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european union

  1. Sophisticatednut

    Apple’s DMA malicious compliance explained.

    Apple is clear that it considers its commission to primarily be a licensing fee for use of its property and services. What legal basis are a developer falling in this category? what service are a developer using? Apple can’t require developer to register for any service? How can a developer have...
  2. Fionnybo

    Basically in the EU but I’m not

    Hi there! We’ll not get too deep into the Irish politics - I live in Northern Ireland, with the Republic of Ireland just 20 minutes away. Northern Ireland is not in the EU, but the Republic is. What would I have to do to get access to the EU specific features? I know they’re controversial, but...
  3. D

    Apple's hypocrisy with app "sideloading"

    I love traveling because it allows me to discover things like this. In China, most apps are WeChat and AliPay "mini-programs", i.e. apps within apps. For example if you want to visit the National Museum, you must buy the tickets throught the National Museum app within the WeChat app. Want a...
  4. ApplesAreSweet&Sour

    Other Saudi Arabia makes USB-C mandatory for electronic devices ahead of iPhone 15

    Now it’s no longer just the E.U. Now we just need some big fines going Apple’s way when they inevitably bastardize it with some new MFi none-sense. We’re probably going to get USB 2.0 speeds from all our current USB-C to USB-C and...
  5. Sophisticatednut

    Other Big Legal news: iMessage and third-party installation is comming

    Hello everyone think it quite relevant to know that EU digital market act was passed in September and the legal document is now available. Such as windows 11 starting to have a crude imessage function is like just the preparations for a fully functional app that enforces imessage will be...
  6. servalpe

    Europe > iPhone X: Delivery Date 21-28 Nov Bumped ??

    Hi from Spain. Trying to have info in Europe about updated delivery dates for 2-3 weeks pre-orders. I still have 21-28 Nov.