macs including a rarely used Windows VM via VMWare Fusion on one machine and a couple of chromebooks. We prefer to do most of our work on the Macs. We need to send large PDFs of medical records from our online EMR to other offices occasionally. If these are...
  10. stefanvj

    encryption caused faulty external drive

    While my external hard drive was busy encrypting, the cable got disconnected and now it does not want to finish the conversion or allow me to access the drive. what should I do, it has been stuck on 88% for a day? diskutil cs list: CoreStorage logical volume groups (2 found) | +-- Logical...
  11. C

    Time Machine backups over network - encryption in transit?

    I know I can encrypt my Time Machine backups. If I choose that option, are the backups only encrypted at rest (on the disk), or are they are encrypted in transit, too, such as when sending over a network to a Time Capsule or Synology? I ask because I have a Synology sitting here on my desk at...
  12. N

    Universal iOS OTG USB Drive Encryption External Storage

    I bought a usb drive which has a lightning connector on it which connects to my iphone. Are there any apps out there which would encrypt the files and photos stored on the drive that's accessed by my iOS device as well as other devices such as PC/android as it also has a micro usb port in it...
  13. T

    Whatsapp and messenger are wrong!

    While the "fashion" is to have encrypted messages, a new app appear to have it wright. TCHAPPER. It is all about privacy around you. All the messages, notifications and pictures are coded so no one except you can read them, you just need touch id to decode. it has a lot of features but mostly it...
  14. M

    Force Time Machine Disk Encryption

    Is there a place to edit a plist or enforce that anytime you create a Time Machine on a drive it forces the "Encrypt Backup Disk" is checked off? Trying to setup work machines, and want user to be able to use Time Machine but make sure all backup disks are encrypted.
  15. noanker

    iOS Notes - Question regarding locking Notes

    Question: Does locking a Note with a password encrypt it in any way? If encrypted, any idea as to the encryption used? Tried looking quickly on the Apple website for more info but came up empty. Reason behind question: I use Notes to store some ID & passwords and was curious if this is the...
  16. W

    How to get around FileVault and restore my mac

    So I have purchased a Macbook Air on eBay that has FileVault encryption, and I am fully aware that there is no way I can access the information on this mac without the password or the reset key. So my question is this, what procedures will I have to take to get the mac in working order. Is there...
  17. keysofanxiety

    Windows - SysKey

    Hi all, I've had a fair few calls recently from people getting their computers locked down with SysKey. As expected, the passwords are normally 1234 or 12345; completely synonymous with scammers setting this up. However my clients have assured me that nobody has had remote access to their...
  18. djrelentt

    I am in DESPERATE need of HELP! (Boot Camp Problem)

    Hey everyone, I always use Windows 7 on a Boot Camp partition on my MBP. I am running OSK 10.9.5. For some reason I started my Macbook Pro today and my partition was gone. It shows in Disk Utilities but it is greyed out (See image here -...
  19. W

    encrypting partitions

    Hi all, I have questions about two scenarios -computer with one physical hard drive partitioned into three volumes. part1- boot mavericks - FileVault2 turned on part2- empty - encrypted via right click part3- empty - encrypted via right click When I encrypt volumes by right clicking I can...
  20. ommz

    Best file/folder locker for sensitive files?

    Need your opinion guys. I need to lock my sensitive files. Here are the 2 main ones I've tried so far: TitanLock - Folder Lock - Quick comparison Folder lock Larger user base Many say it's more stable Well tested Support for...