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  1. Nos Apps

    Nos Apps was there first Whatsapp!

    The recent announcement that Whatsapp are now providing E2E caused a bit of frustration in the NOS Microsystems office. This is down to the fact that we have been offering E2E in all our messenger apps for years now, and now Whatsapp have come along and have stolen all of our thunder. We felt...
  2. T

    How Secure are Password Protected Notes

    Just how secure are the new password protected notes? Are they separately encrypted?
  3. C

    User-to-user direct video chat, encrypted?

    Hi to all, this is a general question to know if anyone would know about an easy solution that would allow one user to video-chat with another, encrypting the video (mandatory), using a direct connection (for lower latency). Of course, the chosen solution must not rely on any external service...
  4. stylinexpat

    iPhone Photos sync problems with Macbook Pro

    Photos used to sync fine before. I recently encrypted Macbook drive. I have an iPad Mini and an iPhone 6s+ that I sync with my Macbook. The iPad still syncs fine with my Macbook but out of the blues I can not sync photos any more with my Macbook. Usually when I plug in my iPhone via cable to my...
  5. jwestveer

    Do you want a back door on your device?

    Seems like a fair question given the current encryption debate. I wonder if the NSA wants a back door on their secure communications. I wonder if the president or members of congress want a back door on their files and communication. I wonder if the Banks want a back door on their and their...
  6. R

    Will Time Machine encrypt the entire backup disk?

    I want to backup my computer to my NAS (Synology). The hard drive isn't partitioned, but I did create a separate user account for Time Machine so it does not use up all my space. If I chose to encrypt backups - will Time Machine encrypt the whole drive (which I use for other things) or just...
  7. dk001

    Looking for factual information - encryption

    Can anyone point me toward or explain the major differences between encryption in iOS 9 and Android 6? Finding a lot of vague misinformation and very little factual detail. Appreciate any info I can get. Note: On iOS9 I use a passphrase and TouchID. On my Android device I have encryption...
  8. qubex

    El Capitan FileVault / CoreStorage dilemma

    Hello. First of all: I’m running 10.11.2 on a late 2012 MacMini i7 with an internal SSD and an extra “spinning rust” hard drive to serve as Downloads, Photos, Music, and Virtual Machine storage. The latter three partitions are encrypted with FileVault (as, normally, is the main system drive...